Created a miracle!

Outside, it was quiet.

After a few breaths, it suddenly boiled!

Su Ba won!

He did a miracle!

With the strength of the three-star peak, defeated Wang Hui in the early stage of the five-star!

After entering Wufu for a month, he changed from a freshman to the top master in the foreign palace!

The speed of this promotion is amazing!

At this time, everyone's eyes converged on Su Ba alone, and everyone's eyes flashed with awe, admiration, and worship!

Yunmeng Wufu has always respected the strong!

Su Ba's talent and strength are enough to make everyone awed and admired!

Some graceful female disciples looked at Su Ba with both eyes, it was a straight brilliance!

Although Su Ba is not handsome, but his facial features are firm and cold, and between his brows there is a vague domineering domineering style that does not care about me!

Coupled with the calm and unmoving aura that radiates from the body, it is really full of the beauty of man's rigidity!

This kind of perseverance and strong man is also a type loved by girls!

Not to mention, Su Ba's enchanting talent is blessed!

. . . . . . .

at this time.

In a small mansion ten kilometers away from Yunmeng Wufu.

This is the mansion belonging to the royal family.

In a wing room.

A young man with a bandage on his head and a bandage on his chest was lying halfway on the bed, accompanied by a charming and charming woman.

"Wang Quan, I heard that today is the decisive battle between your cousin Wang Hui and Su Ba, right?"

The fox-mei woman drew the blue silk in her ear, her beautiful eyes shone with strange brilliance.

"Heh, Luwan, don't mention the word decisive battle. The decisive battle is used to describe the situation where the strength of two people is not much different. When used on my cousin and Su Ba, it is an insult to this word!

Su Ba is a fart!

My cousin told me before that he has broken through five stars and abused that Su Ba. That was the same as playing! "

When Wang Quan mentioned Su Ba, his fair face was a little green, which was angry!

Damn it!

Because of this Su Ba, he had to rest at home for more than a month and missed the enrollment of Yunmeng Wufu!

Yunmeng's Wufu's rules are unbreakable, and when he recovers in a few days, he can only go to other Wufu's!

Either he will re-study in the academy for another year, and then take the Yunmeng Wufu mansion again next year!


A year was wasted in vain, and Wang Quan wanted to sack Su Ba when he thought of it!

"Hahaha, Luwan, look at it, my cousin said, he will avenge me, he will break Na Suba's martial arts heart to pieces, and he will never recover and become a useless person!

It won't be long before news of my cousin's victory will arrive. "

Thinking of this, Wang Quan showed a cheerful smile on his face, and his mood improved a lot!


Jiang Luwan nodded, her eyes also showed a hint of expectation.

The more outstanding Su Ba is, the more proof that her vision is inadequate. This makes her who boast that she can play with countless men in her palms, how can she stand it!

Moreover, she also knew that it was impossible for Su Ba to see her, so if she could destroy Su Ba, she would be able to breathe a sigh of relief!

"Boom boom~"

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Haha, Luwan, go open the door, the news is coming!"

Wang Quan's expression was overjoyed and said quickly.

Jiang Luwan stepped forward and opened the door, and a man with a white waist badge in Yunmeng's Foreign Mansion walked in. This was a friend Wang Quan met in Yunmeng's Foreign Mansion through Wang Hui.

"Hahaha, Brother Liu, how about it, did my cousin kill the Quartet and stomped that Su Ba calf severely under his feet to make electricity?"

When Wang Quan saw the visitor, he immediately laughed and asked impatiently.