
Shela The champion of the gods lays her head to the floor, bowing in front of the statue of her divine patron as she gives thanks and prayers to her deity that saves her people the dragon ogres.

When she thought all was lost her, God came from the heavens, and destroy the foul armies of the dread (C'tan) where ever they march death, followed from the plants to the wildlife, and to the other tribes, that was not under her banner.

Now her people rebuild, faith and strength have returned to them many of them in the past paid lip service to the Lord of light, but now witnessing his glory in a battle of the gods.

None under her command that survived could ever question her for she is his champion and greatest servant. Among the mortals and now everything has changed. The world around her is full of more life than it did before the land that was once dead.

Because of the foul armies of dread that reduce their land to a vast wasteland is now full of life once more, she even dare say, more so as trees and forces rise from the ashes on her world that was close to destruction.

With her world within the maelstrom, the very rules of reality have vastly changed Many of her people have becomes sorcerers thanks to the new connection with the sea of souls.

And now, when she looks up to the sky, she can see from even from her location, the Silver city, where her God and deity resides in. she hopes one day, she can make that Journey there to pledge her fealty to her deity in person.

However, there is much to do rebuilder there civilization, as well as prepare themselves for future conflicts with the dread in the future then She must grow more powerful, so she goes off the train when her duties do not call her from it.

Wielding her mighty Warhammer, she goes off to the other side of the mountain to wield the mighty weapon and practice her lightning.

She exhibit such control with both her form, and her lightning capabilities, making her a class above her kin however to her, even with this was not enough to face against that dread God. (C'tan)

As well as mastered many spells from her arsenal, that she was gifted by her deity, and many others, that she created herself.

As more time past she becomes heavily exhausted to the point where she has to admit, with all of her strengths and gifts she to become tired and rugged after training for two whole months in the mountains.

For more time past in the same routine, she shows much progress in both weaponry and sorcery.



Lord of light: she has grown and developed quite well. I'm quite proud of her for it. Is this what it feels like to be a father watching his child grow.

The Lord light question as he continued to observe his chosen champion with her training

Isha: yes, it is as a mother myself. I feel the same when I look at my children when they achieve something great you will feel more of the same in the future once you have your own god-kids running around.

Isha says next tour, Lord, as she to observes his chosen champion her desire for self improvement is inspiring if only other races had the same drive as her. Isha thanks to herself, and that of her mortal children the eldar and what they will become in the future.

Isha: my Lord, I've asked this before, but can't y..

Before she could finish that sentence, the Lord of like looks at her but emitting his ferocious and powerful aura, making her staggered, fall on her knees.

Lord of light: i've already told you twice. No I will not save the Eldar from their destined fate from slaanesn.

The two of them had this conversation many times before, but he refuses to upset the timeline because that will have far reaching consequences, and he would not be able to predict the future as it would not be the same future as he knew it before.

Better to leave many events not changed as best he can in order to manipulate the future as well as throwing his own plans until the mix for the long game with the future chaos gods, and the emperor of man!!

Lord of light: I will not repeat myself again. Next time you will be severely punished. If you bring this topic up again? I do not like repeating myself.

She bows to her master, and proceeds to leave the room. She has overstep her bounds even if she's the mother of his wife, he will show him no mercy when his authority is questioned in anyway especially of the same topic he does not like is brought up multiple times.

his attention is drawn back to the orb where he continues to watch his champion train and get stronger. He contemplates if he should steal another, blessing to her or just let her grow and see what happens.


{Authors note: all right, here are two chapters for you. I hope they will be enough for all your readers out there. I'm going to continue the story as I do more research on the subject and throwing my own ideas in the mix if you have your own ideas you'd like to pitch please do so, and I hope you continue to support the story with power stones and comments.}

{I'll have one more chapter being made after this one right now I'm having a short case of writers block but hopefully I get over it soon and give you guys more wonderful chapters to complete this story.}

{And I just got back from vacation so hopefully I'll get more writing done}