Chapter 8: You Don’t Have To Do This

The room was quiet again.

Emerald slowly raises her head and looks at Kenzo's cold face.

He sat down on the bed again and stared at her, making her feel terrified. She was still unclear about her interest conflicted between Wade Sterling and Kenzo. Would he be mad because she saved Wade?

"Why aren't you afraid of death?" He asked unexpectedly.

Emerald paused to think before she answered. "Because I don't know where I will go after I die."

Kenzo had not expected this answer. Her calm face reminded him how her shoulder had been bleeding last night while she had smiled like a little fox and told him she didn't want to die for no reason.

She was right. After last night, she was famous in the whole city, with every newspaper talking about the girl who had saved the mayor's life.

"Are you willing to stay with me?" He asked as he pressed her wound softly with his fingers. Although it didn't hurt her, she trembled for a moment.

Obviously, he had heard her conversation with Wade. His tough fingers were rubbing the bandage softly as if ready to hurt her if her answer was any different.

"I don't believe him," she muttered. "There is no free ride in this world. I am not important enough for him to step on your toes." She didn't know the extent of their relationship but knew that anyone who interfered in a conflict of dignitaries died the most miserable way. Besides, she had no play in this game.

"Staying with you, my lord," she continued as she looked at him warily, "has not been that bad so far." And who knew what Wade Sterling was really like? Was he as scrupulous as he looked? Or would he be even worse than Kenzo?

Kenzo was silent.

After being up for so long and talking, Emerald started to feel very tired as she was still weak from her injury and finally said, "My lord, I think I should sleep."

Kenzo looked at her and walked out of the room.

Emerald's eyelids began to droop, and she fell into a deep sleep almost immediately.

After some time, Emerald suddenly felt being moved, and she quickly opened her eyes. The past few days had made her quite cautious, even though the bed of the mayor's mansion was so comfortable that she didn't want to wake up again.

All she could see at first was a black suit. She looked up and saw the cold, handsome face of Kenzo, which looked like a sculpture. She grasped onto his suit, thinking it was her bedsheet. Just then, she became aware of his big warm hands, and she noticed that he was holding her neck and waist, and realized that she was lying in his arms right now as she felt the warmth of his chest.

They were in a car, and she was in his arms.

Overcome by fear, she tried not to move and closed her eyes immediately.

His manly aroma was overpowering her as her cheeks rubbed against his suit, making her hot and itchy. His cold face was unmistakable close to her.

Suddenly, he asked her in a low voice. "What is it that you want that even Wade Sterling can't give you?"

Every question he had asked today had been so hard to answer.

Faced with a very unpredictable man, Emerald answered every question with a half-truth.

Even at this moment, she couldn't let her guard down, even when his arm was so protective and his voice sounded like he really cared. It was like he was talking to himself without noticing that she had woken up.

What do you want, Emerald Wilson?

Emerald had been a normal college student, living happily with her friends. Now she was on this strange planet with no family, no source of income, at the bottom of society, being stepped on or spit on by the people. All she had been able to do was trade your body with this man for her life as a product.

The same man was now asking the humble woman what she really wanted.

A wrong answer or bad answer could lead her to a horrible abyss.

Without opening her eyes, she responded like she was dreaming, "Fly, I want to fly to wherever I want."


The restaurant, where the servants served delicate dishes in silence, was bathing in sunshine. A man in a dark gray suit was sitting in a wooden chair reading a newspaper. The shadows cast under the sun and in the pool outside the French window were silent backgrounds that made him look taller. He looked like a figure in the painting, sitting there motionless.

His dark eyes were always mysterious and shining.

Emerald stood at the door of the restaurant, her hands fiddling for a while before she stepped behind him.

After one month, her wound was almost healed. During this month, she had lived a quiet and peaceful life in Kenzo's home. Since Kenzo seldom came back during the day, she had gotten accustomed to such peaceful quietness.

It was a pity that she couldn't indulge herself in it.

According to the servant, Kenzo would start his two-day monthly vacation today. So when having lunch downstairs, she saw him as expected.

She was sure that he knew her standing beside him, but he didn't look up but continued reading the newspaper.

Although Emerald had learned to speak the local language fluently by now, she still barely knew how to read or find a topic to start a conversation with him. But to her experience, Kenzo would not embarrass her for behaving softly and docile, so she stepped forward and crouched in front of his legs, reaching out with her hand to knock his knees softly.

He put the newspaper down on the table and stared at her.

Without reacting to his stare, she continued knocking his knees as if it was the only thing that mattered.

Finally, he grabbed her hand, and she looked up at him with a soft smile. "My lord."

"Have you started arranging jobs for yourself?" He asked with a cold voice and dominant look.

"I…" She started to defend herself but quickly changed the topic as she continued. "My lord, you look tired."

He continued staring at her. "You don't have to do this."

"Then... what can I do here?" She asks immediately.