Chapter XXXIII: Mortal Kombat! (1)

*BANG BANG BANG* Gunshots rang out all over the battlefield. Bodies of soldiers from both allies and enemies littered across long distances.

In the midst of it, was I, hiding behind rubble from a fallen structure. I took a deep breath, and started running from cover to cover.

Once I had the high ground, I looked down and saw an enemy hiding.

"Finish him!" I jumped off the high ground and landed on him. I snapped his neck and stood up.


Suddenly, time came to a pause, as my voice began to narrate the current situation.

"Hi there. You're probably wondering how the hell I got in this situation. How did a simple scouting mission, turn into me, a Private First Class being in the front lines, while shouting Mortal Kombat references? Let's rewind a bit."


'It's been a day already?'

"Yes, let me prepare." A small frown was present on the Army Specialist's face.

"You should've been prepared already Private. And it looks like you've been up for a few hours now." He narrowed his eyes at me. Well, he had to look up at me, because I was taller than him.

"I understand sir, it won't take more than five minutes." He didn't respond with words and just shooed me away with his hand.

I walked back into the room and got ready. I put on my camouflage army uniform. I had a couple guns, explosives, and ammunition on me.

"I'm ready."

"Follow me." We walked outside the hotel and hopped into a luxury car with two other soldiers. It felt a bit weird to me to get inside this kind of car in the middle of war, but I couldn't complain.

"Alright, listen up-" He started explaining to everyone in the car about what's gonna happen, where we'll all need to go, and what to do if shit hits the fan.

That explanation took over the entire car ride and we arrived at a base in no time.

"Everyone understand?"

"Yes sir." We all said in unison. We got out of the car and spread out to the places we were stationed in the best hidden spots.

I was stationed in one of the many trees that surrounded the town, but I was on top of the one with the highest vantage point.

Charles, the guy who picked me up earlier, was hidden on a water tower.

Patrick and Sam were acting as normal civilians, blending in with everyone else. Walking through shops, streets, and the such.

The lookout plan was relatively simple. Charles and I would have vantage points that gave us enough of a view to scout the outskirts of the town, but also not to obvious to be seen right away.

While Patrick and Sam would blend in with crowds, looking for anyone who look suspicious. They would be looking out for spies and things like that.

We got to our spots and filled our roles in a short amount of time, so we would certainly be waiting for any action for a minute. Or two, maybe three.

Actually, it was more like one, two, or three hours. Even though I was happy that something was finally happening, I could clearly see this was going to turn into a messy situation.

In the distance, there was a regiment of German soldiers marching towards this small town.

'Why the hell did they bring so many soldiers? Is there something here in this town that they want so badly?' I didn't sense any powerful energies through this town, so I didn't understand why the Germans sent almost 4,000 soldiers here.

Charles and I immediately radioed Patrick and Sam.

"Army Specialist Sam and Corporal Patrick, we have a situation. Do you copy?"

""10-4, this is Sam/ Patrick, what's the situation?"" (10-4 means "Message Received")

"We got a regiment of German soldiers marching in the towns' direction. 10-25, Sergeant Bart." (10-25 means "Can you contact__")

"Copy that."

Sam and Patrick panicked at the sound of an entire regiment about to swarm this town. Despite being panicked, they sneakily walked around for a phone booth.

Once they did, they alerted the army.

"Billy and Charles, 10-24. This is Patrick. They said we'll have to hold it down for a few hours. For now, we have to use the help of the police force."

""Copy that.""

I could feel excitement dancing all around my body at the thought of being in an actual war. The Bird War and Realm War were battles rather than wars.

Although the Realm War definitely topped the rest of my battles by the number of enemies, it wasn't a war. I used superpowers during the whole thing, but now, I wouldn't.

I would be using above human speed, guns, melee weapons, bombs, and a bunch of kickass martial arts.

Patrick and Sam alerted the police forces around the area. With their help, they started evacuating the citizens into bomb shelters, while some settled on staying in their basements.

Charles and I had to momentarily leave our spots, to discuss with the police about how to handle this situation until the army arrives.

We all stood around a table and started the discussion.

"Why don't we let them take over the town?" One female cop suggested.

"They brought an entire regiment to come down here. If they wanted to take over this small town, I don't think they want to do that." I spoke up.

One of the officers face twisted into an unreadable face. Slowly, all the police officers who were in higher ranks, started sharing weary glances.

Everyone else, including me, was very confused at why they looked so weary.

"I might know why they're here." The Chief said, still carrying the same expression.

He motioned towards another officer who nodded and exited the room. About 10 minutes later, he came back with a purple gem that he carried with a glove on.

At first glance, to me, I assumed it was the power stone or something, but then I could clearly not feel any kind of infinity stone energy radiating off of it.

What frustrated me the most, is that I couldn't feel anything from it. It felt like a normal stone.

I truly had no idea what this was. My Marvel knowledge only goes so far.


[The Eye of The Watcher

-The Eye of the Watcher was a stone created by a race called the Watchers. It's gives off high tachyon particle readings and a chronal energy that could rupture the timestream itself.

-Inside the object is the eyeball of Uatu. The eyeball inside allows its user to foresee any event that is planned to occur inside that universe. It also allows you to see into a person down to a microscopic level. Almost like you could read their minds.]

'How the hell did this end up on Earth?'

"So you think this is what they're after? How do they even know about it?" The Chief scratched his head and looked embarrassed.

'We are about to go to war, why is he acting like this? He reminds me of Stu, except this guy could die today.'

"Let's not talk about it, but if this is what they're after, let's just give it to them." As soon as the chief said that, thousands of images and ideas passed through my mind in a flash.

Thousands of images of what would happen if Hitler or Red Skull got a hand on this eye. Thousands of ideas on what they could do with that kind of power.

"No! Let's not do that." The Chief looked skeptical.

"Why not?"

"Well if they send this many men for a single item, don't you think it's really powerful? Powerful enough to potentially shift the tides of this war heavily?" I used my Le Speech 100 to convince the chief not to hand it over.

"Hm, fine, I won't give it to them. But I don't trust the military with this either, so what are we gonna do with it?"

The best option realistically is to let me protect it. I could take out my own eye and implant it, but if I can't sense the power off this stone or from the eye inside, I don't think I'm ready yet.

"Well, after what will happen today, I don't think you have any other choice but to hand it over to us. You won't have anywhere to hide it here." I extended my hand and waited for him to put it in my hand.

I know how reluctant people can be, so for this one time, I'm going to break a few of my morals. I used my natural aura to manipulate the man to see me as a trustworthy man and a nice guy.

"Fine." He handed it over. I pretended to put in my pocket and slipped it into the inventory.

I usually wouldn't manipulate someone's mind like that, but if I didn't, this could truly be the end of the world. Of course I could stop it, but it's not worth the trouble at all.

"The Germans will arrive within two hours, prepare yourselves ladies and gentlemen. It's time for war." The Chief announced.

Every officer in the room spread the word and everyone in the building started preparing themselves.

They stocked up on explosives, guns, ammunition, and things like that.

I was already prepared, so I went back to my spot. I sat there patiently with binoculars in my hand. My blood started pumping and my heart started beating.

The feeling of battle excited me. The feeling of war readied me.

The Germans continued to get closer and closer until finally, they made it.

"It's time." I spoke into the walkie talkie, not bothering to use codes or terms.

"For fun."
