"O ... okay, Ms. I'll give when you get it," replied Nana half nervously. Getting ten million just by asking the boss's number, it's a lot of fun work.

Nana hurriedly left, as Soo Jun began to approach her. It is best to be away from Soo Jun when Wujin is around. Because if not, Wujin will know if Soo Jun brought her here to pretend to be her boyfriend.

"Soo Jun, are you coming?" Wujin asked.

Soo Jun, which was about to get closer to Nana, stopped, looking for Nana's whereabouts, who had disappeared somewhere.

"Who did you come with?" Wujin asked again.

Soo Jun glanced at Wujin, then he looked straight at the sight in front of him.

"With my lover," he replied lightly.

Wujin looks surprised at the narrative, but she tries to be calm.

"Where's your girlfriend?" she asked again.

Soo Jun points to the spot where Nana lost with his chin.

"Over there," Soo Jun replied. About to take a step, but Gery pulled his hand.

"Yes, I want to speak," he said.

Wujin, who knows that Gery and Soo Jun want to talk about something important, chooses to leave.

"You're crazy, aren't you?" said Gery after watching Wujin leave.

Soo Jun furrowed his brows, looking at Gery with a confused look.

"You told my friends that Nana is your girl?"


Gery laughed at the Soo Jun question as if the Soo Jun question was a very funny thing.

"You don't have to lie to me, I already know the truth. Nana already told me," said Gery again.

Soo Jun was silent, noting Gery who was now circling him. Then stopped, and crossed his arms right in front of him.

"So when will this drama finish? Because Nana has been my target for a long time,"

"You mean?" asked Soo Jun at last.

"I want to make Nana my girlfriend, Soo Jun."

Hearing that statement, Soo Jun was silent again. And he really didn't know something was starting to get weird in his heart. Gery, who saw his cousin's flat expression, returned to examine his cousin, pulled an eyebrow, and laughed again.

"You don't have a crush on her, do you? You don't think Nana is a special beauty in your heart, do you?" investigated Gery. Which is only ignored by Soo Jun. Soo Jun chose to go in search of Nana's existence which had been missing from him for a long time.

While on the other hand, Nana looked shocked, when she saw Mr. Heng standing in front of her with disdain. Then he pulled Nana's hand aside, looking for a place away from the crowd.

"What do you want to do! Don't you dare touch me!" snapped Nana, starting to get emotional.

Mr. Heng is the mastermind behind all of her unlucky life. If only Mr. Heng hadn't teased her and harassed her first. Surely she is still working safely and peacefully.

"You got fired from the company, reportedly moved to a GH Group company, huh? Become a secretary? Looks like you're smart now to take advantage of your body, huh."


"I didn't expect it, yes, it turns out that your brain is as disgusting as your face!" Nana said starting to get emotional.

Mr. Heng laughed instead, he immediately grabbed Nana's hand and then squeezed Nana's body.

"Come on, I just wanted this one time,"

Bukk !!

Nana was shocked when Mr. Heng's body suddenly collapsed. Her eyes widened to see Soo Jun was already there. Pulled Nana's hand, and carried Nana's body in her arms.

"Dare you touch my lover, I will cut your hand," he hissed. Then asked Nana to leave the room.

"Who?" asked Soo Jun at last, after the two of them sat back down at their table.

"Mr. Heng, my former boss," Nana explained. "I left the company because I was almost raped by bad batteries like him. But he accused me of embezzling company money. Tch!" she growled.

Soo Jun takes Nana mineral water so that the secretary can drink it. Calm for a moment his irritating thoughts.

"Is anyone sick?" asked Soo Jun again.

Nana was silent for a moment at the strange question. Then she quickly shook her head.

"No ...," she said. It was strange when she called her boss without the word 'sir', but Soo Jun seemed to be paying close attention to Nana. "Can I have the cell phone number?" she asked carefully. Soo Jun was just silent, didn't respond to Nana's words, and that succeeded in making Nana nervous. "You see--"

"I've missed your number call," said Soo Jun later.

Nana was immediately excited. Ten million wages she would really get right now. Then, she tried to find Wujin's whereabouts. Apparently, Wujin seemed to be sitting with Gery and friends.

"Fruit?" bargain Soo Jun.

Nana shook her head, unconsciously she opened her mouth when Soo Jun fed her. Later, she looked back at Soo Jun with an awkward feeling.

'This is part of the dating drama, right?' Nana asked herself. For then she smiled bitterly while scratching the nape of her neck.

"Can I meet Gery for a moment?" asked Nana, who succeeded in getting Soo Jun to stop his activity of feeding Nana.

But Soo Jun was still silent, he didn't say anything. Until Nana stood up feeling ecstatic. Looked at Nana who seemed familiar with Gery, and saw Gery looking to embrace Nana.

Soo Jun smiled, he sipped some of the wine that had just been served by the hotel maid. Then, Soo Jun's eyes noticed that Gery seemed to be feeding Nana with some alcoholic drinks. Soo Jun can guess how this will happen next. Gery will definitely take Nana to book a room and make love until morning.

Soo Jun stood up, then stepped out of the hotel and stood there. He didn't get in the car, nor did he do anything. Apart from actually standing looking straight at the hotel door.

"Mr. Han, where is Ms. Kim?" asked Chen Min when he saw his boss leaving the hotel.

"Drink, with Gery," replied Soo Jun. Which still looks so calm.

"Didn't you bring Ms. Kim home? What will you do with Mr. Han later on," Chen Min said, looking worried. He knew the nature of his boss's cousin, who would do crazy things with beautiful women.

"Nana came to Gery herself," replied Soo Jun again. Remembering how happy Nana was when she wanted to meet Gery. Again Soo Jun took a deep breath, then stepped away from the hotel door. While stretching his tie, Soo Jun seemed to lean his body in the car. Somehow, his head suddenly hurt.

"Nana, I can take you home,"

"I don't want to! I want to go home with Soo Jun!" Nana's scream succeeded in making Soo Jun turn his head.

He saw Gery trying to embrace Nana, but was pushed over by Nana. Nana is walking unsteadily which makes Soo Jun worry that Soo Jun is finally approaching, while he looks at Nana and Gery as his arms crossed.

"Time for Nana to come home," said Soo Jun at last.

He grabbed Nana's hand but was pushed over by Gery. Gery's gaze looked displeased, his eyes sharpened like a tiger that didn't want to lose its prey.

"Let me wait, Soo Jun. You can go home first,"

"Currently Nana is still my lover. So I should be the one who drove her home."

Gery be silent, as Soo Jun pulls Nana to leave. Embrace him very possessively, then get into the car. Soo Jun observes that the woman who has now leaned on her shoulder is apparently very drunk.