*Audra's point of view, 14 years ago, continuation*

"Seems like that conversation went well." Said James as soon as I approached, a relieved smile on his face.

He was standing talking with my mum near the kitchen door and - it would seem from that comment - they were keeping an eye on us from there.

"Better than mine for sure." Added my mother, flashing me also one of her kind smiles.

"And better than any of us on these past days. The poor boy hasn't lifted his head from the ground or spoken two worlds together ever since." He then made a small signalled at him with his head as he continued "And look now, he finally got up to get some fresh air, head held high."

He was right, by the time I looked he was already on the porch, looking up at the sky, and seeming like he was taking some deep breaths.

They didn't ask me what I told him, nor did I feel like sharing it, so I was glad they left it there. I was truly happy though that Chris seemed slightly out of his trance, and, I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I might have had something to do about it.

I wish someone had been able to be there for me then. So, I'm deciding just now that I'll try to do that for him, the best I can.

After a while, when everyone seemed to start leaving, my mum and I wondered if we should talk with Chris further or just come by tomorrow. Meanwhile, we stayed a bit behind trying to make up our minds.

"Oh, good, you're still here. I was hoping I could catch you."

We both turned around at the same time, a surprised look on our faces from who's voice seemed to be.

Yep, we were right. The quiet boy was now up and about, he seemed to had gone freshen up, because he was wearing different clothes – but still with his leather jacket – and he seemed to have perked up a little.

"Oh, Chris, hi." My mum managed to voice, definitely surprised at the sudden change - and to hear him talking.

"I'm sorry I haven't been very receptive… I was hoping that I could walk with you to the hotel and maybe we could talk further? You said before you were in a bit of a hurry, right?" There he was, now talking so politely and composed while looking us directly at the eyes that he didn't even look the same boy.

"You don't need to apologize at all, Chris, we understand perfectly that this is really hard on you..." My mum answered kindly. "And yes, that would be very nice. We really need to get back home as soon as possible."

He asked us where we were staying so he could guide us there – he knew the town better – and afterwards, we walked there in comfortable silence.

The warm and beautiful Autumn day was slowly turning into a cold evening and I started - unconsciously - to slowly rub my arm, walking with my arms crossed over my chest, as I was feeling small goosebumps rise in my skin.

"Here." He said, and when I looked he was handing me his leather jacket.

"It's alright, I'm…" I went to reply.

"I insist. I don't need it, I'm not cold." He smiled slightly, so I decided to take it and I put it on.

"Thank you." I smiled back. Maybe he was not a bad boy after all, I thought. But soon after I noticed a tattoo poke out a bit from his shirt on the side of his right bicep.

'Or maybe he is' the thought appeared as in response on my mind. Then again, we won't know till we get to know him.

After a bit, my mum broke the silence. "So, Chris, I know you answered me before, but are you sure you want to come to stay with us? I know we are strangers for you, and your family and your life are here…"

"If you really have no problem with it, I would rather go. I never liked it here in the first place and now… Well, it only brings back bad memories. I'm not that close with my family either, so…" He let that hang in the air.

"Alright, I just wanted to make sure. You see, I haven't talked in detail with my lawyer, but I've been warned that usually families like ours," she cleared her throat "you could say, incomplete, as I'm a widow, aren't usually the preferred ones when it comes to foster someone. But, I believe that you're old enough to decide for yourself, so if you declare yourself in favour of it, then we shouldn't have any problem."

"Sure, whatever I need to do. I'm 16, it's not like a need a full loving family with tons of kids to play with or anything. I'm used to taking care of myself. Besides, my mum wanted you to take care of me and I trust her."

"Great then. You don't need to worry about anything, I don't have any problem providing for two kids, so the court has no reason to deny it." My mum assured him. We were not loaded, but we weren't poor either, so I was pretty sure she didn't say it just to comfort us.

"We're almost there." He said after a couple of minutes. I started recognising the place.

"Great. Kids, are you hungry? Maybe we could grab something to eat and get to know each other a bit before… you know… all that's to come." There was a moment of silence after she said this and I started thinking that maybe we shouldn't push too hard.

"Gee, mum, are you going to start calling me kid now? What can I expect next, kiddo?" I said, exaggerating my expression to break the tension, then I laughed and she laughed back, soon I saw Chris joining too.

"I'm not really hungry… But it might be a good idea." Chris agreed finally.

"On the other hand, I am hungry, so I'm up for it." I smiled.

"Well, it's settled then. But first I need to go up and change to something more comfortable if you don't mind." She said, turning for the hotel door.

"Okay, but don't take too long, remember, jeans are your friends, no need for fancy stuff!" I said to her and she waved her hand dismissively in response. Then I realised I was still wearing Chris jacket. "Mom?"

"Yes, I'll wear plain jeans honey, just give me five minutes." My mum responded jokingly with a tired voice.

"It's not that mum, can you please grab my jacket? I think I threw it in the big suitcase." I turned back around to face Chris after she agreed, giggling cause of our weird interaction, and I found him observing us with a hint of amusement on his face.

"Are you both always like this?" He smirked.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"You could have kept the jacket, I am fine." He added after a bit.

"But you might still get cold and I have my own jacket up there. I thank you, anyway."

He shrugged, then asked, making small talk "Did you really bring a big suitcase just for a couple of days?"

"Oh, no, not really… I mean, I believe it was for you, in case you needed it. She just told me to grab it, I didn't even know by then."

"Oh, okay." He paused. "I might actually need it, now that I think about it, though I don't have that much stuff."

There was a moment of silence, and I turned slightly to the side, looking at the park in front of the hotel.

"Thank you." He said suddenly, breaking the silence. I looked at him to find him staring right back at me with a really serious expression.

"It's just a suitcase…" I responded surprised.

"No, not for that, well, thank you for that too but I meant for before." He seemed slightly nervous now. "At the gathering." He added, in response to my very confused face. "You got me thinking I guess, and suddenly I didn't feel as lost. It still hurts, a lot… But I feel slightly better… I don't feel as alone. You got me out of the trance. Thank you."

This day kept surprising me with how strange everything was.

"I didn't do much, but you're welcome I guess. I am just glad you feel a bit better." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Are you… Do you mind this? I mean, are you okay with me moving with you and all?"

"Well, it's my mum's decision after all so it's not like I get to decide." He seemed a bit taken aback by my response. "We did talk about it actually, and I agreed, but I meant it's still her choice after all. I must admit it seemed weird at first, you know? It's been my mum and I alone for some time… But she seems happy about it, and I like seeing her happy, so I'm okay with it."

"Also, you seem alright, you need a place to stay and it feels like you want to get away from here, so… Who am I to say anything about it?"

"I promise I won't bother any of you much. I'm used to being invisible anyway." He wasn't looking at me anymore but at the park, seeming lost in thought.

I felt bad for him, who knows what his life has been like. Definitely not easy. I felt then that maybe my words might have hurt him, maybe I was too honest.

"And I promise you will not be invisible for us, so don't even bother trying. We will be there for you." He turned his gaze at me and I see tears forming in those beautiful eyes of his. "That is if you're not tired of our crazy arses in a couple of weeks." I giggled looking back at the hotel and there I saw my mum coming down the stairs, so, I ended the conversation with a "Welcome to the family, Chris."

With that I turned to my mum, just getting out of the door and said to her, exaggerating fake surprise "Wow, look at that, jeeeanss! And sensible shoes, finally!! No more complaining about heals today, whew" I linked my arm with hers and we started walking together to the dinner down the street.

I looked back and Chris was still in the same place, contemplating us with a wide smile on his face. "You coming?" I asked.

He started walking towards us, the happy expression still on his face.