The Kingdom and The Hero meeting

The king: we have failed to bring the tree of life

Commander doug: it was the dragon the dragon helped the elves

Fon: what happened

Back in the raid where the about to teleport

Slay: skill * erased memory coming to here*

Fon: what were we doing ?

Roy: who is the dragon commander

Commander: he's way outa your league you see he spotted us and use teleportation magic but without saying anything and he's pressured is overwhelming I demand you all hero's stay away from that man

*God class adventure swore*arrived

Swore: what is this blabbing about i came here to train these new comers I came all the way without the greetings

The king: oh welcomed lord swore hero's I'm welcome you your new trainer to defeat the demon king

Swore: I bring a friend greet her nice and her name is Alice finhon

Alice: is nice to meet you all and please take care of me

Roy: yes its pleasure to meet you

The king: lord swore I need to talk to you privately

Swore: ok

*Private room*

The king: can you inform the goddess about this dragon because he might get in our way in the future and don't try to attack him yet we don't no what he can do so stay quite.

Swore: hm you say dragon I slayed dragon more then a hundred what you thinking I'm weaker then that dragon

The king: *serious face* can you handle a god level one

Swore: *shocked* fine that scared me when you say god.

The king: alright lord swore you will leave her here to train the hero that demon

Swore: don't worry and don't touch her she's even capable fighting high level demon then I'll take my leave it probably take me a year to come back I wanna see the progress if I come back

See ya

Alice: swore what the hell you doing I thought your going to train them with me you lair

Swore: I need to take care of something so you train them okey * pets her on her head* smile take good care of her everyone

Everyone: bye

Swore: well let's talk to the goddess man I hope she doesn't sleep because when I wake her up she whining about do not wake me up I hope other * god Adventures* are doing well.

Goddess: *sleeping her ass off*

Snoring* dreaming about slay getting burn by a dragon * mumbling* yes annoying bastard get burn annoying dumbass* evil laugh*

Slay: let's get going shera

Shera: okey