Forge which form

The Forge within the Lord of light Domain he is seen hammering away at it to create his avatar to send it to the mortal plane to fight the star god.

Receiving aid from his wife and her mother helping him create it accelerated its process by by 71% much faster and better than what he could've done from scratch but with their help and experience in making avatars he was able to make it far better than what he could've done on his own with no help.

The sound of hammer hitting the anvil could be heard throughout the realm and with each strike brought closer to completion as isha and Lileath conjure up sorcery and carefully placing magical runes on every section of the avatars body making the avatar have far more resilient with every rune placed on it.

several more swings of the Lord of cosmic Light hammer finishing the last touches on the avatars form making it look very intimidating for the body of the avatar is almost an exact replica of the Lord of cosmic light body except it is a form of multiple metals and other warped elements given shape since he cannot go to the mortal plane physically he hast to use his avatar as a proxy as he controls it within the sea of souls.

Thankfully his lovely wife mixed in several amounts of wraithbone into it as well as the avatar's bones and many other metal wire rings pulled stretch together to form the avatars muscles and they were very resilient.

And finally load of cosmic light construction did a core to house large portions of his power so he can bring to bear much of his might to the physical realm unfortunately his skills are not good enough to house all of his power inside of this construct but enough to wage war on in the material world.

After several hours of grueling forging himself his wife and her mother standing to look at their creation that all three have put together to make a replica of the Lord of cosmic light body it's surface skin coated put the finest metals the Lord of cosmic light could make and its muscles while the bones are extremely dense of wraithbone and within its chest a powerful power core housing in much of the lord of cosmic lights power in the last finishing touches on the construct are the runes placed upon it given it extra durability and protection from other forces of either the material plane or the warp.

As well as finishing touch on it equipped it with a mini forge give me the ability to forge what it needs out in the material world as long as it has supplies and resources.

Even the ability to open warp rifts to allow lesser ethereal's to enter the material plane of existence as well as the ability to regenerate damage at an incredible rate but it is no means invincible you can still be destroyed with enough fire power.

The Lord of cosmic light stares at his creation with the help of his wife and her mother with a sense of pride at it.

wasting no time the Lord of cosmic light got to work immediately to send off his newly built avatar to the dragon ogres HomeWorld to fight the star god.

With the aid of the two former Eldar goddesses managed to open a rift to the planets atmosphere and from there dropped it like a missile and closing the rift as it fell.

Disappearing in a flash of light and reappearing just as fast into his throne room the Lord of cosmic light sat on his throne and began to concentrate to form a mental link with his avatar the moment it lands on the planet.

He just hopes that the avatar of his abilities will be able to destroy this starGod and if not then he will still be able to get the souls of the dead dragon ogres and hopefully with enough power later down the line if this scenario came to pass he could just re-forge them into new bodies for building organic bodies is an easy task now for him.

he has managed to get his flesh manipulation and Gene mutation control up to level 87 thanks to experimenting on the dragon ogres in creating shrines of healing for both wounds and sickness for the shrines of healing the wounds managed to increase his flesh manipulation and the shrines that cured sickness helped increase his gene mutation control to that level.

through that experiment managed to figure out that using shrines that has a connection to one of his skills can in fact helping increase his level as for example every time a mortal use one of the shrines to heal the damage done to them such as a gunshot wound or knife wound that intern would increase his flesh manipulation and the same rules apply to the shrines dedicated to cure sickness for the shrines connected to his skill of gene mutation Control allowed it to manipulate the genes inside the mortals to created powerful antibodies to fight sickness and other diseases.

thus managed to increase the skills up to a level that allows and create biological bodies for mortals to inhabit And thus he called and the reforging for any mortal dedicated to him that dies can inhabit a new body and live again as a for dutiful service for his cause.

After all he is not needlessly cruel he can be very benevolent as long as the mortals that serve him earn it after all he does not give away anything for free and for the short time the dragon ogres has served him through his champion have definitely earned such Boons.