C10 Conflict

Mu Qingya drove in a lightning speed, passing through the Kuajiang Bridge in just a blink of an eye.

After passing through the Kuajiang Bridge, and not long after heading to the west, the car entered a mountainous road. Meng Ran certainly recognized this place, it was the Xiufeng Mountain. Every year around November, the mountains and plains would be flooded with fiery maple leaves, making them look magnificient.

Visitors were allowed to visit the foot of the Xiufeng Mountain. As for the mountainside, visitors were not allowed to enter.

This was because there were two well-known places here. One was the sanatorium that Meng Ran visited in his past life, and the other was the largest villa in Jiangzhou - The second villa of Qing Xiu.

Mu Qingya drove all the way into the mountain and stopped in front of an antique-looking courtyard.

"This is the sanatorium set up by Jiangbei Military District in Jiangzhou. My grandfather is in poor health condition and started recuperating here half a year ago. Later, follow me in but don't look around. Those who can recuperate here must be at least at the level of an official or above. So, don't cause any trouble," Mu Qingya reminded him seriously.

Meng Ran responded with a nod. In his past life, he was really shocked when he heard what Mu Qingya said.

Level of an official or above? Meng Ran had only seen them on television series. What shocked him even more was Mu An's identity, an old general who had participated in the resistance against the United States. He had heard from Mu Qingya that Mu An, who was the commander at that time, had even fought with the king of the special forces in the United States.

Mister Mu An was the well-known Old General from Jiangbei who had given the title of "Fearless General".

Furthermore, Meng Ran really admired this hero who protected the country.

The scenery in the nursing home wasn't bad and the trees made a pleasant shade. Meng Ran also saw several nurses in white helping the old people to enjoy the afterglow of the setting sun.

After that, Meng Ran followed Mu Qingya along the straight corridor, and when they reached the second floor, Meng Ran heard a loud noise. Although it was noisy, it was not too loud. At least, only the people in the ward could hear it. However, after Meng Ran cultivate the Body Tempering Art, his body functions were greatly enhanced. As he walked along the corridor, he could clearly overhear the conversation in the ward.

"Since all of you have understood Old General Mu's condition thoroughly, we must think of a way to treat his illness as soon as possible. This is related to the reputation of Jiangzhou's medical world! If we're unable to cure Old General's illness this time, I'm not the only one who's going to lose my position as dean. Even all of you, the department directors have to be demoted!"

Zhong Changqing, the dean of Jiangzhou People's Hospital, knocked on the coffee table a few times with his finger as his anxious eyes swept across everyone's faces. However, this group of attending physicians, who were usually omnipotent, lowered their heads in shame and dare not look him into the eyes.

"Trash! All of you are trash! Liu Zhiyuan, what are you looking at? These people in your hospital are trash! If we can't cure Old General this time, not only our hospital will be in trouble, all of you won't be able to escape the consequences either!"

As the hospital dean of Jiangzhou Central Hospital, Liu Zhiyuan was being scolded by Zhong Changqing with sputter all over his face. He then immediately said in anger," Zhong Changqing, don't make a big fuss here. If it wasn't for your Godly Doctor Faang Jianguo's messy treatment last night, Old General wouldn't have fallen into a coma now. I think your hospital should pay full responsibility for it! Don't even think about throwing the responsibility to us!"

As soon as he said that, the attending physicians of the two top-tier hospitals went into an argument. The scene was chaotic, yet no one could come up with a way to cure Old General Mu.

"As for Elder Mu's illness, even the best doctors in the United States can't do anything about it. Naturally, all of you can't do it too," Meng Ran thought to himself and followed Mu Qingya to the entrance of the ward.

Mu Qingya then opened the door and Meng Ran was surprised to see that the ward, which was supposed to be spacious, was crowded with people.

The doctors in the white coat, the department directors in a suit, more than twenty people were in the room.

"Miss Mu, you're back. This is?" Everyone naturally noticed Meng Ran behind Mu Qingya. Everyone stared at this young man who looked like a student with a puzzled expression. Although he looked handsome, the ward was already in such chaos, why did you bring a student over? Did you bring him over to cause more trouble for us?

Faang Jianguo, who looked anxious, stood at the side with messy hair. When he heard the dean's voice, he couldn't help but lifted his head and ask in surprise, "It's you?"

Faang Jianguo thought to himself, "This kid... Wasn't he the one from the Kuajiang Bridge last night? Could it be that she wants this kid to give Old General treatment? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! If that was really the case, Mu Qingya must definitely be crazy!"

Mu Qingya gritted her teeth and said, "Everyone, this is the one I've invited to treat my grandfather. His name is Meng Ran."

"What? Asking a child to treat Old General Mu?"

"Judging from his age, he should still be in school. I'm afraid he can't even differentiate the organs in the human body. Are you sure he knows how to treat illnesses?"

"I think he's just an intern in a medical department at most! He definitely hasn't graduated yet!

Faang Jianguo looked at Mu Qingya, who had a serious look on her face, and thought, "This is insane! This woman is either insane or retarded!

Even the old dean, Zhong Changqing, frowned, pointing at Meng Ran unhappily, and asked, "Miss Mu, are you serious? Do you think that an illness that even elite physicians like us can't cure can be cured by a child?"

Even Dean Liu Zhiyuan, who had always been on bad terms with Zhong Changqing, agreed with him and said in a serious manner, "Miss Mu, this matter must not be neglected. Treating an illness is not a child's play. Once something goes wrong, even a Divine Immortal will not be able to reverse the situation."