2 weeks later
It has been 2 weeks snice Louis broke up with me. I feel so lonely and sexually frustrated. it is hard for me to get out of bed to do housework. Seeing the way things had gone, its obvious I've loosed him.
The doctor from the cancer center called to inform me that my mom had low chances of surviving.
It is 10:50pm, Louis fiance's parents are here. Louis and Alice are both in Louis's room. I am currently in my room eating ice-creamnand pickles. I have planned for an aborotion but when the doctor told me how it would be, I reconsidered and backed out.
Flash back 3 days ago
I was in front of the hospital ready for an abrotion. I waited for the nurse to call me. About 30 mins later she called me.
"Mrs. Emma Willison". She called my name and I got up and walked into the room. As I stepped in, she gave me a gentle smile. About 2 mins later, the doctor walked in.