The first to die

The greater ethereal gargoyle begins to run towards his target. The air is filled with bloodlust.

The elder fires multiple psychic blasts at the greater ethereal gargoyle.

But surprisingly does little damage to the brute as its wounds heal as quickly as they were inflicted but thanks to the elder good eyes he was able to see that small detail.

The greater ethereal gargoyle raises his hammer up high and swings it down onto the elder however the old one raised his shield protected him in a psychic bubble.

As the hammer made contact with the psychic bubble made the hammer bounce back towards its own wielder inflicting massive damage to the greater ethereal gargoyles own head.

(greater ethereal gargoyle): I am going to kill you!!!! Then I'm going to kill your people on those ships!!!!

The old one elder Gathered more psychic power as he narrowed his eyes at the creature.

(Old one elder): no you will not beast!!!!

With his powers reaching an all-time high as psychic energy buckles and crackles around his body showing the immense amount of power a elder of the old ones can use making the creatures around him as well as the greater ethereal in front of him began to really worry for their safety.

With a mighty ribbit from the old elder, unleashed his psychic powers upon the ethereal horde in front of him.

Arc's of psychic Lightning shooting out of the elder frog like hands.

The psychic Lightning, scorching large section of the ethereal army and cause large wounds on the greater ethereal gargoyle.

The gargoyle underestimated the false god however he will not let it happen again.

The greater ethereal gargoyle ignored the pain on his body and began to run to the elder once again raising his warhammer to strike at the old one elder.

However the gargoyle did not get the chance to do it because the old one elder fired a condensed psychic shot which made a big hole through the gargoyle chest.

Blood and psychic ooze grips from the gargoyle's wound chest.

The horde that ones assaulted the old elder and his ships is now silent because of the Display of power by the elder.

With a big boooooommmm!! the grater gargoyle falls to the ground flatting the others lesser ethereal's that were behind the now gravely wounded and dying greater ethereal.

As its body slowly turns into particles it does nothing but chuckle and laugh.

(Greater ethereal gargoyle): foolish false god this is not the last you've seen of me you have won the battle but you will lose the war my Lord has foreseen!!!! everything you've built will be come nothing but ash.

With those final words the ethereal gargoyle disappears completely while the old one elder is gravely exhausted from using so much psychic energy and to make matters worse it's as if this realm is becoming more hostile to his kind using what power is left, he forces the rest of the ethereal horde back several miles into the city.

With nothing else left threatening the ships he returned to his own ship and proceeded to command the crew to exit the maelstrom.

Their ships put all their power into their engines in order to leave the maelstrom however before they could fully exit large cannon started to rise from the city and began firing at the ships.

These cannons were powerful enough to gravely shake and wound the old ones ships creating many holes within the ships hull's.

The all other old ones aboard the other vessels began using the immense psychic powers to shield their ships from the star cannons that continues to shoot concentrated warped energy at them.

With every shot fired and hit, the ships results in the second shields around those ships to weaken every time, however the old ones onto those ships although young are still very powerful and was able to shield all their ships out of the maelstrom.

With the ships out of the immediate danger, the old one elder still extremely exhausted from his battle commanded his vessels to head back to their territory report what they found to the elder council.

However the old one elder has much dread in his heart form the last words form the greater ethereal gargoyle.

However he pushes those negative thoughts out of his mind and focus on the task of bringing his people back home.


{Authors note: I am still preparing my mass release however since everyone's been patient with me I'm giving you this chapter to keep you entertained until I'm finished thank you for your patience and your support}