Flash back continuation

Now I have a problem. I need to get her into the guest room. Rachel had definitely had way too much wine and I was feeling a little tipsy himself.

"Okay...let's find out how much you weigh," I said moving over in front of Rachel.

"Time for bed...can you hear me?" I gently shook her but she didn't respond.

"Okay," I said and picked her up.

She was surprisingly light; much lighter than my wife. Of course, it had been years since I'd tried to pick Kathy up for any reason. I didn't think it would happen again unless it was to throw her out the front door.

I found that thought extremely funny

and struggled to contain my laughter.

Rachel snuggled against my chest as I carried her up the stairs. My d*ck hardened and I knew what I would be dreaming about all night. I managed to get her into the guest room, and onto the bed. She was wearing shorts, so I didn't feel the need to undress her.

I pulled the covers over her and left the room.