Sakura Haruno was in a state of bliss.
Currently, she, Ino and Naruko were visiting Sasuke at the Uchiha compound. She couldn't believe that he'd actually invited them to come!
Okay, if she was being honest, Sasuke didn't so much invite them as, well… not reject them when they took a chance by tagging along with Naruko.
Regardless, it still counted as a victory in her mind!
The three girls were sitting in the courtyard, basking in the warm afternoon sun. They chatted, watching Sasuke as he cycled through different training regimens. Naruko had sparred against him for a while, but eventually she got frustrated and quit since she kept losing. Sakura and Ino had dared each other to ask Sasuke for a few pointers, but neither of them could muster the courage to do so.
"I didn't think Sasuke, well… trained this much." Whispered Ino to the three-girl circle, keeping her voice low so Sasuke couldn't hear her.
"Its all he does! Training, training, training. I mean, a person should have some fun now and then, you know?" Naruko said loudly, either unaware or uncaring of the other two girls' efforts to gossip.
Ino's hand went to smack her own forehead. "Geez Naruko, can't you talk a bit more quietly?"
"Why? Even if I scream, he won't even look this way. Wanna see?" Naruko started gathering air into her lungs, preparing to shout as loudly as she could.
The other two girls quickly tackled her, shoving their hands over her mouth.
"Are you crazy? Do you want Sasuke to chase us out?" Spoke Sakura, fuming with anger at the idea of having this wonderful opportunity to stare at Sasuke go to waste.
Naruko gripped their wrists, easily pulling them away from her mouth. "Nah, he won't chase me out. Sasuke and I are friends! Dunno about you guys though."
Ino rubbed at her wrist. Wasn't this girl too freakishly strong?
She looked suspiciously at Naruko. "What's up with you? Are you secretly a boy or something?"
Naruko laid down on her back with her arms under her head, a smug expression on her face. "Nah, you guys are just super weak. Real ninja are strong, like me!"
The two girls looked at her with displeased expressions. "Being a gorilla isn't the same thing as being a ninja! There are plenty things ninja can do that have nothing to do with muscles." Sakura said, indignantly.
Sakura nodded her head. "Yeah, like the Yamanaka mind-related techniques."
Ino growled in displeasure at her friend.
Sakura looked confused. "What? It isn't like its some big secret."
Ino breathed out slowly through her nose. "That's not the problem here."
Sakura frowned. She didn't get it.
"Mind related techniques? Ooh, like mind-reading?" Naruko asked. clearly excited from learning this information. Her mind had already started racing with possibilities.
'That's why.' Ino mouthed at Sakura, rolling her eyes.
Naruko stared at Ino, a little skeptical. "Prove it! Tell me what I'm thinking of right now."
Ino looked at Naruko while pinching her nose. If she wanted to, she could easily learn the truth by asking around. Ino thought that she may as well go ahead and get this over with.
"You want to eat Ichiraku ramen."
Naruko jaw fell open, flabbergasted. "No way! You really can read minds!"
"Even I could have told you that." Muttered Sakura from the side.
Naruko looked ecstatic at the idea of having a mind-reader at her disposal. "Hey guys! I have a really good idea." Whispered Naruko, leaning forward conspiratorially as she rubbed her palms together.
The pink-blonde duo looked at her suspiciously. Naruko had suddenly learned how to whisper? This couldn't be good.
Ino and Sakura made eye contact, coming to an understanding. Whatever this was, they needed to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.
"Look Naruko, I don't think it's a good idea to…" Said Sakura, attempting to explain the questionable morality of reading people's minds.
Naruko threw her arms over each girl's shoulders, interrupting Sakura. "Its about Sasuke." She said with a self-satisfied expression on her face, confident in the irresistible bait she'd just set out.
Sakura's protests died in her throat. "S-Sasuke…?"
Hearing this, Ino's face, where it was pressed against Naruko's shoulder, looked very interested.
Naruko nodded enthusiastically. She looked over at an oblivious Sasuke, where he was currently doing some kind of chakra training. "There's one thing you guys don't know about Sasuke. He has… a secret!" Her eyes were drawn into two predatory slits.
"A s-secret…?" This time, it was Ino's turn to stutter. The two girls stared at Naruko wide eyed.
Naruko chuckled darkly. Today was the day she'd get back at Sasuke for always making her look bad! "That's right you guys. I know what it is, and I'm sure you can find out too if you read his mind. Sasuke is secretly…"
Naruko relished the feeling of having Sakura and Ino hanging on to her every word.
"Secretly what?" Sakura asked impatiently, grabbing onto the front of Naruko's orange jumpsuit.
Seeing that she had their undivided attention, Naruko decided to stop keeping them in suspense.
"Sasuke is secretly… a pervert!"
"Huh…?!" Ino and Sakura exclaimed dumbfoundedly.
Naruko nodded seriously. "Don't you guys think its strange that he only hangs out with girls? And he has those weird eyes that let him see stuff… I'm sure he's using them to look underneath our clothes right now!"
Ino and Sakura both let out loud squeals before hastily crossing their legs and covering their chests. They looked over in Sasuke's direction, their faces red with embarrassment, only to find that he wasn't paying attention to them at all.
Ino was the first to regain her composure. "Seriously Naruko? 'Sasuke is a pervert' huh? I think the real pervert here is you!" her face scrunched up in displeasure at being tricked.
Naruko shook her head while waving her hands back and forth. "I'm really serious! You can find out for yourself if I'm lying or not."
Sakura and Ino looked at each other. After a moment, Sakura nodded her head while clenching her fists. Ino looked conflicted… this was a really bad idea, but darn it she wanted to know!
Ino looked at Naruko. "If I find out you were lying, I'll… never eat ramen with you again!"
Sakura nodded in solidarity, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she huffed.
"W-wait a moment guys, there's no need to do something so drastic!" Naruko stuttered, suddenly looking unsure of herself.
"So, are you saying you lied, Naruko?" Asked Sakura with a tone of condemnation.
Naruko's eyebrows furrowed. "No, I'm really sure that he's a pervert!"
Sakura looked over at Ino, leaving the final decision up to her.
Ino sighed, her posture deflating. "This is a really bad and stupid idea." Despite those words, she crossed her legs while looking in Sasuke's direction with concentration.
Naruko rubbed her finger under her nose. "You guys willl see. I'm not a liar!"
With those words, Ino experienced a sucking sensation, as if her spirit was being pulled towards Sasuke. She looked over her shoulder at the red and pink haired girls next to her, silently egging her on.
The two girls watched silently as Ino became still, her eyes turning glassy.
Ten seconds passed.
Twenty seconds.
Thirty seconds.
After leaving them waiting in suspense for a minute, Ino suddenly became animated again.
"Ow!" She shouted in pain, her hands going up to her head.
Sakura was the first at her side. "Ino, what happened?"
Ino furiously rubbed her temples as a drop of blood slid from her nose. "It was booby-trapped…"
Naruko and Sakura looked at her uncomprehendingly. Then, the pink-haired girl suddenly noticed Sasuke heading in their direction.
When he'd covered about half the distance between them, he suddenly arrived in their midst with a flash, scattering leaves and kicking up dust into their eyes. He bent over, grabbing Ino by the collar and pulling her up to his level.
"You…" He started, looking at Ino with red eyes.
The three girls were completely pale-faced as they watched his mouth move to say something. His face was as blank as ever, but the aura around him made the hairs on the back of their necks stand up.
Naruko jumped up, grabbing at one of Sasuke's arms. "Hey, it was my idea okay! You're choking her – can you put her down?" She said urgently, her tone regretful.
Sasuke looked down at her shirt in his hand, which he'd twisted to the point where the fabric was starting to tear. He looked at the red-faced girl in front of him. Blood was running from her nose and tears had started welling in her eyes. He let her go, making her butt hit the ground with a thump.
Sakura bent down and started rubbing Ino's back while wiping the blood from her nose. She opened her mouth with an upset expression as if to say something to Sasuke only to change her mind, speaking to her bleeding friend instead. "My mom told me you should tilt your head back when you have a nosebleed – that way it'll stop."
Ino nodded. She coughed a little while rubbing at the red circle around her neck. "I'm really sorry Sasuke…" She looked down at the ground as she said this, tears starting to run down her cheeks.
Naruko grabbed Sasuke by his sleeves while looking him in the eyes. "It really was my idea – you gotta forgive her!"
"Its true! Naruko even said you were a pervert!" Sakura said, quick to sell the redhead out.
Sasuke looked at Naruko like she was the biggest idiot he'd ever seen.
Seeing his look, Naruko growled while shoving him away, momentarily forgetting about her blonde friend's predicament. "Don't look at me like that, teme! Tell the truth, did you touch my panties the other day or not?!"
Sasuke let out a long sigh while closing his eyes. "I was showing you how to properly wash your laundry, Naruko."
"Haa-? What kinda excuse is that?" Naruko said, crossing her arms in front of her chest with her feet placed far apart. The truth was finally being revealed!
"You literally threw your entire pile of smelly laundry at my head! It was pure coincidence that your underwear ended up falling into my hands!" Sasuke said, raising his voice for the first time since any of the girls had met him.
"Do you seriously expect anyone to you?!" Naruko shouted self-righteously. She would expose this scumbag for the benefit of girls everywhere!
Sasuke's hands started unconsciously travelling toward Naruko's neck. He looked like he wanted to choke the strawberry-blonde in front of him until she turned into a blueberry.
Fortunately, he regained control of his emotions. His hands fell limply to his sides as he said in a deadpan voice: "I'm never helping you with anything ever again."
Naruko's face, which had been filled with justice and righteousness, gained a hint of regret.
Before she could reply, Ino stood up with Sakura supporting her.
"I think I should take her home." Said Sakura, looking furtively at Sasuke as if worried that he'd attack Ino again.
Naruko looked a little panicked. "Uhm… wait a minute. I'm sure Sasuke has something that can help her get better, don't you Sasuke?" She stared at Sasuke with hopeful eyes. She didn't know how to salvage the messed up situation she'd created.
"Go get the stuff in my room, Naruko - you know where it is. And hurry up." Sasuke stated before making his way over to Ino.
"Okay." Naruko disappeared in a puff of smoke in her hurry to get something to treat Ino with.
"Sit here." Sasuke said, taking one of Ino's wrists and leading her to a spot in the shade.
Sakura looked at Ino in concern until she nodded, letting Sasuke drag her along.
Ino looked very uncomfortable where she sat . "I really am sorry Sasuke. We aren't allowed to use our mind-reading techniques on people - I shouldn't have done it." She said regretfully, her head lowered.
Sasuke nodded, accepting her apology.
They sat in \silence as they waited for Naruko to return.
Shortly afterwards, Naruko returned at top speed, carrying a few things in her hands. "Here." She said, dumping it in front of Sasuke.
Sasuke took out some ice, which he bunched up inside a rag. "Put this against your neck." He said, handing it to Ino. He then took a bottle of something, dripping of drop of the liquid on a small clump of cotton attached to a stick. "And put this in your nose."
Ino looked at it doubtfully.
"It will stop the bleeding and make the pain go away." Sasuke said, noticing her hesitation.
Ino took it, rubbing the orange wad of cotton inside her nose. The stuff had a weird smell, but it wasn't very strong. She felt a small prick of pain, before her nose became numb with a strange constricting sensation. It immediately stopped bleeding.
Sasuke handed her a cup of tea he'd been making in the meantime. "Drink this."
She took it, this time taking a sip without hesitation. It was sweet and had a calming, flowery scent. It was rather nice.
After she finished the first cup, Sasuke handed her one more. She drank the second one a bit slower. She'd stopped crying, and she felt much better.
Silence stretched between the four of them.
Naruko was the one to finally say something. "Since today was mostly my fault, and also Sasuke's fault for touching my panties, I'll treat you guys to ramen today!" She whispered the middle part as quietly as she could, but everyone still heard it.
Sasuke's brow furrowed like he wanted to say something, but he seemed to think better of it. It was no use trying to reason with someone who didn't even know what the word meant.
"You just want to eat ramen, Naruko." Ino said, the corner of her mouth curling into a small smile.
Naruko raised her hand to grasp at her chest, a small blush covering her cheeks. "That's not true. I'm doing this for you guys, okay?!"
Ino laughed a proper laugh this time. "Well, I am kinda hungry. If you're paying, then you can count me in."
Sakura looked at Ino with relief. It seemed that she was feeling a lot better now. "You better not be stingy, Naruko - I want dessert too!" Said Sakura, turning to shake one of her fists at Naruko.
A drop of sweat started to slide down the side of Naruko's forehead. "Why don't you guys just eat my entire wallet right now?" Her hand went to pat at the spot in her tracksuit where she usually kept it, only to find it gone. "Huh...?"
"Lets go." Her head twirled around at Sasuke's voice, only to see him counting her money - he'd grabbed her wallet when she wasn't looking!
"Hey, give that back!" Naruko started jumping around like a rabbit, trying to get her stolen wallet back. Unfortunately for her, Sasuke kept it outside her reach.
Ino and Sakura stood as well, smiling as they followed the squabbling pair out into the streets of Konohagakure.
"This is the latest report, Hokage-sama." A brown-haired woman said as she placed a paper envelope on Hiruzen Sarutobi's desk. She stood patiently as he opened it to read the contents inside.
His eyes flickered over the words, a thoughtful expression on his face. After a while, he placed it on his desk while puffing on his pipe.
"I see." He rotated in his chair to look out of the window, gazing across the beautiful little town. It had changed so much over the years. They'd suffered through many hardships to arrive at the current period of peace.
He opened a window, feeling the summer breeze rustle the hairs of his beard.
"What do you think is the reason for this?" Said Hiruzen, addressing the woman behind him without turning around.
Looking closely at her, she seemed to be getting on in her years. She was probably in her fifties now, her brown hair interspersed with iron-grey. Her face carried a few scars, as did her hands.
"Unfortunately Hiruzen-sama, I believe these are the fruits of peace." She said with a regretful tone.
The third hokage remained silent, waiting for her to continue.
She mulled over her words for a moment before speaking. "During the war, most civilians and low-class ninja like myself felt immensely grateful towards the more talented and powerful members of our village." Her hand went to her amputated leg, which had been replaced with a wooden replica. "If it weren't for them, many of us wouldn't have survived."
Hiruzen continued to stare out of the window, not responding to her words. She took this as a sign to continue.
"These instigators are mostly from the younger generations who have never known war. They see the clans as privileged instead of recognizing the great duty and responsibility they have to bear." The woman sighed as she said this, a little hopelessly.
"Are the clans not privileged?" Hiruzen asked, his tone even.
The woman smiled bitterly. "It is true that they occupy a higher position in society, but they have the ability to justify such a position."
Hiruzen listened to her words with interest. "Yet it could be said they didn't earn their position nor their ability."
The woman smiled. She'd been working alongside Hiruzen Sarutobi for many years. She was familiar with his method of playing devil's advocate to help himself reason through an argument. "At some point, their ancestors did. And they chose to have children, and to pass down the things they'd earned to those children – whether that be wealth, status or talent."
The corner of Hiruzen's lips curled up. "But what if those things were unjustly earned?"
The woman shook her head. "You already know the truth, Hiruzen-sama: no-one can change the past, and the children are not responsible for what their ancestors did."
Hiruzen huffed. "You've grown beyond the simple soldier I used to know."
She chuckled a little. "What can I say? I've learned a few things in my old age."
"And yet you still have no interest in leading the police force?" Hiruzen asked, his tone a little unhappy.
She shook her head. "I hate politics, and I'm no leader."
Hiruzen finally turned around to fix her with a steady gaze. "Many would beg to differ, including myself."
She scratched at her leg. "I apologize Hokage-sama, but I am resolute."
The Third huffed while stroking his beard. "Back on topic – do you have a solution for this problem?"
She rubbed her forehead. "As I said, Hiruzen-sama: I am no leader. I lack the ability to persuade others with words. I am also of the belief that verbal persuasions do not hold much value in any case." She drew a deep breath. "We may be at peace now, but…" She trailed off, looking a tad uncomfortable.
Of course, Hiruzen knew what she meant. Things were not as they seemed.
She looked him in the eyes. "In time, the citizens will be shown the truth through action."
Hiruzen puffed a large cloud of smoke from his pipe. He looked at a ninja scroll on his desk before speaking. "Indeed, strength is something that is worth worshipping... whether we like it or not."
Advance chapters available on my Pa tre on
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