Psychic frogs could they be tasty?

Blackstone fortress moving in Ftl speeds within the warp towards the new anomaly within the galaxy that is slowly melting parts of real space and the sea of souls in a way so perfect it should be beyond impossible.

The old ones present on the ship went to investigate this newfound anomaly that brought impossibility be on their wildest dreams or horrific nightmares so much so that they had to create actual living bodies for them to inhabit since a long past evolved to the point of living in the sea of souls as psychic entities.

But because of so much disturbance within the sea of souls around this location they could not approach it from within the sea so they had no choice but to take living bodies and investigate within the material world while the war with the star gods rages on.

The old ones fleet left the warp speeds and start approach this large silver anomaly by normal speed by their ships this new maelstrom of silver made it to where arriving close to it by Ftl travels near it impossible because of its new rules to reality so they had no choice but to stop at the edge of the anomaly and approach it by normal speeds.

As the ships began entering the silver maelstrom it's massive energy washed over their ships no harm was done but the old ones on board their ships could feel the difference within the material Space around them and made them shiver in both curiosity and fear.

(Old one elder): what create such a wonderful and terrifying anomaly even after feeling this energy this should be impossible!!!

(Old one apprentice): I don't know my elder but whatever it is we must secure for the war against the star gods surely our combined psychic might should bring anything that caused this into obedience.

The elder shakes his head at his apprentice showing his naïve way of thinking sure they made other psychic entities that called themselves gods from the primitive race called eldar.

Which they uplifted and genetically modified to suit their needs for their war as well as brought their primitive warp entities that the eldar called gods.

The elder however believes a greater psychic entity or whatever it is has created this phenomenon with its own power which provides two options for the old ones the first one to try to control this entity or the second try to make a bargain with them to help them in their war against the star gods.

(The old ones kinda look like frogs)


Point of view changed.

(Lord of cosmic light): they have arrived I feel them at the very edge of our territory in real space I guess the currents in the sea of souls was too wild for them to come here and from the energy feeling I am having there are several powerful ones there too.

The Lord of cosmic light states sitting on his throne anticipating the arrival of the old ones.

It's still will be sometime before they arrive close to the center of the maelstrom where is the silver city could be seen sticking out bleeding and bending into real space we're all laws of both material and immaterial worlds are broken.

(Isha): they are strong and vary knowledgeable as well as there psychic might that makes theme a dangerous enemy.

Isha says to the Lord of cosmic light for she knows the power of the old one vary will.

They are the ones who conquered the primitive eldar of the past and subjugated the psychic entities such as herself.

However she doubts they will be able to bring her new (sexual obsession) Lord into complaints like the her and her old pantheon.

After all she felt the full weight for his new power when he created the silver maelstrom it gave her flashbacks to her pantheons downfall but with him it also gave her a glimpse into his very been for a brief moment which made her far more interested in him than before.

She had some several talks after that with her daughter to see if she can weasel into their love life she would even be fine as a concubine after all she is thirsting for him something fierce.

She will not lie to herself anymore she has fallen head over heels for the Lord of cosmic light after spending so much time with him getting to know him she has concluded she has found her perfect match.

Back in the old times with her old husband was the only choice for her even though she didn't like it while the other eldar gods of that time didn't even meet her standards.

Perhaps when this whole event with the old ones are over she could probably have her daughter and her have a threesome with the Lord of cosmic light.

But that would have to wait after all the enemies getting close to their domain and the armies of the silver city are nearly finished assembling from the lowest ethereal to the highest grade of ethereal that's going to become a bloodbath although she has always wondered one thing.

What would old one legs taste cooked like she has read a book in the lords of cosmic lights library about cooking frog legs maybe she could do the same with the old ones after her Lord is done with them.

She begins to drool immensely thinking about cooking their legs and eating them after all Isha never liked the old ones they were always the arrogant bastards.


{Authors note: sorry for the long wait on this one my job has increased its hours as well as me have been extremely tired combine that with writers block I have been having making updating this one a little difficult I hope for your understanding and your comments on every chapter if you feel like it honest comments please}