Yunmeng Wufu, Waifu.

In an ordinary small wooden house belonging to a disciple outside the palace.

"Didi! Produced by the system and cannot be recycled!"

"It seems that this method really doesn't work, and there is only another method."

Su Ba took the dog food in the palm of his hand back to the system space and muttered to himself.

At this time, some time has passed since he declared war on Wang Hui.

It is estimated that this meeting, the whole Wufu will know the news.

Su Ba looked indifferent and didn't care.

He is sure of setting himself a month.

It may take time for others to improve their level. One month is not enough!

But he, as long as he has enough strong dead pixels, he can quickly improve his realm!

In addition to the system's production, the recycling system can be recycled, no, not even living things.

Su Ba nodded, this was the conclusion he got when he contacted Wangwang before.

After contacting Wangwang, the prompt sound he got made Su Ba's mind flashed.

Since living things are not good, then dead things.

Such as the corpses of humans, alien beasts or spirit beasts.

Human corpses are not easy to deal with, and it is impossible for Su Ba to kill people for no reason, but the corpses of alien beasts can be obtained in large quantities through wild hunting!

Since this dog food cannot be recycled, it seems that he needs to go to the wild. With his current strength, at the outermost periphery, there is no problem in killing monsters below level three.

If the corpses of the alien beasts do not work, then Su Ba has the last way to sell dog food!

Using dog food to cultivate spirit beasts with such a super fast speed is absolutely crazy!

But when it was unnecessary, Su Ba still didn't want to use this method.

After all, in the future, I can't say that I also need spirit beast training, and my wealth is not revealed. God knows, if the news leaks out, how many criminals will target me!

If it doesn't work, just ask Qin Jiuyue to exchange dog food for pills, true essence stones, etc., and collect them by yourself.

Judging from her temperament, Su Ba still believed in her character.


Just thinking about it, there was a knock on the door.

Su Ba raised his brows and walked over to open the door.

At the door, a woman with a quiet temperament and a beautiful face stood there.

"Sister Qin, why are you?"

It was a coincidence that Su Ba looked at Qin Jiuyue with some surprise.

After officially entering Wufu, he was naturally called Senior Brother Senior Sister.

"I heard that you gave Wang Hui a war note?"

Qin Jiuyue fixedly looked at Su Ba and said.

"Yeah." Su Ba nodded.

"Do you know his strength? At the level of his four-star peak, placed outside, it is comparable to a general five-star mid-term warrior.

I know that you can leapfrog the challenge, but the higher the level, the more difficult it is to leapfrog. Not to mention that you are now nearly four different levels from Wang Hui. One month, do you think it is enough? "

Qin Jiuyue frowned slightly and looked at Su domineering.

"Sister Qin, it seems you are not angry anymore, are you caring about me?"

Su Ba stared at Qin Jiuyue's beautiful eyes and said abruptly.

Without knowing what he thought of, Su Ba's eyes flashed with strange light, and he looked up and down Qin Jiuyue.

do not know why.

Seeing Su Ba looking at her like this, Qin Jiuyue always felt as if she was suddenly exposed to Su Ba's eyes, and she was a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, he looked at Su domineering calmly.

"Junior Brother Su, I can't be so stingy as you think. Anyway, if you reconsider and set yourself a longer time, I can come forward with you and Wang Hui's battle book..."

"no need."

Su Ba calmly interrupted Qin Jiuyue's words. He looked at Qin Jiuyue's moving eyes and said seriously.

"My Su Ba's heart of martial arts is to give up whoever I am, and never move forward! I said that Wang Hui will be defeated in a month, and he will definitely lose!"


At this time!

A domineering arrogance burst from Su Ba's body!

Su Ba's eyes were squinting, and his whole person stood upright on the spot like a vigorous pine tree!

"Okay, I believe you."

There was a ripple in Qin Jiuyue's heart, and he took a deep look at Su Ba, and waved two things from the cuffs and fell into Su Ba's hands.

"This is for you, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Qin Jiuyue floated away.