Freaking Ants!

"Tell me more about the system." I said, but I was muffled since my face was still in my Doll's chest. She snickered playing with my hair, it was also down like hers.

[Both of you share every other system function besides the sign-in function]

"Let's see the other functions."

[Status: Shows the user their status and basic information about themselves]

[Sign-In: Sign-In has a cooldown of 24 hours, when used the user will gain one thing. It can be anything from items, to skills, and powers. What you gain can depend on where you sign in, it is not guaranteed to get something related to that place. Ex: If you sign-in in a forest you can gain a plant, fruit, or even a map of that forest but it's not guaranteed]

[Inventory: The inventory is an infinite space where time is frozen. Living things can not be placed inside]

[Dream Land: Your own personal pocket dimension only you and those you allow can enter]

I went through all the information making just to make sure, and yeah, everything seemed simple to me. I knew Rachel was doing the same while playing with my hair. I didn't mind though.

"Show the status for both of us."


[Name: Jinx Melanie Anastasiya]


[Age: 15]


[Race: Human]

[Level: 0]


[Strength: Tier 2] | [Agility: Tier 2]

[Defense: Tier 3] | [Stamina: Tier 2]

[Intelligence: Tier 5] | [Mind: Tier 5]

(Average Tiers of human if 3)





[Passive Skills:]




[Name: Rachel Yelena Anastasiya]


[Age: 15]


[Race: Human]

[Level: 0]


[Strength: Tier 1] | [Agility: Tier 2]

[Defense: Tier 1] | [Stamina: Tier 2]

[Intelligence: Tier 7] | [Mind: Tier 6]





[Passive Skills:]


"Why do we have levels?"

[Your sign-in system fused with the system from this world. Inside of stat points, you have tiers that can be raised by training. If you are strong enough you can level up, when that happens you will have to fulfill some requirements to fully level up. When you do you can gain something from a class to a race evolution, or even an item]

"Are the levels the same as people from this world?"

[No. Your levels and the levels of other people are far apart]

I hummed closing my eyes. I felt Rachel tap my cheek making me open my eyes, I moved my face from her chest and looked at her.

"Hey, we are in a dungeon, right? If that's the case, which county are we in?"

"Zero clue, we'll find out when we leave." I said with a shrug. It didn't matter where we were to me. As long as it's nice. If we can get a comfortable place to stay when I'll be happy. We will obviously have access to the dungeons so that'll be good for training.

"How do we get to level one?" I asked sitting up a bit.

[You need at least 3 stats to be tier 10]

I looked at Rachel. She looked at me and tilted her head wondering why I wasn't speaking and just staring at her. It took her a while to get the message but she smiled brightly when she did. Rachel turned around still between my legs, her back pressed against my chest. My arms wrapped around her leaning in.

Rachel put a fist in front of her mouth. "Ahem. Sign-in!" She threw her arms up and I burst into laughter. I kissed her cheek making her smile.

[Congratulations! You have successfully been signed into: E-Rank Dungeon F1 (Earthen Ants Forest). You have gained: Sword (Grade: White)]

"Huh." I said getting up. It would be useful since we didn't have any weapons and we were in a dungeon. Now I also know what type of monsters to expect and what floor we are on. I had no clue what country we are in but we'll find out, I'm kinda hoping it's a high-level city though. If it is that means resources with higher value, and better places for the sign-in.

Rachel stood next to me looking around the forest "So, are we going to explore?"

"Well, we are going to look for the obelisk and get out. We'll explore while looking, Doll."


Sometime Later

We explored the forest for a while, and I mean a WHILE. We encountered a few ants around the forest but decided to avoid them, most of them were very big. The smallest ones I saw came up to our waist. We weren't that tall in all fairness though, like five toot four. Maybe slightly shorter.

Rachel and I were sitting on a tree branch looking at a black tower with green lights. It was in the middle of the forest from what I've seen, around the tower is a clearing. There were many, and I mean MANY ants around it. Most of them were bigger than us!

I wondered if we could look at their status since some of our system is from this world. I didn't cheek before because we were avoiding the monsters so I didn't think to check. Might as well try.

[Ant LVL 19 - Empowered]

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 18 - Empowered]

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 20 - Empowered]

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 20 - Empowered]

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 18 - Empowered]

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 20 - Leader - Empowered]

"Fuuuuuuuck." I whispered under my breath seeing this. Good news- it freaking worked. Bad news- the bloody monsters are too strong for us. We could maybe sneak our way to the panel and get out of here but if that's too risky. We at least need to make a distraction of some kind to at least lure away a half of them.

Rachel hugged my arm leaning on my shoulder. "Sleepy." She mumbled in a low tone. I looked at her and frowned a bit. I stood up and took her in a princess carry and hopped off the branch. Rachel put her face in my neck wrapping her arms around me.

I wanted to fight some of the ants so I was going to put her somewhere safe to sleep. I didn't want her near the tower while I'm not there, plus we are very weak right now. After a bit of time, I found a huge tree a good ways away from the obelisk but not too far.

And I mean it was a HUGE tree. I was very sure I would be able to see most of the floor from the top of it. Near that tree was a small cave, I made sure there were no monsters inside and rested Rachel inside. I should be back before she wakes up and I didn't see any ants near here so she should be okay.

Although this was the case, I was going to look for monsters as close to here as possible. You can never be too safe. I kneed down and kissed her forehead before leaving, making sure to put a bed of vines in the entrance to block the light. Then I was off.

A Bit Of Time Later

"Finally." I muttered looking down at an ant that reached my ankle. It had taken me a bit of time to find one that wasn't too high level.

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 2 - Empowered]

"Well, it'll do." I said looking down at it from a tree branch. I took the sword from the inventory and jumped down landing a bit away from it. It turned to me and growled a bit.

I pushed my lips dashing forward. The ant slammed its front legs into the ground making it ruble a bit. Three average-sized pieces of stone broke off from the ground floating in the air before shooting toward me.

When the first one was close, I dodged it moving to the side a bit. I held the sword with one hand slashing forward destroying the second piece. The third missed me completely flying into a tree.

I stopped sliding on the ground holding the sword overhead. When I was in front of it I brought the sword down piercing through its head. It moved around a bit before falling limb onto the ground. I groaned letting out a breath of relief.


[Ant eyes ×1]

[Ant Stinger ×1]

[Ant Antenna ×2]

Good, now I know I can also use this function as well. I'm very curious about how many things we can access pertaining to the system from this world. I was about to step forward to leave but something hit my shoulder, and it hurt quite a bit.

"Ow!" I scream turning around quickly, only to see another ant.

[Earth Elemental Ant LVL 3 - Empowered]

I gritted my teeth and glazed at my shoulder, there was a bit of blood but not that much. I held the sword and dashed forward. The ant's feet dug into the ground, they raised creating a wall of dirt and stone. I didn't slow down, instead, I sped up leaping over the wall land next to the ant.

The sword switched within my grip and I slashed upwards cutting it in half. Holding onto my knees, my hands trembled a bit. "What a-" But, I wasn't able to finish because a piece of stone collided with my stomach throwing me back.

Luckily it wasn't enough for me to lose my footing though. My head raised and my other hand held my stomach. I saw quite a few ants, maybe ten to fifteen.

"I see. So they work kinda like normal ants, when you see one you a bound to see more nearby, or when one dies others will come. This might take a while."