Home : Pt 3 Insane R - 18

Lana's hands were on her hips , she lifted ling as if she was made of air with her legs wrapped around her waist, They were still devouring one another and drowning in each other with heaven and hell passionate kisses . They moved to the left , accidentally knocking the lamp on the floor . It topple over, but they didn't spare a second thought , Their lips still remain sealed none of them care about what comes next. The pop music was a bit loud and two lover's were having a extraordinary heat .

They both felt wonderful with perfect lips sinking in as if it was consuming their core and felt more like a the kettle whistle with their pulsing warm tongue dancing in rhythm that has mastered the balance of art and gravity.

"ahh ahh mmm " both were moaning and gasping for air that expresses a thousand words. Each kisses placed love notes on their warm hot tongue , dancing and twirling beautifully.

They were moving backwards and hit the wall , Lana's naked skin was against hers , she moved her hands under her skirt and skimming over thighs ....

Ling felt sensational rush of blood to every part of her body . Adrenaline rush was so much as if she nearly forgot how to breathe . Her heart was beating violently , feeling simultaneously excited and aroused.

Lana slipped her fingers between her legs and ripped off the red sexy knickers . She quickly helped removed the rest of her clothes as it falls on the floor .

Skin against skin , enticing and tangling as their heated bodies aggressively grooving onto each other .

"Lana determinedly performed the most important act , rough yet a bit gently touching her most sensitive clitoris that was so wet , rubbing it up and down . - Ling moans escaped. she was breathing quickly , jerking with pleasure ."

The humid sump literary exotic was pore -revealing it's sexual climax .

"I can't take it _anymore _ please put your hard trunking cock inside me." Ling moaned breathlessly against her lips.

Lana's hands tracing on her hip - bone , circling beneath her rack beautiful buttock. She turned her over with her hands against the wall , meander up her thighs . Lana hovers a full quarter against her back and licked her earlobe then whispered teasingly "You want it , honey".... She was rubbing her cock on her wet soft firm cunt .

Ling moans . she tilted her head , took hold of the ribbon and pulled her up close for a hard kiss.

" Yes _ fuck me _ LANA ." she purrs her name seductively...

Lana's penis twitched and throbbing with veins visibly shown , the size grew , color and warmth that is entirely different simultaneously . Her alpha aura fuming exceedingly . she put both her hands onto her shoulders and spoke seductively "Then take it " . She inserted her 12 inch cock inside her wet pussy .

"Holy mother of **** fuck " Ling wails in pleasure and placed a hand over her lips and realized something was different.... her inner petals drenched in helplessly with her sweet nectar fairly dripping down on her legs and formed a little puddle on the floor... she orgasms insanely... she felt Lana's dick was bigger ,hotter and better , paddling inside her womb . The beauty was dainty tamed as her wet pussy was echoing sounds with every hard thrusting sliding in and out of her . Each thrust made her hand to slip away from the wall but she manage to hold on . ..ahh HHHmmmhhh", she moaned but bit her lower lips from letting her voice escape the room.... Her heart was burning sensationally and every fiber of body felt amazing.

"You are trouble . how does your pussy feel ? ." Lana whispered softly over her ears. she loved her sexual minx that is attractive and playful.

"So good .. good.. fucking incredible..ahh."

Lana yanked her hair back and thrust her even deeper going back and forth . " Dirty Slut , Is this lonely pussy seeking for this ." she was fucking her aggressively and senselessly stirring into her...

Ling moans helplessly, she never had sex like this before or anything like it because she felt like unripened huge banana or "Pornmonster " screwdiving her hole.

yessss yes yes....yess yes Fuck me deeper with your tall strong penis tree ..ahhh...

Lana covered her mouth with a hand , "Jerk after Jerk of Lana's artisanal cock pounding her insides and filling her rejoicing twathole , wracking her pussy with excitement and sweet pleasure. The spark of electricity jumps back and forth between the two lovers...

Ling's body was leaned against the wall , she began to twerked and followed her rhythmic thrusts... making sympathy slapshot on her lap . she moans but her lips were enveloped and sealed by Lana's warm hand while other hand gripping onto her shoulder.

"You love this ...*thrusting*... take every inch of my cock ." Lana said , breathing heavily and moaned lewdly.

*Pak*Pak *Pak*Pak *Pak *Pak Pak *Pak Pak Pak *Pak *Pak *Pak* - Repeatedly - .

The steamy air escaped their lips , blushing hard . Their passion and physical intimacy was to intense .... creating an indescribable heat and having a passionate sin as sisters .

"ahhh... fuuukkkkkk.. baby.. I'm coming ."Lana moaned... she wrapped her arms around her waist , smelling her gorgeous scent and increases her intense speed ....


"yessss please release it , release it all .... I want all your special sperms inside me .. fill me up .ah...fuck..release it..ahh ."

Lana was fondling with her , pinched her diamond like pink nipples . she breathlessly kissing her neck and continued to penetrate her hard from behind. The floor was making cracking sounds . she kept hitting her harder like a title wave , The tide that was fiercely and strong , sliding her cock in and out of her pussy with her sweet waterfall Nectar dripping down on the floor .

"ahhhhhh Lana... baby..fuck..fuck ...fuck...." Ling moans and squirts again...

Lana was at her limit . Her navigation round hips rocking in her with fasncination . She catches her breath and finally let it all out . rope after rope of hot cum shooting inside her pussy and headed straight to her womb.-both we're moaning ecstasy with pleasure...

"ahhhh...fucking _amazing."Ling moans weakly and smiled happily , with a drool trickle down her lower lip . Her legs gave away and lost her strength . she slowly slumped down to the floor . Lana followed right after her and embracing her warming.

Both pants in satisfaction , both blown away . It's like fire generated with matching lit .

"I love you. " Ling said lovely.

"I love you too.... more than you ever know ." Lana spoke sweetly to her ear....

Lana hoped their voices we're not so loud even if the pop music was on , she wasn't sure either way if her parents heard them or not but hopefully it won't come to that .... She also wondered why her parents didn't call for them ,then she realized it must be Aunt Sue's presence that kept them occupied or busy ... Suddenly a KNOCK was heard on her door .


*To be continued* . *Stay tune for more chapters .* * very seductive beauties are coming up on few chapters * I'm poetic I hope you don't mind me adding it in my novel*thanks*

*If you got any ideas for my novel then let me know*😎💓💕...

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