Dreadful green


The landing of the green meteor right could be heard all across the planet as it leaves the massive amount of green flyer as it lands and with its impact came humongous earthquakes that shook the very world to the core.

However whatever one doesn't know is that it's not a meteor but something far worse at the center of the crater where it landed the larger litter of rock just a crack and fall apart revealing a very large and metallic looking creature as it begin to move revealing itself glowing bright dreadful fire green.

The creature who crawled out of the crater fully revealed itself and all of its dreadful glory it's skin grayish like metal and eyes with a dreadful green fire in them it's body not like that of a mortal but A immortal monster but some would call it a God.

A c'tan A creature that feasts off the energy souls and stars for this team is beyond dangerous creature that is considered a god of the material world powers and abilities I would make mortals shriek in terror.

Such a creature has landed on this world anything to touch turn to green fire and burnt to nothing and walked into lone GraceMed all legs having three arms on each side and having a head that looks close to a spider with multiple eyes Pensar like teeth.

The c'tan surveyed his surroundings and was disgusted by the organic material and with a wave of its hand all the nearby trees in animal life caught on fire and burned bright green.

(C'tan): disgusting organic material you will be destroyed and converted into resources as all life should by the will of the star gods!!!!

The C'tan roared around his surroundings in the next instant everything everything that was caught on fire began to be absorbed by the C'tan and then the next moment for10 miles there was nothing for this creature was able to light every living thing on fire for 10 miles and the next moment absorb it all into his body that's converting all that organic material into refined resources.

(C'tan): nothing like a good meal the start the day now to find some juicy morsels to devour and to recuperate my forces the old ones will pay for their trickery I will make them suffer.

The C'tan swore his vengeance against his mortal enemies and began walking in a random direction continuously absorbing organic material whether be trees animals or mortals nothing mattered and it began converting the woman into resources whenever he encountered them.

once that was done another surprising twist by this C'tan for he began building structures with black stone textures and green Lighting and these structures were none other then necrons the In mortal death machines who are tricked by the star gods to become their slaves and tools for the war in heaven against the old ones.

And as it began finishing the structures surprisingly even more they began producing lower tier necrons from the factories however these were not the same deathless machines Other C'tan have used these ones were similar to mindless machines real mindless machines that followed simple orders and that's exactly what they were cannon fodder for the star gods only slightly lower than necrons themselves however this C'tan was the only one able to do it for his name is the same as his power he was known as the builder.

A C'tan Specialize in construction and creation his works shadowed only by the void dragon himself and if the boy dragon never existed he would be considered the greatest builder of his race.

More of these mindless machines began pumping out of the factories their gray metal like bodies marching upon the dirt of this New World and each one of them having a singular glowing green eye and each one holding massive melee weapons like axes and war scythe's.

under less than five hours the builder constructive force of 500 lesser constructs since he has no access to is more advanced forces he hast to make do with lesser constructs but in his mind they should be enough for what needs to be done the complete conversion of this world into metal.

thus began a war that we decide the fate of this world and a sequence of events that will force the gods in the war put their hand to interfere for mortals alone cannot fight the coming dreadful green tide of the C'tan Builder and his army of lesser constructs Machines.


{Authors note: I am terribly sorry for the wait everybody I've been working lots of overtime lately I've been coming home exhausted however anytime I can take out of my day I am going towards my writings and if anyone's wondering none of my works are being dropped they are going to be continued but they will be slow I thank you all for your support and give me your reviews on each one of my works and tell me what you think}