BPE Chapter 46

The tourists left after two or three days staying in the village. In the afternoon, Feng Yimin turned on the radio again and called the villagers to come to the brigade.

"Village chief, are there more tourists coming?" The villagers have tasted the sweetness of tourism. This time, the number of tourists is large, and they are generous. Every family has made a lot of money, and they feel so happy in their hearts. They were all looking forward to tourists coming.

Feng Yimin held the loudspeaker and said, "It's not a tourist folks, this time is great news. You all listen to me, the tourists from the Wuqi Machinery Factory think the watermelon in our village is very delicious. Next week is the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the festival, the leaders of their trade union decided to buy watermelons from our village to give benefits to the workers in their factory. Do you know how much they are going to buy? It takes a thousand watermelons!"

The villagers were in an uproar at first, and then some villagers questioned: "Village chief, didn't you say that there are tens of thousands of workers in other factories? Why only a thousand? This is too stingy, at least It is enough to buy tens of thousands of watermelons."

Feng Yimin laughed and scolded: "Fuck you, why are you so greedy? It's not bad to have a thousand. Think about how much this is? At least tens of thousands of dollars. I have one more thing that I haven't told you. Said that the tourists who came this time are from the first factory, and the trade union is also from the first factory. The first factory can't control the second factory. You don't care how they distribute the watermelons. Now, here is the place of origin. They send their own car to pick them up from the factory. They have to give them a little discount. It's still 50 cents a pound, but those fractions are not given to us. Folks, this is a great thing. Boy, we'll have the money soon."

The villagers immediately became anxious, opened their mouths and started shouting: "Village chief, our watermelons are not ripe yet, and this money will not fall into our pockets."

Feng Yimin waited for them to finish, and then explained patiently: "There are still five or six days, you all go back and think of a way, protect the ripe watermelons first, and then pick them up and sell them when the car arrives. , it doesn't matter if you are not familiar with it yet. Wuqi Machinery Factory gave us ideas. Seeing that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, the next is National Day. This is a big festival. Our watermelons will be on the market at this time. I will try to find a way with a few cadres in the village to see if we can sell all of our watermelons. So don't be discouraged. This watermelon is placed in the ground and it can't escape. , If you don't sell it this time, you will save it for the next time. It's just a matter of making money sooner or later. By the way, Accountant Zhang has something to tell you, you all listen quietly."

Zhang Guangming took the loudspeaker, climbed onto the stool and said to the villagers, "Folks, the leaders will buy watermelons from us because they look up to us. I won't lie to you, the watermelons from my family and Lao Feng's family are familiar in the village. There are a lot of them. The leaders originally wanted to buy from our two families, but we didn't agree at all. As cadres, we have to endure hardship first and enjoy later. I will post my words here today. We will accept one watermelon for one watermelon. We will never let our own watermelons fill in to make this money. We will give priority to giving the opportunity to make money to the people in our village. If you can collect a thousand watermelons, we will not earn a penny. We want to help everyone make money. I don't say these words to make you grateful to us, these are things our cadres should do."

After Zhang Guangming finished saying these words in a good voice, the conversation turned very serious again: "I'll tell you the ugly things first, the 10,000 yuan sale is a big deal, and it must not be sloppy. Whether the watermelon is ripe or not, we have to test it in person. Every watermelon must be registered on the name of each household. If anyone dares to use raw melons to cheat money, I won't be sorry but to make you go by yourself. Police can also be involved, this is a big deal of 10,000 yuan. It is enough to sentence you to 10 or 8 years. So don't do anything stupid, that's all I want to say. You go back and take care of your watermelon. When they send a car from the factory, we will collect the melon on the spot. The money will be directly given to you by the accountant in their factory. Our cadres do not handle the money. How much money can be earned is up to you. If you want to earn more money, you should have the ability, let's go back."

The villagers walked out of the group one after another, and they were very moved. One villager couldn't help but said with emotion: "Oh, the cadres in our village are good people, and they think of us in everything. Earning money for us, I have never seen such a kind person."

Another villager also said happily: "That is, the village chief went to the south to find us such a way of making money, and entertaining tourists. These are all good things for our villagers to make money. Wait for this year. After selling the watermelon, we can also have a fat year. Why is this day so good? Haha."

Feng Dafu was walking among the villagers, and he glared at them secretly. The whole village planted watermelons, but his family didn't. How could they make money, but his family couldn't? This time the tourists came here, they also didn't make any money. Either they disliked their dirty and messy home, or they refused to live in their home. I bah, such a good thing can't be his turn anyway, and it has to be messed up for them.

His eyes rolled around, and he laughed awkwardly, and said with a sarcastic tone: "Have you ever thought about how many ripe melons you have in your family? The village chief and Accountant Zhang How many ripe melons are there in the family? They just coax you verbally. In the end, most of the money from selling the melons will be earned by them. They not only made money but also gained a good reputation. There is no more cost-effective deal than this. Think about it for yourself, don't be sold by others and help them count the money, and thank them."

When Feng Dafu dared to say such a thing, the mouse boy was the first to disagree. He squinted at Feng Dafu and said with a very disdainful look: "Oh, why are some people's mouths so stinky? Oh! You didn't finish drinking the toilet water in the morning and haven't brushed your teeth right? I think you're just jealous. If the village chief and the accountant want to make money for themselves, they don't have to do these things at all and just sell the melons directly to tourists. I don't have many ripe melons in my house, only two or three, and it's okay to earn at least 20 or 30 yuan. How could we have such a cheap good thing in the past? You can feel your conscience and think about it. When you have this opportunity, will you let it out? The cadres in the village are so kind to us, we can't be without conscience, that's something only animals can do."

Feng Dafu felt the rage inside him. With a shaking finger, he pointed to the mouse's nose. The tone of his speech changed: "Hehe, I don't think you should be called the mouse, you should be called the dog's leg, holding the village head. You stinky feet, your flattery is about to be photographed in the sky, how much benefit did the village chief give you to let you speak for him like this?

The mouse is not easy to bully, he knocked off the hand with a snap, glared fiercely at Feng Dafu and said with special disdain: "I don't know which one is shameless and skinless. I'm not the one who came home with an injured foot and covered with bruises. And a face covered with wounds. I didn't know what the hell they did, to get those wounds. But I wouldn't be surprised if one day a police officer would come to our village. We would certainly lose face. And besides, the village chief doesn't have to do me any favors. I also will have to speak for others, because that is what a decent human should do. Some people do things that are worse than animals. Just wait and see, sooner or later, those who have no conscience will be caught and punished"

Feng Dafu was humiliated face-to-face by the mouse boy he had always looked down on. And when he saw the mocking eyes of the villagers, his heart suddenly became dull. What he experienced that time is really scary, and he still feels anxious when he thinks about it now. He doesn't even dare to approach the river in the village. Every day, he asks his mother to fetch water. He doesn't dare to go by himself. His family has been so unlucky recently. He remembered the nightmare last night, and in his dream he heard the kid laughing while walking away triumphantly.

Feng Dafu hated the people of Taoyuan Village even more. Especially when he saw the villagers selling the watermelons to the car sent by the Wuqi Machinery Factory. Everyone laughed so hard when they were being paid by money, he felt bad in his heart. Thinking that we must deal with them ruthlessly.

Hearing that the village chief and Accountant Zhang were going out to find a market for the watermelon, he had a ghost idea in his heart, and Babadi ran to Niujia Village to find Niu Xingsheng, and he said, "Brother Niu, regardless of the other party's expression. I have a way to make a fortune here, I wonder if you are interested?"

Niu Xingsheng bulged out a pair of bull's eyes, stared at him coldly, and said with a smile, "You bastard still has the face to see me. Is it not enough for you to make me look like a ghost last time? And now you had another ghost idea? I don't care what ghost thoughts you have, just keep it yourself. I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore."

After Niu Xingsheng was completely counseled last time, it turned out that there are really ghosts in this world, and that ghosts were recruited by Feng Dafu. He and his son in law were hurt so badly. He later drank two whole bowls of black dog blood. Now he looks at Feng Dafu like an enemy.

Feng Dafu's face was red and white, and he pointed to his chest and said with injustice: "Brother Niu, what are you saying? I didn't know beforehand that there were ghosts in the water. Do you think I would go there if I knew about it from the start? I've been treated badly myself. You really can't blame me for this. We don't do anything this time, we just focus on making money. I just found out a way to make money. If Brother Niu is willing to help, we It's not difficult to make 56,000."

Niu Xingsheng was shocked by the number he said. Good guy, Feng Dafu, has such a way to make money. Although he hates Feng Dafu, he can't live with money. He loves money the most, so he immediately took Feng Dafu's shoulders like two brothers, he said nicely: "Brother Feng, you are a righteous person, and you have a way to make a fortune, but also think about your brother here, hahaha, then tell me, how do you need me to help you?"

Feng Dafu whispered in his ear, Niu Xingsheng frowned at first, but gradually his brows loosened, his eyes brightened, and the corners of his mouth even laughed and patted hard. He patted Feng Dafu's shoulder and said, "Your idea is so good, just do as you said, let me think about it, my daughter-in-law's family has a nephew, then I will let him go with us. If we cooperate well, we will make a lot of money from it."


BPE Chapter 47 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-47-W7W2BY0DN

BPE Chapter 48 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-48-S6S0C0MCK

BPE Chapter 49 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-49-F2F0C0MS1

BPE Chapter 50 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-50-Y8Y0C0N3R

BPE Chapter 51 : https://ko-fi.com/post/BPE-Chapter-51-Z8Z4C21UC