Not long.

"Wangwang, it was good before. Why is it so bad today? If it still happens in the future, I will lock you up."

The stunning woman came to the front, gently picked up the puppy, and clicked the puppy's forehead with some blame.

"Wang Wu~"

Wangwang seemed to understand, dropped his little ears and screamed softly, arching in the arms of the stunning woman like a baby.

"Okay, itchy, don't move..."

The stunning woman giggled and rubbed Wangwang's little head.


The beautiful woman seemed to notice Su Ba standing in front of her.

However, before she could say anything, Su Ba nodded towards her lightly, and walked forward.

Although this woman is a rare and beautiful beauty, Su Ba took a look, and his expression regained his clarity!

For Su Ba, apart from pursuing the pinnacle of martial arts, everything else is false!

Whether it is women, wealth, or power!

Let it all happen!

Since this puppy has an owner and the owner has found him, he doesn't need to stay there anymore.

"Wang Wu~"

Looking at the back of Su Ba leaving, Wang Wang suddenly raised his head and let out a low cry of dismay.


Qin Jiuyue's beautiful eyes were startled, and he glanced at Su Ba's back with some curiosity.

Wangwang is the cub of the King-level spirit beast, the White Wolf Qinghuang Dog.

Spirit beast realm level one to nine, corresponding to martial artist one to nine stars, quality is divided into ordinary, rare, king, and royal.

The king-level spirit beast has the third-level strength when it is born, and its mature body is comparable to the masters of the acquired realm among martial artists!

This kind of spirit beast is very vigilant towards strangers, and most people will be seriously warned when they are close to each other. Why does Wangwang seem to have a good impression of this young man?

Besides, Qin Jiuyue knows her beauty very well.

Most men can't resist at all, even if they look unfairly, they will sneak in.

And this man just glanced at her at first and walked away, his expression was calm and there was no fluctuation.

Qin Jiuyue could see that Su Ba did not pretend to be calm just to attract her attention, but was really calm, as if he was in his eyes, no different from ordinary people.

"This young man, cold, kind of cool..."

Qin Jiuyue moved her eyebrows and muttered to herself.


She found the direction Su Ba was walking, and her beautiful eyes were startled again.

She remembered that there was only one place to go there, Yunmeng Wufu.

This young man was born, shouldn't he be the new disciple of this class?

Qin Jiuyue blinked her beautiful eyes, did not speak, and walked towards Yunmeng Wufu with Wangwang in her arms.

At this time, she will also go back.

. . . . . .

After a stick of incense time.

Su Ba stopped not far from the gate of Yunmeng Wufu.

Looking up, in the distance is an endless group of buildings spanning dozens of miles, covering almost half of the Great Dragon Mountain, a row of majestic sceneries.

"It's worthy of being the top martial house of Fengwu Country. Only Yunmeng Wufu has such a spectacular sight."

Su Ba sighed in a low voice, thinking of the various challenges he would encounter after entering Yunmeng Martial Mansion, his heart was full of fighting spirit!

Without hesitation, Su Ba took a step towards the gate of Yunmeng Wufu!

Not a few steps closer yet.

"Who! This is Yunmeng Wufu, idlers stop!"

In front of the gate of Yunmeng Wufu, there were two guards, of which the rough-faced guard on the left took a step forward and shouted at Su Ba!

"Hello, I am a graduate of this year. I was selected by the deacon of admissions and came to Yunmeng Wufu to participate in the advanced assessment.

Su Ba's expression remained unchanged, and he spoke neither humble nor humble.

"Take out the newborn token!"

The rough guard held out his hand expressionlessly.

"Um, I'm sorry, I accidentally lost the new student token, but you can contact..."


As soon as Su Ba spoke, he was interrupted!

The rough guard sneered, stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, spit out a word indifferently.
