The first battle in the inner government, the target list!

When talking about this, Xia Hang thought of something with pride.

"Su Ba, do you know that Qin Jiuyue, the proud female of Yunmeng Wufu Palace, shortly after entering the Seven-Star Master Realm, defeated the 18th-ranked genius on the Three Kingdoms Elite List!

Now, Qin Jiuyue is in the 16th place on the Three Kingdoms Elite List.

In another year and a half, Wei Biao, ranked fourth on the Three Kingdoms Elite List, our core disciple of Yunmeng Martial Arts, is estimated to be defeated by Qin Jiuyue. She is the pride of Yunmeng Martial Arts! "

With that said, Xia Hang glanced at Su Ba, expecting to say, "Su Ba, your talent is better than Qin Jiuyue, in the future, you will win the top of the Three Kingdoms Elite List, and promote my style and power!"

Qin Jiuyue? Wei Biao?

First in the Three Kingdoms Elite List?

Su Ba's eyes narrowed, and a light flashed quietly!

It is inevitable to win the top spot of the Three Kingdoms Elite List in the future!

But now, let's take the first place in the inner palace first, let's talk about it!

. . . . . .

"Deacon Xia Hang, is this my residence?"

Su Ba stood in front of a dilapidated wooden house and looked at the wooden house in amazement. The living environment was quite different from what he had imagined.

What is the difference between this and the cabins in the Waifu?

Isn't it the delicate little building that I saw just now that the inner palace disciples lived?

Su Ba turned around and looked at the small independent buildings not far behind him, startled.

As if seeing the doubt in Su Ba's eyes, Xia Hang explained.

"Su Ba, I forgot to tell you that the small building over there is a residence for disciples of the Inner Palace, but only the 36 disciples who are on the list of outstanding people in the Inner Palace are eligible to live.

The strength is not good, so I can only live in a cabin.

This is also a means created by the palace lord in order to inspire the disciples of the inner palace, to advance bravely and to make progress. "

"Oh, I see."

Su Ba raised his brows and said lightly, "How can I get on the list of outstanding figures in the inner government? Do you directly challenge?"

"Yes, the disciples of the inner government can challenge the disciples on the list of outstanding people at any time. As long as they win, they can immediately change their residences. When the time comes, keep the rankings, and someone will change the list of outstanding people on the stele within a month."

"In other words, if I succeed in the challenge now, I can live in the exquisite building over there, right."

Su Ba spoke calmly.

"Uh, yes."

Xia Hang nodded, then couldn't help saying, "Su Ba, don't tell me..."

"Deacon Xia Hang, who lives there?"

Before Xia Hang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Ba, and he saw Su Ba pointing his finger at the exquisite small building closest to his cabin.

"The man who lives over there is Liu Niu, who is ranked 33rd in the list of outstanding people. With the strength of the five-star peak, the power of "Barbarian Fist" is immense. It is said that Liu Niu's arms have reached 20,000 jin recently!

It's the **** of body refining...Hey, Su Ba, why are you going..."

Su Ba looked calm as he walked, and said, "I'll go and let this surnamed Liu, clear the house for me, so I can live in!"

What...what? !

Let Liu Niu clean the house, do you want to live in?

Xia Hang was full of spirits, I rub, brother, you won't challenge Liu Niu anymore, you just entered the inner palace!

"Su Ba, don't be impulsive. Liu Niu's strength is not comparable to that of a disciple like Wang Hui. He is a true body-building genius and a master on the list of outstanding people!"

Seeing Su Ba walking away, Xia Hang hurriedly followed up and shouted.

Xia Hang showed the way, and Su Ba walked in front.

Looking at Su Ba's sturdy back, Xia Hang admired and regretted it.

This Su Ba, with terrifying talents, the three-star pinnacle has understood the martial arts artistic conception that others may not be able to comprehend in the seven-star master state!

Now the strength of the four-star peak, I am afraid that it will be a stick, I can't stop it!

However, I don't know what Su Ba thought.

The palace lord introduced him to Elder Xiao Baoxiao, the strongest stickman in Yunmeng Wufu. How many disciples in the inner palace and even core disciples wanted to apprentice but couldn't, but he refused.

Even if you refuse, you have to choose the elder who refines alchemy as your master...

Could it be that true geniuses are not doing their jobs properly? Xia Hang was a little dumbfounded.

Besides, although the alchemist is noble, not everyone can learn it!

To put it in a bad way, although Su Ba's martial arts talent is astonishing, it is not certain whether he has the talent for alchemy!

Don't do it well when the pill refining is not done well and the martial art has fallen, that would be a great pity!

Thinking about this, Xia Hang and Su Ba had already arrived in the middle area of ​​the main peak of Dalong Mountain. They walked along the mountain road for a while, and their eyes widened.


Xia Hang said.

Su Ba stood still and looked up.

I saw large and small delicate buildings in the open area ahead.

The single-family small building, with a small courtyard, is much better than the broken wooden house in the foreign palace.

Su Ba's eyes lit up, and sure enough, he came to the inner palace and the conditions were much better.


With a move of his brows, Su Ba caught a glimpse of a one-foot-high white stone tablet standing in the distance. The stone tablet was covered with a huge rice paper that was tightly stitched, and there seemed to be many names on the rice paper.

"Deacon Xia Hang, what is that?"

Su Ba pointed at the one-foot-high white stone tablet and asked suspiciously.

Xia Hang looked at it and said with a smile.

"This is the list of outstanding people in the Inner Palace. It was drawn up by the palace chief and several elders based on the Three Kingdoms Elite List. There are 36 disciples on the stone tablet, representing the 36 disciples with the most outstanding cultivation in the Inner Palace."


Hearing this, Su Ba's eyes twinkled, and he stared from a distance. On the stone tablet, the first name-Wen Tianyu.

Xia Hang explained that he could see where Su Ba's gaze was.

"Now Yunmeng's Inner Palace ranks first, this is Wen Tianyu, who has outstanding talents and has reached the six-star peak!

At any time, he can attack the Seven-Star Master Realm and leave the inner palace and become a core disciple. With a strong wind knife, it is unmatched in the inner palace! "

Speaking of this Wen Tianyu, Deacon Xia Hang's tone inevitably brought a little awe, showing his power.

"As the first person in the palace, Wen Tianyu should understand the artistic conception of martial arts." Su domineering.


Xia Hang nodded and added, "Wen Tianyu's five-star violent wind sword intent in the late stage is quite amazing, but it's still incomparable with Su Ba."

Xia Hang quietly slapped Su Ba flattery.

"Oh, right."

What Su Ba thought of, "What is the Three Kingdoms Elite List you mentioned earlier?"

"The Three Kingdoms Elite List is the eastern region of the eastern region of the mainland. The three countries, including our Fengwu Country, have drawn up a list for talented martial artists under the age of 25 and above the Seven Star Master level!

That is, among the top martial arts of the Three Kingdoms, the core disciples are eligible to rank!

Only 18 geniuses are included on the Three Kingdoms Elite List!

These 18 people can be said to be the strongest existence of the entire generation of young people from the Three Kingdoms in the Eastern District! "