63 Trap -3

"A...let's go to the front of the HRD room, let's see if Mr Han is really alone in the palace or not," with hurried steps the two immediately left the cafeteria. Because both of them don't want their words to make Nana angry.

      "Nana, are you all right?" asked Fang Yin, who had seen Nana glaring at the two employees who were talking about his girlfriend. "Nana!"

      "They bastard!" bursts Nana in the end. "How dare they gossip about my boyfriend, Fang Yin? She said my boyfriend and Wujin were alone in the HRD room?" Nana then smiled wryly. Quickly packed up the files on the desk.

      "Eh, uh... where are you taking me?" asked Fang Yin, when Nana had grabbed her arm.

      "Follow me to the HRD room!"

      "Eh but, I haven't paid for our food!"

      "Debt first!"

      "Eh... oy, Nana! Nana! Slow down!" shrieked Fang Yin which she stumbled and pulled by Nana to the HRD room.