"Grandma, Grandpa! Mommy told me to convey Mommy's greetings to you. Mommy hasn't had time to visit you because when they got off the plane, Mommy and Daddy received an important call!" said Shine to his grandparents.

"It's okay, Shine. Let them finish the business they left behind while away. And besides, your daddy must have a lot of work to do because he left yesterday," replied the grandfather.

"Yeah, just let them settle things in peace. After all, your grandpa and I are here to look after you. Uncle Troy is also coming home tonight!" continued the grandmother responded.

"Uncle Troy is coming home? Isn't it three days before he gets home? Why the rush?" Shine asked curiously.

The reason is, Troy just left and advised that he would return after a week of traveling to Bangkok.

"No, your little Uncle will be home tonight after I called him this afternoon," answered Mrs. Andini again.

"Is that about Little Uncle's matchmaking again, Grandma? Wouldn't Uncle Troy get mad at always being set up in such an arrangement?" Shine asked doubtfully and fell sorry for the fate of his uncle.

"No, Shine. I and Grandpa didn't force him. We're just trying to introduce the best woman for him. But, unlike your daddy, if Troy has a woman of his own choice, we won't force him anymore!"

"I and your grandma are old, honey. It's time for us to rest and just see our son happy with their wife and children. Like now, accompanying you two and playing with our grandson. Lifelike this is fun, Shine!" the grandmother smiled happily while talking to Shine while imagining their old age surrounded by cute grandchildren who enlivened their family.

"You're right, Grandma. Hope little uncle finds the best mate!" Shine replied praying for his uncle.

Mrs. Andini was still talking to Shine about Troy when Mr. Bambang approached them and spoke to his wife.

"Honey, the family of the girl we wanted to introduce to Troy said they'd see us tonight. We better head home to get ready!" said Mr. Bambang.

"Then the kids? I don't want to leave Shine and Sunny behind. Look at my little grandson, Sunny still can't laugh happily like before!" answered Mrs. Andini objected.

"Let's just take them to the big house. There's Thunder and the guy beside Sunny after all. They'll take care of our grandson there. How about it? If you agree, I'll ask Sean or Alice's permission now!" asked Mr. Bambang excitedly.

"Yeah, let's take our grandson to our house. Get Sean or Alice's permission first!" replied Mrs. Andini who no longer hesitated.


"How are you, Father-in-law? Sorry, I haven't visited the mansion yet," Alice said over the phone.

It turned out that Mr. Bambang did not want to waste time. He immediately called Alice to ask her permission when the parent's in-laws brought her children to their house.

Don't forget, Mr. Bambang also informed Alice that tonight there will be guests who will get to know their families and also Troy.

Alice didn't take long to make a decision. It would be a shame to have to disappoint her in-laws who miss their grandson so much. There's nothing wrong with allowing Shine and Sunny to come with their grandparents.

After the call with Mr. Bambang ended, Alice immediately pressed the three-way communication button with Thunder and Samuel.

"You guys stay on guard. I have a bad feeling. It's like being watched by an enemy hiding somewhere! Take good care of the kids. I'll be right back when Sean's job is done here!" said Alice seriously and hung up the call.

'Troy's matchmaking? Why so suddenly? Troy hasn't even told me anything yet?' Alice asked herself.

Alice snorted harshly as her mind agitated but Sean was nowhere to be found. And right now, Alice had to be heartened to wait for Sean in the waiting room.

Meanwhile in the meeting room, which was initially filled with a rather relaxed aura, now it turned tense when the man who was a businessman who bought Brawijaya Group shares appeared.

"Good afternoon everyone. Am I late?" said the man who was none other than the one who helped Alice earlier.

"No sir! You are not late at all! Please have a seat, sir!" greeted the other board members very friendly.

However, not so for Sean. Sean's first glance at this man was sharp, like an arrow ready to pierce. But Sean still didn't know what the problem was that made him uneasy when he saw that person.

"How are you? I am Arnold Sanjaya. Nice to meet you, the great Mr. Sean Garendra!" said the mysterious man named Arnold Sanjaya to Sean who was still calm and sharp looking at him.

Arnold's hand, which was hanging in the air, was not left by Sean for long.

Sean shook Arnold's hand politely and firmly.

"I also feel honored to have met Mr. Arnold Sanjaya, a businessman who dared to waste a lot of money just on a stock that was almost destroyed! You are a great and brave man!" Sean praised with a small smile in a polite tone.

"Hahaha, I like people who don't mince words like you, sir! So there's no need for me to inquire about the continuation of the share purchase agreement! Let's just talk about it now. I guess we're too busy to keep stalling for trivial matters like this!" said Arnold directly with a friendly smile.

"I also like directness, Mr. Arnold! Entrepreneurs like us shouldn't waste too much time on deals like this! Profits and losses are common in business. But…" Sean paused for a moment.

"As generous as you are in the eyes of others, not so in my eyes. And what you are doing is a strange thing in my eyes from a businessman's point of view. Incomprehensible and barely able to tell which is a benefactor and which is folly!" said Sean at length with a firm and spicy.

"Or maybe there's a behind-the-scenes player who made your decision, huh?" Sean made all the council present flabbergasted with his truly courageous attitude.

Arnold was still smiling casually as Sean clearly showed his distaste for him.

"Sir Sean! You'd better be more polite to Mr. Arnold. He is our important guest today!" one of the board members interrupted Sean's harsh attitude.

"Polite? This is courtesy! I didn't say anything bad. I'm just conveying my thoughts. Remember, I have the right to think about my actions before making a decision. And that right will be my responsibility if, in the future, this problem of dead assets makes the country experience destruction!" Sean answered firmly.

"Why do you look so wary of me? I only do business by buying state auction assets. I directly help the state's finances to be better. I don't want to buy your family stock, do I? Or do you have other reasons? Why is it so difficult for you to agree to this agreement?" said Arnold calmly.

However, Sean knew very well that Arnold's calm words seemed to seek support from the rest of the council.

"There is not any. I don't have any reason to burden this agreement. I just have a tingling feeling behind all of this because in all my life in business there has never been anything like this. So, I hope you all understand my decision too. Isn't my grace period for thinking still about two weeks away? So, why hurry?"

"Besides, whatever decision I give later will not affect this agreement. One vote can't beat twenty-five absolute votes, right? So, let me think about what I will do if your decision carries a burden in the future!"

"I'm done! Sorry, because I can't give my decision today. Please continue your meeting. I will leave from here. See you later!" Sean said firmly without a smile at everyone in the meeting room there.

Everyone was flabbergasted. However, Arnold smiled sarcastically.

'This stubborn man is true quite a strong opponent. The consideration is mature. Ah, I like it!' thought Arnold so happy that his smile didn't fade when Sean was standing facing him.

Sean hung his hand out to shake Arnold's.

"I'm sorry if I was too harsh on you. But this is how I think. I'm still young, far below you. But I haven't spent my life until now just to waste my parents' wealth. Life has taught me a lot to think carefully before making a decision. I hope you understand, Mr. Arnold!" Sean said calmly to Arnold with a small smile.

"Does not matter! I like a young soul who is decisive and critical thinking like you. No wonder you were elected to one of the country's high councilors at such a young age. And after coming face to face with you, I came to know what a great young man who can win everything like you!" replied Arnold who also smiled calmly.

"Don't praise me too much, sir. Any kind of compliment won't make me melt or hesitate if I don't like the complimenter no matter what!" Sean reminded.