
On the altar, Su Ba let out a muffled hum, and then walked out with a pale face.

This movement immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Look, Su Ba is out!"

"Sizhuxiang is a little bit more, haha, look at his ranking!"

"It should be around thirty!"


While talking, everyone looked up at the ranking on the stone wall not far away.

Almost everyone's eyes were swept back and forth between the 20th and the 40th.

Suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations in the first place in the ranking stone.

Afterwards, the name that originally belonged to Wang Hui disappeared, and a new name was formed-Su Ba.

"Hey, where did Su Ba's ranking go? Why is there no movement between 20 and 40."

"The four sticks of incense have a lot of time, so it should be here..."

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time!

I don't know who swept his eyes upward, his eyes glared, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

"I...I...I rub...Look! No....No. 1!"

"The first place? What's so good about the first place? Isn't it the No. 1 Master King of the Foreign Mansion... Me. Grass!"

Everyone looked at it subconsciously, and they were shocked before they could finish their words!

Like a bolt from the blue!

"my God!"

Scalp burst!

Everyone has scalp tingling!

One by one, his eyes widened, staring at the name at the top of the ranking stone in disbelief!

Su Ba, first place!

"How is this possible! How could Su Ba's ranking be so high! He only insisted on four sticks of incense for more time, even if it was five sticks of incense, he did not have such an outrageous result! Wang Hui at least insisted on six sticks of incense!"

"Could it be that the ranking stone went wrong?"

"No, this is arranged by an acquired master of Yunmeng Wufu who is proficient in formation, and there has been no mistake over the years!"

"This is not necessarily..." Someone started suspiciously.

No way, this result is incredible!

"Shut up all to me!"

At this time!

Xia Hang yelled coldly. He recovered from the blindness, glanced at the disbelieving people, and said indifferently.

"The ranking stone has always been accurate. Su Ba's amazing results can only show that he kills enemies faster than any of you, it's a lot!"

Much faster than any of us can kill enemies?

Those new disciples didn't have any idea, but the old disciples took a deep breath!

In this phantom killing formation, the enemies are group by group, group by group stronger than group, especially in the middle period, the enemy is overwhelming, it is difficult to breathe at all!

Don't talk about killing the enemy, I can't wait to stop and rest and rest!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, everyone kills the enemy at the same speed, so it can be judged based on time, and the error will not be large.

But this Su Ba is too cruel!

Killing the enemy like this will undoubtedly consume huge amounts of physical strength and true essence. Under such circumstances, there are still a lot of four stick incense sticks, too... too strong!

Could it be that... Su Ba has the strength comparable to the mid-five-star stage?

Because Wang Hui is such a strength, Su Ba can replace Wang Hui to win the ranking stone leader, enough to prove this!


Is the three-star peak comparable to the mid-five-star?

They met a pervert? !

At this time!

Everyone found that there was a shadow coming in front of them, but Su Ba slowly came to them, but directly ignored them.

I saw Su Ba carrying his hands on his back, looking at the gloomy Wang Hui in the crowd, stretched out his hand and stroked his neck lightly, and said lightly.

"Wang Hui, has your neck washed?