Be my man and have me

"What brought you to my house?" I asked, noticing she had a suitcase with her.

"Don't you remember?" She sighed and stared at me. "I told you I was heading out west for the writer's faire and that I'd be stopping by Sunday night. Don't tell me that you forgot?"

" mean yes. I forgot."

"Where's Kathy?"

"Well that's part of the problem. Her sister was in the hospital and she left to help her out for a few days. Things have been kind of crazy around here, especially with work. It doesn't matter though. You're always welcome and we always have room for you." I said.

"Well that explains a lot," Wendy said laughing. "Are you cooking? Something smells wonderful." she said.

"Well, not exactly," I said grabbing Wendy's suitcase and setting it near the stairs. "Do you remember Rachel, our babysitter?" I asked her.

"She's here? She's cooking?"

"Yes. It was all Kathy's idea."

"Of course," Wendy replied. "I see."