Pill Pavilion, alchemy talent test!

"Su Ba, I have conveyed your meaning to Elder Hu. Elder Hu is not bad. He heard that someone had been a teacher, but he didn't immediately refuse. He agreed to come and have a look."

Dan Pavilion Hall.

Xia Hang walked over from one side and said to Su Ba, "Next, it depends on your own performance."

After hesitating, Xia Hang still reminded.

"Su Ba, if the alchemy talent is not good, don't force it, return to the martial arts as soon as possible, don't waste the martial arts."

"I see, thank you Brother Xia for reminding me."

Su Ba hugged his fists, a sincere smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Deacon Xia Hang is still good. He reminded him many times that it was for his own good. Su Ba recognized Xia Hang from the bottom of his heart.

"Hehe, that's all right, I'll go first and get busy."

Su Ba's "Brother Xia" shocked Xia Hang's body, and there was a burst of joy in his heart!

Although he is now the chief deacon of the foreign palace, his status is a little higher than that of the ordinary disciples of the inner palace, but Su Ba is no ordinary person!

Not to mention that he is already a disciple of the Inner Government's outstanding list, but in the future, Xia Hang believes that Su Ba will rise faster and faster, and eventually become the super power he looks up to!

How can such a future super power recognize him and treat him with kindness, so how can he not make Xia Hang excited!

Immediately, Xia Hang was in a good mood, he was happier than he had broken through, and he walked out of the Dan Pavilion with a blushing face.

Seeing Xia Hang arrogantly emerge from the Dan Pavilion, Su Ba smiled indifferently, then retracted his gaze, waiting for Elder Hu to arrive.

One way of martial arts, if you want to pursue the ultimate martial arts, luck, talent, and resources are indispensable.

Especially in the later stage, the more resources the warrior needs for promotion.

Since the alchemist is a very profitable profession, for Su Ba, it is also a very good way to obtain resources.

After all, it's good to go to the wild to kill the alien beast, but the alien beast can't line up for him to kill. The mountain range of alien beasts is so big, he needs to spend some time to find the alien beast.

And if you become a high-rank alchemist, any pill you need can be refined.

In addition to recycling can get a lot of strengthening points, there are also many conveniences in peacetime.

In addition, move and rest, combine work and rest.

If you are bored, you can practice alchemy. If you want to move your muscles and bones, you can go to the wild to do strange animals. It feels good to think about it.

Just thinking about it, a sound of footsteps came from the side.

Su Ba returned to his senses, turned his head and looked around, and saw a clean-faced old man wearing a white robe slowly walking towards him.

This... should be Elder Hu.

Su Ba's eyes flickered, and he clasped his fists in salute; "Su Ba pays respects to Elder Hu."

Elder Hu nodded, glanced at Su Ba, and said in a flat tone: "You are the disciple whom Xia Hang recommended to me and want to worship me as a teacher?"

Xia Hang recommends?

Su Ba's heart moved. It seemed that Elder Hu didn't accept his apprentice casually. He thought it was Xia Hang, the deacon of the foreign palace, who gave a hint of face.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Ba had a better impression of Xia Hang.

"Well, yes, I still hope that Elder Hu will achieve it."

Su Ba quickly closed his heart and bowed his fists to Elder Hu again.

Elder Hu did not immediately agree, but looked at Su Ba and said lightly.

"Alchemy is not something you can learn if you want to, it depends on whether you have that alchemy talent, do you understand?"


"Okay, let me see how talented you are for alchemy. Come with me."

Elder Hu said, and then led the way.