Three masters in the inner palace!

Hearing Hu Danqing calling him, Su Ba suddenly turned around.

"What's wrong, Master?"

"Haha, I almost forgot. In the past month, he helped the master to refine a nine-tier pill for the peak powers of the acquired country. As a reward, he gave the master a masterly profound technique.

Here, I have already excerpted a copy for my teacher. This is for you, so you can use it for cultivation. "

With that said, Hu Danqing took out an ink white jade slip from the storage ring and handed it to Su Ba.

"The technique of Xuan-level peerless grade?"

Su Ba raised his eyebrows, and there was no wave in his heart.

After all, he had already practiced Nine Suns Divine Art, and the general exercises were of no use to him.

But Su Ba took it, and took a subconscious glance.

""Boundless Gathering Yuan Gong": A special technique of the mysterious stage, which can not only purify the true essence, but also greatly increase the total amount of true essence!

There are a total of seven levels of exercises, learning to become the first level, increasing the total amount of true yuan by 30%, learning to the second level, increasing the total amount of true yuan by 70%...The seventh level of learning, increasing the total amount of true yuan by six! "

Oh? !

It is actually a special technique that can purify the true essence and increase the total amount of true essence!

Su Ba's eyes suddenly brightened!

The "Nine Suns Divine Art" he practiced has turned his ordinary true essence into nine true essences, which is extremely pure, and will be refined again as the acupuncture points are opened up. This is also one of the reasons for Su Ba Neng's leapfrog challenge.

I am afraid that the small Xuan-level masterpiece technique will not be able to purify the nine suns true essence, but the increase in the total amount of true essence is a surprise!

At this moment, Su Ba's body's true essence resilience is amazing, and the true essence is pure, but the total amount is still at the level of the early six-star warrior.

If you can increase the total amount of your true essence, I am afraid that you will be able to increase a lot of your own strength again!

The seventh level of "Boundless Ju Yuan Gong", six times the total amount of true Yuan, is estimated to be able to make him comparable to the average six-star peak warrior with the initial six-star true Yuan!

The total amount of true essence has increased, and coupled with his incomparable nine-sun true essence, the effect is outstanding!

At that time, even if it is a master realm martial artist in the middle of the seven-star stage, Su Ba's six-star stage will be completely worthwhile!

The deeper the cultivation base, the thickness of the true essence of each realm, the difference is huge!

The appearance of "Boundless Ju Yuan Gong" once again strengthened Su Ba's capital to leapfrog the challenge!

it is good!

Very nice!

With it, Su Ba is more confident that one month later, in the half-year assessment of the inner government, he won the first prize in one fell swoop!

Hu Danqing on the side saw the joy in Su Ba's eyes and smiled slightly.

"Good apprentice, the exercises that can increase the total amount of true essence are very rare in themselves, the Xuan-level peerless products are even rarer, and the Yunmeng Wufu Palace is at best only a human-level peerless."

"Well, thank you Master."

This "Boundless Gathering of Yuan Gong" was an unexpected joy for Su Ba. He accepted the jade slip of the exercise technique and Su Ba saluted him.

Afterwards, seeing that there was nothing wrong, Su Ba said goodbye to Elder Hu and walked out of the altar hall.

. . . . . .

Seven days later.

An exquisite small building on the 18th of Neifu.

In a spacious courtyard.

Su Ba's figure flashed quickly in it.

He is extremely fast!

The air is full of the sizzle of electric current.

The phantoms are constantly moving left and right in the courtyard, making people dazzling!

At the back, Su Ba's speed became faster and faster, really like an electric light flint, so that in the end almost the entire small courtyard seemed to be surrounded by Su Ba's phantom!

The handyman stood far away, looking at this scene, dumbfounded!

He has served many geniuses on the list of inland people, even the top ten masters, but he has never seen anyone who has such a quick life!

"Senior Brother Su Ba, it's amazing..."

The handyman muttered to himself blankly.

"Little Huang."

At this moment, Su Ba stopped and said lightly.

"I'm coming."

The handyman standing far away heard Su Ba calling him, hurriedly ran over, and handed over a towel and water respectfully.

Su Ba took a sip of water, then wiped the sweat on his forehead and body with a towel at random, and after handing it over to the handyman, he looked at him and said.

"Xiao Huang, I will send me a war letter later, to the masters on the list."

"Good, good."

The handyman's heart was shocked. As expected, Senior Brother Su Ba won't stop. After only seven days of experience, he is about to "return to the world" again. I don't know which master on the list of outstanding people is going to be unlucky!

About Su Ba's glorious record, basically every disciple in the inner palace now understands very clearly.

The name of Su Ba's 'bad guy' is like a thunderous in the inner palace!

As soon as he entered the inner palace, he punched Liu Niu, who was ranked 33rd on the list of outstanding people, and then made Yuan Tao, who was 28th on the list of outstanding people, a dead dog that day!

Immediately, after a short month of experience, upon coming back, he challenged Liu Xiaotian, who was ranked eighteenth in the list of outstanding people in the inner government. He was unmatched in defense. He did not use the power of the true essence, and only with his body and an iron rod, he blasted Liu Xiaotian. Xiaocheng's shield and armor mood, turning him into a human pile!

Its popularity will faintly catch up with the trend of the top three masters in the inner palace!

You know, the first three disciples in the Inner Palace can be said to have a strong prestige, and their strength far exceeds ordinary geniuses! Is an idol in the minds of many disciples!

"Excuse me, Brother Su, who are you going to give you the battle book later?"

The handyman thought in his heart, his face extremely respectful.

"Except for the top five, the other 18 or more, you can choose whichever person is here!"

Su Ba said casually.

"Yes, I understand!"

The handyman's throat twitched slightly. The meaning of Brother Su's words means that he is not sure about the top five, and the other ranking masters must be able to win.


Seeing the handyman hurriedly leaving with the battle book, Su Ba squinted his eyes with a calm expression.

After seven days of retreat, Lei Guangbuyi had realized that he had achieved Xiaocheng, and the newly obtained "Boundless Gathering Yuan Gong" was successfully practiced as the first stage, and the total amount of true Yuan increased by 30%!

Retreat is a bit boring, so it's time to find someone to relax.

. . . . . .

On the same day, Su Ba challenged Kuang Guang, who was 15th on the People's List, aroused everyone's exclamation!

Su Ba once again showed his stickiness!

This time!

What Su Ba used was Dacheng's great barren intent!

Under a stick, Kuang Guang was immediately defeated!

This is not over yet!

After Kuang Guang, Su Ba reappeared on the third day and challenged Yan Fangchun, who was number 12 on the list of outstanding figures!

Still a stick!

Dacheng Dahuangzhiyi, coupled with the billowing Nine Suns True Yuan, defeated Yan Fangchun!

The day after defeating Yan Fangchun.

Su Ba challenged Cui Yunhuan, who is ranked eighth on the list!

The consummation of the Great Wilderness is amazing!

Cui Yunhuan surrendered!

Surrounding the audience, all are almost crazy!

Comparable to the "Great Desolate Devil Cudgel", which is comparable to the low-grade martial arts of the mysterious order, this Su Ba has a complete mood!

Su Ba is only in the early six-star stage!

Generally, a disciple may not reach Consummation in two years. How can he realize it so quickly? !

It's not human!

In just ten days, Su Ba went straight to eighth on the list of outstanding people!

This kind of climbing speed is really frantic!

Everyone was wondering whether Su Ba was going to hit the iron while it was hot and ready to hit the first five o'clock.

Su Ba did not reappear, and fell silent, not leaving behind closed doors.

Until twenty days later.

Yunmeng Wufu, a half-year appraisal of the disciples of the inner palace, arrived...


The sun is just right and there is no cloud in all.

Meeting point for internal government assessment.

A man dressed in black, with a thin body and a cold complexion, with a thick black iron rod on his back, walked over.

The man in black is not handsome, but his features are firm, and between his eyebrows there is a vague domineering domineering style that will give me someone else and only me!

In addition, if there is no such thing as a calm, unmoving aura, full of the beauty of man's rigidity!

When everyone at the assembly point saw this man in black, their expressions suddenly appeared in respect and awe, and they gave way.

"Brother Su, you are here!"

"Senior Brother Su, good morning!"

"I have seen Brother Su!"


This black-clothed man was Su Ba who came out of retreat for twenty days to participate in the half-year assessment of the inner palace.

Today's Su Ba is already at the level of a man in the Yunmeng Wu Mansion's inner mansion!

Secretly, everyone has already regarded Su Ba as the first person in the future Yunmeng Martial Palace!

After all, Su Ba's talent is too terrifying, even more terrifying than Qin Jiuyue, the arrogant woman of the Yunmeng Martial Mansion!

Moreover, everyone found that although Su Ba acted unscrupulously and domineering sideways, his attitude towards other people under normal circumstances was quite good.

Therefore, many ordinary disciples in the inner palace gradually let go of their fear of Su Ba, and turned into respect and awe, and they will call Senior Brother Su when they meet.

Semi-annual assessment in the inner government.

Passing the assessment will reward many Wufu contribution points.

It is said that every disciple of the inner government must participate, but it is not strictly enforced.

Although the rewards are plentiful, it is of average level for some strongmen in the inner palace.

Therefore, those strong men are not participating in the half-year assessment depending on their mood.

"Hey, you said this half-year assessment, will Senior Brother Wen Tianyu come?"

"I don't know, Brother Wen has not participated in the half-year assessment several times. The reward for passing the assessment is not worth mentioning to Senior Brother Wen, who is the number one outstanding person!"

"It's not just Brother Wen, King Kong and Song Chen, who are second and third on the list of outstanding people, didn't come last time. I don't know..."

"Ah, look at everyone, Brother Wen is here!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed!

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion in the crowd, and everyone's eyes became eager, and they all looked in one direction.

Su Ba raised his brows and looked over.

Not far away, a young man with a medium build but very strong facial features was walking slowly towards the assembly point.

First in the Inner Palace, Gale Knife, Wen Tianyu!

His footsteps were gentle, but every step he fell, there seemed to be faint waves gushing out of the ground, and sword energy swept across it. This is the external manifestation of the terrifying sword intent contained in the body, and there is no deliberate convergence!

As he approaches...

Everyone changed!

"Okay, so strong! Brother Wen's sword intent has improved a lot!"

"Oh my God, the usual state is in a state of sweeping sword energy. When you fight, you have it!"

"Senior Brother Wen is here, and the first place in the assessment must be Senior Brother Wen!"

Everyone exclaimed!

boom! boom!

At this time!

Outside the field, two auras burst into the sky again, faintly fighting against Wen Tianyu!

"Ah, Brother King Kong, who is second in the list of outstanding people, here comes!"

"There is also Song Chen, who is the third most outstanding person, he is here too!"

There were bursts of incredible noises all around, it seemed that he did not expect that this half-year assessment would actually gather the top three super masters in the inner palace!

"Are they all here?"

In the crowd, Su Ba narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"It's fine if I come, lest my assessment is over, and I have to go to the door one by one."

Thinking, the next second!

But Su Ba pushed aside the crowd and strode towards Wen Tianyu!