At that time his wife was seen dressed as a street busker. Unbeknownst to Arnold, his wife is a powerful woman in the streets.

Since the opponent was a female, Arnold felt capable of disturbing her. Arnold took the money from busking that his wife got to buy a packet of bread to support the stomach that had not been filled with food for two days.

Arnold did not think that his wife was a street thug who controlled the surrounding streets. So do not be surprised if the money from busking she gets more than buskers or other street beggars.

Arnold was beaten badly by his wife. However, the young woman felt sorry for Arnold, who admitted that he did it because he was hungry.

The young woman left after beating Arnold and came back with a packet of rice for Arnold to eat. Their relationship became close after each other exchanged stories about their lives.

Until the young couple has an interest in each other. They decided to continue together without a marriage relationship. Even after Mona was born.

They only made their marriage official after they were in a better standard of living when they met Mona's mother's brother, Damian.

"That's the story of my life when I first met BroJaya and also your mommy, dear. Now, do you know why I brought you here instead of living in Canada?"

"I have to pay for Bro Jaya's kindness by helping him when he is in trouble like now. Taking care of Helena when her father couldn't do it when her mother died like your mommy, then we are the only Helena family left," said Arnold, smiling at his daughter who had understood their relationship with Helena.

"So what does this all have to do with the Garendras, Dad?" asked Mona again.

"Helena likes Sean but Sean doesn't get a good look at your cousin. Even though they're engaged. Sean loves his wife more than anything," explained Arnold, "you've seen Sean's wife, haven't you? Isn't Alice an attractive woman?" he continued asking.

"Yes, I've seen what Mr. Sean's wife is like. She's a woman with a strong aura, but she has an easygoing demeanor. Did you know, Dad? I noticed her piercing gaze on you. Have you two had a relationship or known each other before?" asked Mona again.

Arnold shook his head with a small smile.

"We just met by accident in Sean's office before. We're all meeting them for the first time. But why are they being so strict with me? It's because of their sharp instincts!"

"They're not ordinary people, Mona. Maybe they know that I'm plotting something against them. But it's not time for you to know who and what Alice is. Right now all you have to consider is Helena's story with the family," Arnold closed the short story about Alice hidden.

"Helena is the third person between Sean and his wife's relationship. Why can I conclude this? That's because I saw the couple looking at each other with love, Dad," said Mona.

"And because Helena's love was not reciprocated, Helena justified a bad way by using her baby to incriminate Sean. And unfortunately, Bro Jaya was also involved in helping his daughter's plan," Arnold replied, revealing the facts.

"And Mr. Sean avenged them by destroying Brawijaya. Uncle Jaya is in prison, while Helena is homeless. Am I right, Dad?" Mona asked after concluding.

"You're right, dear. Sean destroyed the Brawijaya family until they are have nothing like now. Helena was thrown into a mental hospital for trying to harm her baby and the people around her. My sister-in-law died because she couldn't stand the pain of life, and your uncle was arrested for abuse of power in the government and that's Sean's report. So, am I wrong if your uncle asks me to avenge his hurt?" asked Arnold glumly with his head down.

"You're not wrong if you only want to help Uncle. But not for his revenge. We have absolutely no grudge against them, Dad. This complicated matter is only between Garendra and Brawijaya, not Sanjaya! I can only beg you to think more about your decision, Dad!" Mona said firmly until her father's facelifted again.

"So what's your decision, Mona?" Arnold asked his beloved daughter.

"I don't want to take part in the revenge of Uncle Jaya's family and his daughter. And I hope you can also make a firm decision. Bring back the company and the glory of Barawijaya, then you have paid the debt of gratitude that you have always remembered. After that, give back what belongs to Uncle Jaya, and let Uncle find a solution to the problem on his own. I don't want my daddy to be ruined like Uncle Jaya for looking for trouble with the Garendra family!" Mona spoke at length about her decision.

Even though Mona was just a young woman who had felt a little attraction to Troy. Not because of defending the Garendra family, but Mona still tried to think clearly. And advised Arnold to think a thousand times before getting into Brawijaya's revenge plan. And that attitude is part of her obligations as a daughter.

"Okay, dear. I've listened to your answers and suggestions. Please leave me and let me think for myself," said Arnold to his daughter who immediately came out of her father's study.

"I have listened to my daughter's answer, sir. And she even advised you to avoid grudges between you two. You may not understand clearly, what we are talking about in our language. But, what I'm telling you right now is the truth."

"Don't you think about your own nephew's fate if I keep helping you plan that terrible thing?" Arnold seemed to be talking to someone.

Damian had been in the same room as Arnold and Mona.

"I told you, didn't I? Focus on revenge on the Garendra family by reviving the Brawijaya company. But you fool! You even included your daughter in our plans," Damian spoke calmly with a look in Arnold's eyes intently.

"I just meant to introduce Mona to Troy, because I know Mona often looks at Troy from the television with a smile. What father doesn't know that his daughter is in love? I know Mona likes the guy and I'm just trying to bring my daughter's happiness closer!"

"I thought after I introduced Troy to her and I told her about Brawijaya's revenge, Mona would follow this revenge plan. But it's not. She even advised me to stay professional and not to interfere with the grudges between you guys. Isn't my Mona very nice, sir? She looks just like Sarah and so much different from you!" Arnold said sadly. Making fun of the fact that seemed ridiculous to him.

Arnold is just a father who wants to make his only daughter happy by finding the best man for a good future.

Arnold is just a younger brother who has lived half of his life with Jaya's help and kindness. And after things turn around, he must repay Jaya who needs his help.

Arnold is also just a brother-in-law who is asked for help by Damian who is a fugitive from the mafia. Even though Arnold knew that Damian was a very dangerous mafia as his wife used to say. However, Arnold still helped him by calculating his gratitude for helping him take care of Sarah when she was sick.

Now Arnold is at the crossroads of decisions, between his return and his daughter.

And Damian? Was Damian going to give up his revenge on Rose? Of course not!

Rose is the key to his success to avenge the Black Dragon.

If Rose dies, the Garendra family will also be destroyed and Black Jack will be weak, especially after Lion is gone.

Apart from Lion, who used long-range combat on a large scale, Rose was also the second threat as an enemy that Damian should take into account.

Rose is now the leader of a mafia group who is respected on par with the Black Dragon after Death Rose became an ally of the International army in the field of weapons.

Of course, if Rose died at Damian's hands, the mafia empire in America would be snatched away from Jack. Damian could also monopolize the arms trade around the world at will.

Then, what about the fate of Arnold who became his pawn in revenge? Or also the feelings and happiness of Mona, his niece?

Damian flashed a sly smile as he silently spoke.

'To hell with your happiness. You are just a weak human who only understands love. What is love? I don't care about any of that at all! You are just stupid humans who don't understand the true meaning of life!'

'Life is just winning and losing! Winning is the ruler who has everything. And losing is a choice that falls on losers like you! But don't worry, I still need your help a little more. So, just enjoy what you want!'

Damian spoke slyly in his heart dan looked down at Arnold who was only a pawn for him.

"Okay, I'll just take a look from behind. It's up to you what you want to do!" said Damian who immediately left casually from Arnold's study.