Chapter 1:Leaving for school

          Hey,Be happy.

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        It was a beautiful morning in the town of caresona. A young girl can be seen on a bed in a room that portrays femininity. Her fine hair sprawled all over her pillow covering her Petite and beautiful face. A ray of sunlight has found its way into the room through a crack in the curtain because of the wind.

      *Klinng* *klinng* *klinng* *klingg*...

Her alarm went off disturbing her pretty sleep.

     "Urgggh, where the hell is the alarm" She said annoyingly with a sleepy voice after tapping everwhere within her hand reach  . 

She took a pillow to cover her visible ear to prevent the alarm noise reaching her ears and that was an epic fail. .

"Tsk" she woke up and sat on the bed feeling annoyed at nothing or nobody in particular.

"Hailey dear are you awake" Her granny, popularly known as Auntie Kate called her from the living room.

"Your school is  reopening today and you are still not awake? Auntie Kate added.

"Coming Grandma" She said after cooling down her anger. Descending from the bed she entered the bathroom and did her normal morning routine. 

"Good morning granpa,good morning grandma" 

She said to both her grandparents and sat on her her dinning chair ready for breakfast.

"Good morning honey, how was your night" 

" I'm still sleepy gramps and my night was not okay"she said like the spoiled brat that she was with her head on the dining table waiting for Auntie Kate to come with breakfast from the kitchen.

   "It will be fine,you can sleep during your journey to  school okay."

" I know gramps but is sucks"

" Come help with the dishes dear"Her grandma called from the kitchen.

" Okay"She said and stood up.

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"Have you packed everything honey" Mr.Dankwa said to her . 

" Yes gramps"

".. and what about your book that was on the coffee table. Make sure not to get into a fight and call us through the phone booth when you need anything. Don't make bad friends that will influence..

'urrg here comes the lectures again she said rolling her eyes in her head. . They say the same thing  everytime.

*Ring * * ring*.

    "Hello Alice,are you there already?.Okay wait for me at the train station I will be there.wait what??!.. okay take care."

" That was Alice,She said the train has already taken off so I've got to wait for the next one which will probably be here in like 30minutea time" 

"It's Okay honey,the taxi will reach the train station in like 2 minutes so you can relax" Mr. Dankwa, her granpa tried to console her.


A grown woman snores..

They can hear someone snoring so loudly in the same car they are in.

Who could it be..

Auntie wonder..

*Screech* The taxi came to a halt at the train station.

"Can you please help me with my bag at the trunk?. I asked the driver politely. "Wake up grandma, we're here," "where" she asked with eyelids half oprned.

" The train station" " Oh yeah, I'm coming out" She said doing her granny things before coming out of the taxi. 

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"Boarders of train number 04562 should please take their seats.The train will take off after two minutes" The train station officers announced.

"Gramps,granny.I will miss you both so much" Hailey said tearing up so badly not excluding her grandparents.

"We will miss you too little pumpkin" They said wiping their tears after a long hug.

"Passenger number 32 is not  seated.please board the bus if you are around thank you."He announced .That was Hailey's seat number.

"Bye honey,remember to pray and read your Bible everyday, everywhere" Her grandma yelled behind her" okay"a tiny voice could be heard clearly disappearing.

"She has grown so fast" Granpa Dankwa said staring at the disappearing figure of their precious one.

"Surprisingly, Time flies very fast" Auntie replied and they left.

Cry if you get the urge to.A little tears won't hurt.

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    A car came to a halt infront of a giant gate of a school.A petite figure of a sweet and gentle soul stepped out carefully with her cute backpack and suit case.She wheeled her traveler with one hand and the 0ther hand one on the her backpack.

*Flip flap* *flip flap* *flip flap*...

Her little footsteps can be heard.She was literally almost running beacause she have to be present for morning gathering for all students living in the school's boarding house.

Since it was the beginning of a new semester, it is a must to be present to know if the school have any changes to make.

"You are finally here Hailey. What took you so long" Her friend Alice said looking anxious.

"I needed to join the next train and we had a little mechanical problem on the way.Hope no important announcement has been made already" "They are changing dormitories buddy and i pray they put us in one dormitory"

" Why will they do that,do they have to change dormitories every semester...urgg' this is becoming old and obnoxious"

" Your new dormitories numbers have been displayed on the school's notice board and watsapp platform.Do well to check them and tell your friends who aren't present today to prepare for their one week weeding punishment.Form 2a,be expecting a new mathematics teacher tomorrow because Mr . Ibrahim have been transferred to a different school.You  may disperse" The principal, Mr. Anderson said and ended his announcement. 

"Hailey quick let's go and check ours.I really am anxious babe" Alice said literally shaking to the core.

You might be wondering what's going on with her,

It's because she is suffering from anxiety and have grown attached to Hailey.Hailey have become a pillar for her apart from her family.

"Relax Alice.Breathe in..and and out.."

They did that for  a minute and started moving when she was stable.

"Somebody please give us way please,we cant see please" Alice said with her gentle voice trying to earn pity from them but that was an epic fail because her fake discomfort screams fell on dead ears...

"Urgggh" she groaned"Let's sit on the nearby lovers bench and wait for the kids to finish satisfying their curiosity" she said almost crying.

" Oh, so you mean to say you are an adult. You can't even stretch you damn neck and here you are ranting and bragging"Hailey replied her feeling amused at her sarcastic friend's remark.

"Hailey don't tell me you are supporting them" "well, I would have supported you if you were less sarcastic but unfortunately .. "

" What happened to friends supporting friends you traitor.."She said fuming with smokes coming out of her ears. 

"Hailey say,why do you think Mr.Ibrahim was transferred?...or was he caught of what he has been doing"Alice,the gossip monger started letting her imagination run wild.

"What has he been doing" Hailey said ,her insterest been piqued by her words.

"Are you really in the school with us Hailey?.Have you not heard about him screwing female students on campus?.Even this Selena girl in our class was a victim and he threatens them after the deed is done..that he will fail them if they tell on him"She said in one breathe since gossiping is her favorite thing to do.

"Really Ali,I haven't heard of anything like that or even if I have I didn't pay attention to it"she said coming into realization with creased eyebrows.

"I don't blame you,you don't even have a boyfriend how can you have time to listen to other things."

" Hey..hey..what has this got to do with me not having a boyfriend really are something . duh"Hailey said not quite understanding how her friend's mind works.

"Whatever Let's check our domitory number so that we can drop our bags and prepare for the day. "Alice said giving in to her dull friend.

"Okay Miss" Hailey replied playfully and stood up to follow Alice.


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@_abicares on ig.

You can check out my other book"BEST FRIEND TURNED ENEMY" which is still ongoing.
