"Arrogant, see how I kill you!"

Wang Quan had been prepared for a long time, yelled, his body suddenly moved, and when he caught his hand, he grabbed Su Ba's throat!


The air seemed to be cracked all of a sudden, and there was a harsh crackling sound!

As a genius warrior in the late stage of the Second Star, Wang Quan's instant explosive power directly exceeded the maximum power of the assessment, reaching 1,200 jin in his anger!

Under this grasp, a piece of hard wood can be snapped instantly, not to mention the fragile throat of the human body? !

Wang Quan, I'm so angry!

Being scorned by a waste wood again and again is something he can't bear with his arrogant heart!

On this occasion, although he dared not kill Su Ba, he had to abolish Su Ba directly so that even the martial artist could not do this waste!


Below, hundreds of third-grade students who watched the battle couldn't help exclaiming when they saw this scene!

This kind of speed, this kind of strength, they are estimated to be up, they are not very able to resist!

This Su Ba will definitely be abandoned!

On the high platform.

The enrollment deacons of various Wufu, Dean Xu, Vice Dean of Huan Ye Academy, and Yan Hua, the third-year chief instructor, all watched this scene unblinkingly!

Whether Su Ba's score is true or wrong is immediately obvious!

Seeing that Wang Quan's claws were about to come, Su Ba still stood motionless.

Dean Xu and Yan Hua couldn't help but sneer in their hearts!

Oh, I'm probably scared!

Waste wood is always waste wood!

Xia Hang, the enrollment deacon of Yunmeng Wufu next to him, narrowed his eyes and his body was slightly tight, ready to take action to rescue Su Ba at any time.

Since it was his proposal, he would naturally not let Wang Quan abolish Su Ba.

But the next second!

A gleam of light flashed in Xia Hang's eyes!


Everyone sees it!

Just when Wang Quan's claws were about to grab Su Ba's throat, Su Ba raised his hand, and then sent first!

The outstretched right hand grabbed Wang Quan's throat like lightning!


Wang Quan's body seemed to be swept by a strong force, and the whole figure was lifted up by Su Ba like a little chicken. After being caught by his throat, he was swept in the air for a circle.


A loud noise!

Wang Quan's body crashed to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust!


A mouthful of blood came out directly from Wang Quan's mouth!

He was lying on the ground with a frightened face, just raised his head, ready to get up!

Before he could react, a big foot fell into the air!


Stepping directly on Wang Quan's face, the raised head immediately made a heavy contact with the ground!

Wang Quan, his eyes stared!


Immediately fainted!

All this happened so fast!

From Wang Quan's shot to Su Ba's counterattack, Wang Quan finally landed in embarrassment and was stunned by a foot!

It's just a few breaths!

Watch this scene!

on site--

The atmosphere froze instantly!

"This...this Wang Quan was killed by Su Ba... in seconds?"

Many students below, look at me, and I look at you with shocked expressions!

Jiang Luwan opened her mouth blankly, her mind blank.

"This... this is impossible!"

The third-grade chief instructor Yan Hua took a few steps back, his whole body looked like petrified, his face was incredible!

"Impossible! I must have hallucinated!"

Yan Hua muttered to himself, "Bha~!" He gave himself a slap in the face!

Look again!

Ahead, Wang Quan was still lying motionless on the ground like a dead dog!


Yan Hua unconsciously sat on the ground with a pale face and trembling lips.

"How could this happen? Su Ba hasn't raised his realm for thousands of years, and he is simply useless. How could he be so strong? If I knew his strength, how could I propose to expel him..."

"This this..."

On the high platform, Dean Xu's body trembled, and he stuttered for a while.


A monstrous regret came out of my heart abruptly!