Home: Insane. Pt 3 R - 18

Lana was uncapable of organising her thoughts . she nervously stood there without moving and felt like there were no safe level to any consumption cause from what she can gather on sight that Ling was going to start a brawl .

Aunt Sue stood up and gave a curious look between the two parties and knew what was happening , she could easily evidently read the atmosphere . she draw up close and personal towards Lana then clinged her naked enormous beautiful body on to her.

"Are you two fucking each other ." Sue whisperes to her ear and made eye contact with Ling . she wanted to test the waters and tease her on purpose.

Lana blushed instantly and withdraw from such problematic behavior , her nerves wrack extremely with cold sweats extended from her body as it drips down on the floor. she stood silent with no resolution to make out from such situation . she didn't know how to cope with such unfortunate event .

Suddenly she saw Ling's hand grabbed her right arm and pulled her by force but she was shocked to see that Aunt Sue hooked onto her other arm tightly. Lana was in the middle of two angry tigers glaring at each other , she was speechless and felt uncomfortable from such circumstances.

"Let go off her , Slut ! " Ling said frustratedly and grits her teeth .

"... Bitch ...Then you do understand that my job here isn't done yet ," Sue said mischievously and smiled... with her eyes directly landing on Lana's cock....

Lana felt pain from both arms . Pulling her from one side to the other end , she saw tug war between two rivals . They kept having a heated argument but ended when they heard voices from a distance .

Lana was relieved to hear her parents voice and her only option was to escape with Ling because she wanted to explain herself from what happened few moments ago . She almost made a terrible mistake and seeing Ling's reaction that she care about the most hurt her . she was deeply ashamed of her actions and also felt guilty cause she gave in to pleasure . She knew Ling was also hurting and wanted to fix the matter before things get ugly.

Lana loosen her arms from their tight grip , She picked up her clothes, took a towel that was placed on the shelf , she quickly wrapped it around her body ...without any word she took Ling by the hand and storm out the bathroom.

Leaving Aunt Sue with a questioning expression but then again she giggled ridiculously when they left .


Lana locked the door behind them and sighed heavily . The room was silent , she took a deep breath and turn around to face her lover .


"Fuck ! Seriously why did you have to hit me without letting me exp ----

Ling cut her off " I'm so angry" and most of all "You screwed up ". she started using destructive words to humiliate her .

Lana was taken off by her defensive statement and felt really hurt . She took a straightforward approach and hugged her tightly then whispers , "I grow weary about your honest feelings , Do you not trust my own feelings . I could not handle it if you don't ," she spoke as if wanted to cry but she suppressed her emotions by biting her lower lips just enough to draw blood.

Ling took a simple second just enough time to squabble and think , she realized that she has gone too far with her accusations and didn't give Lana a chance to explain the situation . She took a mental timeout and kindly hugged her back in return . 'How could I say such horrible things to her ,' She thought and was concerned for going blowout towards her .

"I'm sorry" she soften her voice and was comforting her .

Lana just embrace her more and cried.

"I missed you ".

"I missed you too". Ling replied sincerely , she made eye contact with her and wipe her tears.... Ling's instincts genetically felt the external stimuli that was convincing her that Lana has a good heart ... She caressing her face and adored her complex like she was a describe with many different beautiful flowers that was filled with Fidelity, love, affections and Elegance. Without delay she kissed her passionately . Sensory explosion became more sensitive than supersensitive finger tips, It was emitting subtleties attraction with real chemistry between the two lovers and making them intensifying aroused.

Lana felt like her kisses bring thunderstorm to her soul and each kiss made her heart - quake. It was the best feeling that she was longing for , kissing her beloved perfect lips was a sensational Bliss. she could not get enough .

The kiss was spontaneous as a lighting strike .They embraced each other like worldly treasured possession that could give everything to their entire heart. Their hearts beats like beautiful musical instrument in a theatre . They felt a powerful connection that was magical and precious .

*Panting heavily*

Ling removed her towel and started to rub her Rod. she could not hold back and gave wet kisses on her body.

"Ahhhh Ahhhh wait, wait..stop..This is not the right time for this _can_ we do this_ later_ ahh " Lana moaned breathlessly

Ling gave a mischievous smile and increases her thirst by licking her neck and shoulder.

" Fuck me now ."

...ahhh, What ! .....You and I might get__ caught ---...mmmahh ...

Ling kissed her in mid sentence , pushed her on against wall and increases her rubbing on her cock , sliding back and forth like a fast motor .

"Say Yes darling , " she said seductively.

They were both fuel with passion and gazing into each other eyes. Their feelings were intense and exciting. Lana's body reaction was fizzling and sizzling for anticipation , her cock was hard and hungry for some intimate actions. she strongly desire for her hot sexy body and was unable to resist the temptation . Lana was losing her mind and couldn't help it but accept such insanity in such situation.

"Ahh ..Fuck it ... just keep your voice down."

"I could say the same for you ."Ling smirked, she took off her red long ribbon and put it on Lana's neck then securely tie a knot , she pulled it forward and whispers sweetly...- "you better keep up."

Lana groaned in pain and pleasure . "Are you challenging me babe ." .....she travels her hands onto her peach perfect buttocks and squeezing it firmly .

"ahmmmhhmm , Do your worst ," Ling purrs in sexual heated manner...

Lana was on a verge of doing something insane as of that moment but she suppressed her wild horny conscience then carried her to a nearby drawer , took out a remote and switch on her based bluetooth speaker radio that was attached to the wall , she knew there will be some uncontrollably noises of sex that will be leaked out but it will not be too clear cause the help of the soundtrack music will be the main distraction from all of it...

"I'll make sure to give you a good slamming " Lana replied seductively.

"Then let me have it hard ," Ling said playfully and bit her glossy beautiful lips.

chest to chest heat rose and there was no moment to waste time , they both clashing onto each other lips fervently kissing with their emotions run wild .

*To be continued* [...So stay tuned for more...There will be harem and I will make it interesting 😎💓 ]

[ Thanks for the comments and support. I really appreciated it and very grateful , also it gives me a nice feeling , so thank you so much..... sorry for the late update cause I was busy lately but thanks for understanding....💓💓💓😎💓💓💓...]

And also my other novel [mixed up feelings] will come soon.. but I not sure to make it general point of view or the characters POV.. but if you got any suggestions then let me know... thanks 😎💓]