BPE Chapter 12

Chen Hongmei returned home. However she can't sit still. The more she thinks about it, the more unwilling she becomes. Her man is also the son of the old Feng family, and their children were also the grandsons of the old Feng family. There should be no problem if there's only a small amount of meat, however there's so much meat that the animal hunts. Why don't they give more to her family? Isn't that biased?

She was standing in the yard drying clothes, and suddenly she heard Wuwa shouting from the house: "Mom, my brother wet the bed, it smells so bad."

Chen Hongmei was very angry. She had just finished washing her clothes, and these two stained the bedding again. Are these two brats born to collect debts from her?.

"Mom, my brother urinated on the bed, come quickly."

Chen Hongmei was so angry that her eyes and nose were about to smoke, she rushed into the room angrily, and at a glance saw Liuwa wet the bedding and drawing a map on the bed. This was the bed sheet she washed the day before yesterday, and she was waiting for the Chinese New Year. It was soiled just a day later, and she instantly wanted to throw Liuwa directly out.

She lifted Liuwa from the bed, rudely stripped his pants and diapers, and left him sitting on the stool with puffy eyes and fierce look at Wuwa: "Take a look at your brother, he is going to fall, be careful or I'll kick you to death!"

Wuwa didn't take it seriously at all. When his mother turned his back, he made a weird face, which made Liuwa laugh, and even the snot bubbles came down.

Wuwa doesn't look small, but he also knows beauty and ugliness. Seeing his brother's sloppy appearance, he first dislikes it. The snot baby and the bed-wetting baby are not good at all. He likes his uncle's sister. As soon as he thought of his uncle's house, Wuwa thought of the smell of the meat, and his stomach began to growl.

He stood on tiptoe and saw that his mother was still dawdling there, and was suddenly unhappy, "Mom, are you getting better soon? I'm dying of hunger, I want to eat, I want to eat meat."

"CuiCuiCui, life-threatening ghost, you! You know how to eat and eat all day long. I think you must be the womb of a starving ghost. You just ate meat yesterday and you still want to eat meat today?!" When it comes to meat, Chen Hongmei is angry in her heart, and her mouth is like a gun firing non stop.

Wuwa was particularly unconvinced, looked at Liuwa and said, "My younger brother also wants to eat, and my younger brother is also a ghost."

"How dare you talk back!" Chen Hongmei was so angry that she grabbed Wuwa and gave him a blow, grabbed the clothes on his back and said, "I ask you, you want to eat meat so much, why did you want to eat it? Why don't you bring Huzi home here? If you bring Huzi back here we will have meat to eat now. If you did so, that meat should belong to our family."

If Huzi was brought back to her house, Huzi would be able to get meat for them, and the taste of meat would be so delicious. Why is there such a delicious thing in this world? The number of times she has eaten meat in her life can be counted on ten fingers. With so much meat, she could fill up an entire kitchen, but she missed this opportunity in vain. As long as Chen Hongmei thought about it, her bowels would turn green.

She pointed vigorously on Wuwa's forehead, making his forehead red, "You should have picked up that animal and brought it here. What were you thinking?"

Wuwa is very sturdy and knows to speak to herself: "Mom, I didn't pick up that tiger, that's my sister..."

"Little sister, you think about the money-losing goods all day long. You see how hungry Liuwa is? How hungry Mom is? Why don't you think about us?" In the Old Feng family only Chen Hongmei didn't like Mengmeng. Isn't it just a money loser, why do people treat her so well? She was not as good as her parents' family.

Wuwa always felt that something was wrong, but his little head couldn't understand it, so he had to change his mind and said, "Then I don't want to eat meat, okay?"

"Eat, go ask for meat at your uncle's house then give it to me. I'll cook it for you!" Chen Hongmei suddenly thought of an idea. She can't come forward, but Wuwa is from the old Feng family, so what's the problem of Wuwa asking for some meat? It doesn't matter at all, it should be ok.

She released Wuwa, straightened his clothes and said, "You went to the next door to ask for a piece of meat, and you said it was for Liuwa. You want a bigger piece and a little tender, do you hear me? If you can't get it back. I'll beat you to death!"

"I know, I know," Wuwa didn't take it seriously, he didn't want to stay in the house for a long time, "Mom, then I'm leaving."

Wuwa walked out of the courtyard and walked a few steps to the uncle's house next door. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his milk standing in the courtyard. He immediately ran over, raised his head and said, "Nurse, my mother asked me to come beg for meat. , she asked me to say that it is for my brother, it should be bigger and tender."

"Bah, where did such a big face come from, why didn't she die beautifully?" When Mrs. Feng heard this, her eyebrows instantly stood up, as if she had fired a cannonball, and the fire rushed to her forehead.

Wuwa shrugged her shoulders and said innocently, "My mother told me to say it. She also said that if I didn't get it she would beat me to death."

"I'll see who beats to death first! This shameless idiot, she treats everyone else as an idiot." Madam Feng laughed instead, this greedy and stupid little daughter-in-law, who doesn't know about her virtue? If it weren't for the sake of Wuwa and Liuwa, she would not send any meat to her. Now she got one for free but she's still complaining.

Mrs. Feng laughed so terribly that Wuwa couldn't help shaking. When Madam Feng saw it, she patted his head and said, "Don't worry Wuwa, I'm talking about your mother."

Wuwa was relieved when he heard it. He took out a slingshot from his pocket and looked around, "Nanny, where's my sister? I brought a slingshot for my sister to play with."

"She's in the room, you can go in by yourself. You are not allowed to give her marbles to play with." Mrs. Feng explained, and she went to the third house next door arrogantly.

With her back to the door, Chen Hongmei was diapering Liuwa when the light suddenly dimmed. She turned around and saw that her mother-in-law stared at her with a dark face, as if she was going to eat her. Chen Hongmei shuddered in her heart and almost didn't throw Liuwa out. She patted her chest and said, "Mom, why are you scaring me?"

"Put Liuwa down, I have something to tell you." Madam Feng didn't want to let these prodigal women ruin the reputation of her old Feng family. She turned around and closed the door, blocking it in front of the door panel, like a black man. It made Chen Hongmei's heart skip a beat.

Chen Hongmei put Liuwa on the bed, stood up and pinched the corner of her clothes crampedly. She felt a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart for this mother-in-law, and said falteringly, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Madam Feng sneered, squinted her eyes and said, "The third one, let me ask you, are you thinking about it?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? I didn't do anything?" Chen Hongmei immediately became anxious, she was already empty in her heart, and now it is even more empty, and she dared not to even look at her mother-in-law.

"You didn't do anything? You didn't do anything! Didn't you send Wuwa to his uncle's house to ask for meat? It's okay for you not to have any shame. But you taught my old Feng's grandson to be as shameful as you are? Let me tell you, if you don't want to let it go, go back to your mother's house, our old Feng family can't afford you."

After Mrs. Feng finished speaking, she didn't even want to look at her. She really didn't like this third daughter in Law. She had shallow eyes, and she didn't have much ability to learn from others. Mrs. Feng opened the door and wanted to go out .

Unexpectedly, Hongmei shouted behind her: "Mom, Sorry I won't dare, it's just that Liuwa is hungry and wants to eat meat, so I..."

"Don't make excuses. The three of you have already split up. There is no reason why the uncle still needs to raise a nephew. Don't worry about him if he has meat in his family. For such a big man, you need to have a face."

If Mrs. Feng can be fooled by her nonsense, then she is not Mrs. Feng. If she knew that she would covet the meat in the First family. She should have given meat to Wuwa and Liuwa in private. That would be better than sending it into the mouth of this daughter in law.

"If you want to do this again, go back to your mother's house and see that your mother's house takes care of you." Seeing that the third family's face turned pale, Mrs. Feng didn't bother to pay any more attention to her and left without looking back.

When she returned home, she looked at the meat in the kitchen and thought to herself that too much meat would attract people's attention, so the Chinese New Year was almost here, so she might as well take some out of the mountains to sell, or buy some New Year's goods. Now that half of the mountain road has been completed, the remaining half is much easier to walk. She can go out on her own, and she still wants to take Mengmeng with her.

When it was time for dinner, Mrs. Feng told her family about this matter, and Feng Yimin was the first to object: "Mom, it's almost the end of the year, there are too many things in the village, I really can't go away. Everyone is resting, no one is going to repair the road. You can't go out alone with Mengmeng. What if something happens?"

Madam Feng took a piece of fragrant meat for herself, threw it into her mouth and chewed it and said, "Why not? I just told you, I didn't ask you whether you agree or not. Your father and daughter-in-law should also follow, you Cook at home for Wuwa and the Erwa, and that's it."

"Mom, why don't I know?" Feng Yimin noticed the expressions on his father and his daughter-in-law after he finished speaking. It turned out that they didn't know either.

Madam Feng glanced at the two of them and was satisfied when she saw that they were all smiling, "Then you know now, go to bed early tonight, and we will go out early tomorrow."

The next day before dawn, the Feng family got up and ate a full breakfast. Old man Feng was carrying two burdens, and old lady Feng was also carrying a basket. The meat was packed last night and put away in these ladle baskets.

Before Mengmeng woke up, Madam Feng wrapped her in a piece of cotton cloth, tied it in a knot and hung it diagonally on Su Wan's chest. Feng Yimin sent them all the way to the side of the mountain road, still waving reluctantly, and Hu Zi followed in a blink of an eye.

"Oh, Hu Zi, are you going too?" As soon as Madam Feng lowered her head, she saw Hu Zi following Su Wan, and smiled kindly and said, "That's ok, just stay here, don't run around. ."