Beep Beep!

Alice's watch rang and she immediately pressed the incoming call button.

"Rose, I forgot to let you know that Eagle Murphy's leader is seen around Asia. His point of existence disappeared when he was in Peninsular Thailand. Be careful! That country is very close to where you are!" Sky said at length and his voice sounded Sean too.

Sean who was listening was suddenly shocked and couldn't adjust the brakes of his car, even though the car had slowed down when he entered the gate and approached the main door of his family's big house.


Sean's car crashed into the back of a car that had just stopped in front of his car, surprising Alice and Sean.

"Rose, is there a problem there?" Sky asked frantically.

"Nothing, Bro! Our car hit a car that stopped in front of us. That's all. Maybe because Sean was shocked to hear from you. I'll call you again, Bro!" Alice answered quickly and ended her call with Sky.

"Why did you break suddenly? Look, we hit that car!" Alice grumbled to Sean.

"No problem with the car. I'm more worried about the news Mr. Sky told you just now!" said Sean seriously.

Meanwhile, the driver in the car that Sean hit was seen getting out of his car.

Troy got out of the car clutching his head which was bruised from the impact.

"Come out!" he said annoyed after knocking hard on Sean's car door.

Sean and Alice came out. Their expressions, which had been serious, laughed in amusement when they saw Troy's forehead which seemed to have a bump.

"You guys are crazy! How can you laugh at me after crashing my car, huh?! What were you guys doing inside that you didn't see a car that big stop?! Gosh!" Troy kept yelling at both of them. However, the two both continued to smile amusedly.

"Never mind… I accidentally hit your car!" Sean said with a smile as he patted Troy on the shoulder.

"Nonsense! You must be making love in there until you don't see my car stop. Confess!" urged the angry but funny-looking Troy.

"Oh my God, honey! Why didn't we just make love inside? We should have done what this stupid man imagined and ruined his car even more!" teased Sean with an innocent look on his face as he spoke to Alice.

"Great idea! We need to try it!" Alice replied, who even entered into Sean's boast to mock her brother-in-law.

"What a crazy couple! As I thought, my life after today will continue to be ridiculed by you guys! Gosh, why did I come home late and have to see the silly faces of those two?" groaned Troy again who didn't know how to reply to the taunts of the two.

"Hey, don't keep nagging like that! You're a guy with a wife soon. Besides, just ask your brother to buy you a new car! Easy, right?" said Alice casually and put her arm around Troy who seemed to be calming his annoyance.

"Great idea! You are indeed the best Sister-in-law, Alice!" Troy replied happily and intended to hug Alice.

It wasn't until he hugged Alice, that his collar was already pulled back by Sean.

"I'll smash your car out of shape if you dare hug my wife!" Sean warned his younger brother who seemed to turn to mock him.

"Destroy it however you want. I don't need it anymore! After all, if I have a wife like Alice, I can buy a fighter plane I want! I don't care about that car anymore!" Troy replied as if he didn't care about his brother's warning.

"Never mind… You are like children!" Alice grumbled to both of them, "Come and hug me, Troy! I missed you too!" Alice called to Troy with a smile.

"Yeah, I won!" Troy winced and immediately hugged Alice.

"Alice! I don't want to share your hugs with him!" Sean whined at Alice.

"Never mind… You can hug me for the rest of your life. Don't be childish, Sean! After all, in the following days, I will not be able to hug my stupid brother-in-law after he gets married. His wife will be jealous and kill me, right?" Alice said to Sean and then turned to Troy who had let go of his arms.

"Can having a wife be that bad huh? I can't even hug my sister-in-law? That's ridiculous! I don't want to get married then!" Troy replied to Alice.

"That's your problem and let go of my wife now!" cut off Sean in reply to Troy who complained as he took his hand off Alice "Don't hug my Alice again! She's mine!" Sean continued as if he was a child who didn't want to share.

"Mommy is ours!" Shine said from in front of the main door. Shine approached with Sunny by his side.

"Yes, you are my real owners. Come here, honey!" Alice replied smiling at her two sons.

Sean quickly grabbed Sunny and carried him. Alice also hugged Shine lovingly.

"Have you guys eaten yet? It's already late, why haven't you put on your nightgown?" Sean asked Sunny.

"Everyone's in there waiting for Mommy, Daddy, and little Uncle. The food has just been served too," Sunny answered innocently.

"Really? Has the guest arrived?" Troy asked Shine as he heard Sunny speak.

"Yes, they have come and are waiting for you to come home, Uncle. They have been here since half an hour ago!" Shine answered honestly.

"What crazy family would want to set their daughter on a stupid man like you?" asked Sean who again made fun of his little brother.

"Nonsense! I'm an established man now. And I'm even richer than you now!" Troy replied smugly and then replaced with laughter.

"Never mind, let's just go in! It's no good to keep other people waiting!" take Alice and mediate a verbal argument between Sean and Troy.

When everyone was inside, Samuel stopped Alice.

"Boss, I feel strange with the guest inside!" said Samuel to Alice.

"What's so strange? Don't jump to other people's conclusions, Sam! Have you talked to Thunder? Hasn't he been with you all day?" Alice asked while calming Samuel's suspicions.

"Enough, Boss! And Boss Thunder also has the same premonition as me. He's still inside to keep an eye on that person's movements," Samuel replied again.

"Even Thunder too? Who has come to this house? Wasn't the guest that came the family of the girl Troy was going to be matched with?" Alice spoke confusedly.

"That's true, Boss. They were the family of the girl Mr. Troy was about to introduce. But that person named Arnold Sanjaya makes me uneasy!" replied Samuel again.

"Arnold Sanjaya?!" Alice asked as she widened her eyes and went straight in to see for herself.

Alice's steps stopped when she saw Sean standing frozen at the sight of the person in front of them at this time.

"That man? H-him?" Alice stammered in disbelief.

Alice came closer and touched Sean's shoulder until Sean turned to her.

"Why, dear? Do you know that person too?" Sean asked calmly and his eyes were fixed on Alice's strange expression.

"He's the man I spoke of earlier. A strange man who helped me when I almost fell," Alice answered without taking her eyes off Arnold Sanjaya who was seen having a friendly conversation with her two parents-in-law.

"Are we thinking the same, honey? This man is very suspicious!" Sean asked with the same eyes on Arnold Sanjaya.

"Alice! Sean! Hurry up here and sit down. What are you standing there for?" call Mrs. Andini to both of them.

Sean gripped Alice's hand tightly and nodded slightly as if giving a 'Let's see what that person looks like!'

Alice and Sean moved closer to the sofa where everyone was sitting. Alice is seen giving her mother-in-law a hug then sitting in the middle of Shine and Sunny.

When the two of them got a friendly look and smile from Arnold, Alice and Sean just nodded and smiled back.

"How are you, Mr. and Mrs. Garendra? We meet again tonight, hahaha!" Arnold said with a friendly laugh.

"Do you and Mr. Sanjaya already know each other? I even forgot to tell you that our guests are Mr. Sanjaya and his daughter, hahaha!" Mr. Bambang continued the conversation casually.

"Yes, I met Mr. Sanjaya earlier at the office, Dad. And I was surprised to see him in this house as a guest," Sean replied calmly, "and again, I also thank you, sir, for giving my wife a small favor. On another occasion I will repay you!" continued Sean without hesitation.

"No, don't be like that, Mr. Garendra. I give help spontaneously. I am grateful to have met such a beautiful and great woman like Mrs. Alice Garendra. And I'm lucky to have the opportunity to be a guest at this great family home, hahaha!" Arnold answered Sean's calm remark very casually.

"Thank you for the compliment, sir. But, I don't want to hear other people's praises about my wife anymore. Sorry, that sounds too much, but that's how I am!" Sean spoke calmly and seriously after hearing Arnold praise Alice in front of him.