Commander lady meth joining slay

Meth sleeping*

Slay: she's sleep like a log

Meth: *wakes up*

Slay: finally your awake

Meth: where am I What the hell is this place

Slay: um lady your at my place

Meth: that voice * looks for sword * nooo why did I lose to this pervert

Slay:hmm your my servant now right * smirk *

Meth: Who agreed * looks at clothes * to that you who change my clothes

Slay: um me

Meth: *blush bright red* * throws stuff at him*

Slay: I'm joking chill out sheesh woman have huge temper. Shera the ones who change you you mad woman

meth: don't come close to me pervert *backs away*

Slay: wow you really have a dirty mind don't you?

Meth: anyway why did you let me live * serious face*

Slay: quit servant *big grins* you know why *evil laugh* your going to serve me until you die

Meth: stop bluffing * laugh* are you serious tho😓

Slay: look something on your chest

Meth:* looks at it* my chest

*It says slay properties*

*Scream * Noooo A filthy man put a tattoo on my chest

Hey hey get ride of it right now slay you you perverted freak

Slay: na I like the way it looks * grins* if you run away you will teleport back to me and it looks good on you *perverted laugh*

Meth:runs * teleport backs*

*Kingdom of races*

Shera: hi I'm shera what do you want to talk to me about king of race

King of race: you guys have cost us a huge damage in our land

Shera: what do you mean were the ones saving the village while the guards are scared

King of race: * cough* scream * then why did that white headed man say it was he's servant

*Back in the battle Field*

Slay: nobody touch that woman she's my servant

Guards: !!!!!!!!!!!

Shera: shut the fff up you moron

King of race: now we need 10 million gold to repair the city your group it's responsible for it so you'll pay for it and you can't say no or is your 100 years of prison with no food

Shera: thoughts* when I get back I'm going to kill this perverted lizard*

Shera: can you give us some time to get the money

King of race: yes * grins * 1 weeeek ma'am

Shera: whhhhhaaaat I'm going to killll you slayyyyy !!

Slay: sneeze who calling my name loudly.