BPE Chapter 42

Feng Laosan thought that he was the one who helped move the boxes. She helped? She only knows how to be lazy and talk behind other people's backs. He shook off his hand and said impatiently, "What Relationship? I tell you, stop giving those remarks.."

Chen Hongmei was a little scared when she saw his face. Last time, she encouraged her man to ask the old man. She didn't know what kind of soup the old man gave him. Her hands and legs had been green for two whole days before she took care of it. She was afraid of being cleaned up by her man again, so she closed her mouth embarrassingly and did not dare to say any more.

Although she didn't say it, she was secretly counting the boxes, thinking beautifully in her heart. The uncle's family bought so many good things this time, it's not too much to give a little to her family right? It's not too much if she asks. Just one or two boxes will suffice. Tomorrow she must go to the canteen to scavenge.

On the second day, the people in Taoyuan Village didn't even want to go out to sea and farm. After having breakfast at home, they ran out and walked toward the canteen, all of them with wide-eyed eyes, ready to see the strangeness. They tossed and turned in bed last night, thinking about the things inside those boxes. And now everyone is gathered together, one or two yawning, and finally looking forward to the people from the old Feng family to arrive. Their spirits improved immediately when they saw the Feng family coming forward and they laughed when they gathered around old Man feng. One of the villagers said very affectionately: "Old village chief, auntie, why did you just arrive now? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The other villagers also helped: "Yes, yes, old village chief, please open the door and let us go in and have a look. You are running a small shop. It's really stylish. We've wanted to see it for a long time."

The old man Feng took out the key from his pocket and said, "Well, since you want to see it so much, then I'll take you in and have a look. Come and follow me, the old Feng's canteen is open."

Old Man Feng opened the door, and everyone was scrambling to squeeze into the yard. When he opened the canteen, the villagers puffed up their eyes in shock, and their mouths were so wide open that the saliva was about to flow out. It's a sensation, and Oh my goodness, what are you buying in this small shop, all kinds of very rare and tight stuff, all the rows of cabinets are filled with different products.

Tsk tsk tsk, such a rare toad mirror is placed in a row, and all of them have fancy styles, both for adults and children. Why would a little doll want to wear such a good toad mirror? This old Feng family has so much money that they have nowhere to spend, and they actually bought so many useless things.

There is also a cabinet of water guns on the counter next to it. This is the favorite of the little boys. The little dolls of the old Feng family have long owned such water guns. They used to be envious. There is not so much money, at most there is a dime or two. The little dolls stare at the colorful water guns, all thinking in their hearts that they will make more shell necklaces, garlands and straw grasshoppers in the future, waiting for tourists to come. They are sold to tourists, so that they can save money to buy water guns. If anyone has such a water gun in his hand, he will have a lot of face to go out and spray whoever wants to spray.

They also saw the boxes of bubble gum and the sour plum powder next to them. Mengmeng was sitting at the counter, holding a pack of sour plum powder in her hand and eating it, making these little dolls want to drool when they saw it. , hurriedly ran up to ask: "What is this red thing? What did you eat in your mouth? Does it taste delicious?"

Mengmeng narrowed her eyes and said with special enjoyment: "Milk, another pack."

Madam Feng took out a small packet of sour plum powder from the cabinet and opened it for her to eat, she greeted warmly: "The red one is bubble gum, three cents a piece, my Mengmeng eats sour plum powder, a pack of It costs five cents, it's not expensive, and it's very, very delicious, do you want to try it?"

"Yes!!!~" The little dolls were about to stretch out their hands in their eyes. They could not wait to grab the bubble gum and sour plum powder and put them in their mouths. A little boy took out some private money from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Feng on the spot. Tai said: "Come here... bubble gum, no, no, no, it's still sour plum powder. Grandma Feng will bring me a pack of sour plum powder. I want to know what it taste like."

The little boy took the sour plum powder and ate it immediately, pouting and saying, "It's so sour, so sweet, so delicious."

The other little dolls were very greedy, and the rich little dolls also took out their money. Some people bought sour plum powder, and some people bought bubble gum. Madam Feng also said worriedly: "This is Candy can only be chewed but not swallowed. Look at our eldest baby, they are eating bubble gum, you can learn from them, and it will be fun when you learn it, go ahead and go."

The little dolls stuffed the candy into their mouths and chewed hard, and found that the candy tasted very sweet and had a taste of fruit candy. Everyone was very curious around the big baby and the second baby, imitating their way of blowing. There was a bubble, and a little baby succeeded very quickly. The person next to him naughty burst the bubble, and immediately got his mouth covered with the white bubble. He smiled very happily, licked it back again, and continued to chew. This bubble gum is really fun, hahahaha.

The villagers were not interested in children's stuff. As soon as they walked into the store, they were attracted by the swimsuits hanging behind the counter. After listening to Mrs. Feng's introduction, the men were stunned on the spot. The skirts are too fashionable, too. There are even special clothes for swimming. They usually jump in wearing big pants. The little boy is naked, and the women are more troublesome, and they all go into the water wearing clothes.

Some villagers asked suspiciously, "Auntie, are these clothes really worn while swimming? Who would buy these clothes, it's so short? Can you sell these clothes?"

Madam Feng pointed at the swimsuits in a particularly arrogant manner and said, "Did you see it? They are all made of fabric from Hong Kong. The bright prints on them are all printed by machines. Don't mention how beautiful you are when you wear them. I haven't heard of that because you don't have the knowledge. The swimming pools in the provincial capitals sell them. They sell a set for ten yuan. I only need ten yuan, which is cheaper than the ones they sell. The quality is better than theirs. Look at how elastic it is. You can stretch the clothes as long as you want. Even fat people can wear them. I don't plan to buy it myself, there are many people who want to buy it."

The villagers were stunned when they heard it. They also saw the lifebuoy next to the swimsuits. At first, they didn't know what it was. After listening to Mrs. Feng's introduction, it turned out that this thing is similar to pig bubbles, and it can be done by blowing air on it. The villagers are also people who know the goods. This life buoy looks much better than the pig bubble. After all, the pig bubble is too small. If it is tied to the body, it will float away accidentally. When the time comes, the drowning person will be miserable. This life buoy can be directly put on your body, and you don't have to worry about falling off halfway. This thing is good.

They also saw a lot of fashionable new clothes at the counter, and they recognized them immediately. Isn't that the floral shirts, flared pants and sea soul shirts that the Feng family often wears? Oops, there are also these big pants, what kind of foreign trade underwear are they? When have they seen foreign trade underwear? They only wear large briefs made by themselves. The fabric of these underwear is so good and stretchy that it must be very comfortable to wear.

Mrs. Feng stood by and introduced it: "One pair is two yuan, if you buy two, it's three yuan, isn't it cheap? These are underwear specially sold to foreigners, and foreigners wear this, they are more fashionable than us. It's clean and hygienic, do you want to buy two to go home and try?"

Those big and small daughters-in-law all find it very strange, and they are very excited. These underwear are not expensive. If you want to buy them, you can buy two, one for yourself and the other for the boss. You can save a dollar by buying two. Secretly, he discussed it with Mrs. Feng: "Auntie, let's come back later when there are not so many people. You can keep it for us."

Those underwear are cheap, other clothes are more expensive, bell-bottoms cost 8 yuan, flower shirts are cheaper and cost 5 yuan, sea soul shirts are more expensive and cost 10 yuan, but those young guys and big girl and the daughter-in-law liked it very much. Standing in front of the counter, they couldn't walk away. They had long been envious of the old Feng family when they started wearing them. They wanted to buy them but they just didn't have the money.

Only Xiaofang in the village is about to get married. Her parents love her more, and they saved her a small amount of dowry money. She immediately discussed with her mother that she should not buy the flower cloth when she gets married, and she will wear flared pants and the sea soul shirt. Her mother thought that her daughter would only be married once in her life. She gritted her teeth and actually bought it for her, which shocked everyone in the village. This is the first time that someone from Taoyuan Village apart from the old Feng family and the old Zhang family to buy such clothes. The three families put on this fashionable dress, and instantly compared other girls, big and small, why is Xiaofang so lucky? If they can also buy this dress, they will have a face in the village.

Xiaofang stood there enjoying the envious gazes of the villagers. She only felt that she had never been so proud in her life. This dress was really worth buying.

The villagers also found the radio on the counter. As soon as they came in, they heard the song. This song was sung by a man, and he sang very nicely. They immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "Old village chief, you are a man of generosity. You're willing to take out the radio in your house for everyone to listen to, oh, I didn't say anything, you are a bright person."

Old Man Feng just smiled and didn't speak. Only Chen Hongmei noticed with sharp eyes that it wasn't the radio he bought before. The casing of the machine was not the same at all, so they bought a new radio. Two radios, they wasted so much money that ner nose burned with jealousy. Almost looked crooked.

The villagers also saw small handkerchiefs, small hairpins, towels, toothbrushes, etc. in the commissary. Anyone with eyes can see that these things are definitely from the south. The villagers couldn't help but think about it in their hearts. Half a year ago, the village chief went to the south. And a few months ago, Old Man Feng also went to the south. The next time he and Old Man Zhang sneaked out, they must have also gone to the south. It seems that the way for their family to make a fortune must be in the south.

They figured in their hearts, how much would it be worth if so many rare things were added together? Look at the electronic watches on the counter. One sells for 40 yuan. Although it is more than 100 yuan cheaper than the Shanghai brand watch, it is not cheap. It is almost equivalent to a month's salary of the village chief. There are ten more on the counter. As for a few watches, at least one year's salary from the village chief can be afforded.

These watches are so expensive to sell, they must also require a lot of capital. Without capital, they can't buy so many things. They think about the life of the village chief's house, and then think about their own home, they are really sour and envious. Touching their own trouser pockets, they can only stand here and watch the excitement. Even if you want to buy it, you can't afford it.

At this moment, the villagers have a belief in their hearts, that to make money desperately, must make money hard. If you have the capital, you can do whatever you want. Look at the old village chief's house, they manage to open a small shop. This is what you call business. If their family also has one, their family will definitely make more and more money in the future. Everyone lives in the same village, and of course they don't want to be compared by others.

Now their biggest hope is watermelon. If the watermelon harvest is good, their family can make a lot of money. When they want to wear flared trousers, they will wear flared trousers, and if they want to wear floral shirts, they will wear floral shirts. The villagers who reacted quickly ran to the watermelon fields to tend the crops. These watermelons had grown as big as the watermelons brought back by the village chief last time, and they continued to grow in the big mile. The watermelons last time were sold well. For a few dollars, their watermelons are definitely more valuable. Thinking of this, the people in the village diligently picked up farmyard manure and worked hard in the watermelon field, for fear that there would be a problem, or else there would be no place to cry.

Chen Hongmei stayed in the store, dawdling and always refused to leave. She diligently took out a small handkerchief and wiped it around, and she cried out very affectionately: "Mom, it's such a hot day, you stay here. It's too hard to watch the store here, let me help you watch the store, I'm young and strong, I can do anything."

Madam Feng squinted her eyes and said, "Young Sanjia, I haven't seen you so active before. I don't need you here. It's enough to have me and your dad here. You should go back."

Chen Hongmei stood still and said with a flattering smile: "Mom, there are still so many people trying on clothes in the store, I can help you a little more, and I don't need to go back when I'm free at home, you Just let me stay here."

After she finished speaking, regardless of Madam Feng's disdainful eyes, she rushed into the counter with a whimper, and touched the inside and the west, wishing she could bring all those things home.

She also stared at the clothes cabinet behind old lady Feng and said, "Mom, why do you think this sea soul shirt is so good-looking, sister-in-law looks so handsome in it, I don't have such a good life. I haven't worn such clothes since I was a child. Good clothes, sister-in-law's life is better than mine, if only I could wear such a suit."

Mrs. Feng said slowly: "Of course you can wear it if you want. Isn't that a very simple thing?"

Before Chen Hongmei was overjoyed, she heard her mother-in-law continue to say: "The sea soul shirt is not particularly expensive. You can buy it back for ten yuan. From the third family, if you really want it, I will get one for you."

Chen Hongmei blurted out: "No, no, why do you need to spend money? It's all from your own family..."

"Do you think all of this was bought for free? No wonder you became so diligent, it turns out you have such an idea in your heart. Why can't you learn from others? Don't think about taking advantage of our old bones. We can't definitely afford someone like you in our store. So you should go back as soon as possible."

Chen Hongmei blushed when she heard it, and awkwardly twisted her handkerchief and said, "Mom, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously. Since you don't need help in the store, I'll go back first."

When she turned around and ran away, Madam Feng spat fiercely: "Bah, the old Feng family has been in bad luck for eight lifetimes to marry such a troublemaker, just wait and see. she must be thinking something else."

The old man Feng sat next to her. He took a sip of water from the cup. He didn't pay attention to these trivial matters. Otherwise he would not be at ease.

He touched Mengmeng's little head, and reluctantly said to his wife, "I will go to the provincial capital with Lao Shito tomorrow to do business, and I need you to take care of the family while I'm away."

Madam Feng said worriedly: "You just came back, why are you in such a hurry to leave again? How long will you be away?"

"How long can I go? I just ride a bicycle and sell a little every day. The provincial capital is so big, enough for us to sell for a month or two, I should be able to come back every afternoon to have dinner with you. Mengmeng tell me,are you not happy?"

Mengmeng naughtily grabbed her grandpa's nose and said, "Happy haha."

Madam Feng couldn't help but nod and said, "You have a good idea, and you don't have to work so hard. If you go to the south to buy goods in the future, you can just buy more, and we will sell them slowly at home."

Old Man Feng put down the cup and said, "Let's see, after this batch of goods is sold out, I will go to the south again to see if there are other goods that are in high demand. We have to keep up with the trend of the south, otherwise the goods will be bought and no one will want them. It will be troublesome."

Madam Feng also felt that what he said was very reasonable, so she had to say: "I understand. The weather is so hot, you don't have to run too hard every day, you have to think about your own age. "


For other chapter pls visit

BPE Chapter 43: https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-43-V7V7BW6BT

BPE Chapter 44: https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-44-V7V1BW6PO?justpublished=true&alias=BPE-Chapter-44-V7V1BW6PO

BPE Chapter 45 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-45-R5R6BWQY1