Accidentally Started A Universal War III

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Chapter 154: Accidentally Started A Universal War III


The planet of Oa that once shone brightly with a green glowing light suddenly went dark, an opportunity for all those that hate the power of order.

Ian was unaware that he had just inadvertently started what could only be called the most Chaotic of eras.

He was also unaware of the chaos he left behind on earth. There is a reason he left after all though he was keeping tabs on things through magic.

But there was only so much he could know while being so far because there are beings capable of evading his weak sight, humans even.

One example would be Constantine as he not only evaded Ian's sight, he also evaded numerous sights that were previously on earth.

With the solving of the paradox, most of those beings forgot that the Flashpoint even happened. Very few beings throughout the universe know of it, Constantine is one of them.

And now he was seated with his legs wide, his head lazily resting on his palm. His blue eyes were eyeing something on the table before him.

"A paradox... Just where I should start with you?" He was genuinely confused, but he was still thinking, scheme after scheme forming in his deceitful mind.

The two boxes looked very simple, nothing special. Just two brown wooden boxes with an odd mark on them.

"I didn't... That was necessary. It's just preparations..." Constantine changed his posture, approaching the boxes just as a black book flew from a bookcase, landing exactly on his hands.

Constantine placed it standing between the boxes, seemingly hiding them from each other.

He then opened them one by one, seeming quite cautious while doing so. What was within was odd, two eyeballs. They seemed fresh despite staying in wooden boxes for days, magic.

Constantine, the man himself seemed afraid of touching them though curiosity was apparent in his eyes, "All that is needed is for them to come in contact with each other, and boom! A paradox. There is likely nothing that can stop it from destroying everything."

Still, he controlled his curiosity and desires, "What if... What if a spell can be created based on it? Not here, I have to go somewhere else just in case things go south... Another universe."

It was decided. Constantine was leaving for science while taking with him two eyeballs. Those things were acquired from two people.

No, that's not right. They were acquired from the same person, but both of them were that person's left eyeball.

How? Well, he just found a duplicate of the same person and got the eyeball amidst the Flashpoint.

While almost everyone believes every possible paradox has been used to accelerate the destruction of the universe, Constantine was acting like the rat he was, using the situation to his favor.

"As long as I master it, I should be a few steps ahead of Ian, and then... Unless." Constantine frowned, indulging a certain possibility.

On the other side of the universe, the Grey Rose was quickly approaching the Phantom Zone. In fact, it was on the verge of reaching it, an odd space so chaotic it formed into a warp Site into the Phantom Zone.

So Ian had to get out of his labs, leaving behind two bodies, looking exactly the same, "Paradoxes huh, I wonder if it's possible to replicate it?"

The sheer coincidence of the situation would drive Constantine insane. Fortunately, he doesn't know about it, so he's safe.

"We're here," Ian stated as he reached the observatory of the ship.

"Yeah, I noticed." Zatanna nodded.

"How is the team so far, okay?" Ian asked.

"Well, it's certainly odd, but other than that, not really. Pretty much like my older teams." Zatanna shrugged, staring through the observatory, finding the scenery before her to be fascinating.

Outer space is wonderful. It's mostly dark and dim, fading to an inky pitch-black sometimes.

And yet at the same time, space isn't absolutely black. The universe has a suffused feeble glimmer from innumerable distant stars and galaxies.

Before her however is a completely different scenery, something akin to a milky white twist in space. It seemed like a crack in reality, extending for light years away.

The reality however is that the twist is extremely small, nothing but a dot on a piece of paper. Its effect however extends far beyond its physical matter, thus why Zatanna sees such a scenery.

"When you study magic, how about we study together and share our knowledge, everything?" Zatanna offered, her tone leaning more into her doing him a favor than the opposite.

"Sure," Ian smiled, not minding her tone. She's a magician, after all, and she does it for living for show. Her confidence naturally grew as a result, perhaps to a ridiculous degree.

The ship approached the crack, and as it approached, things started to get very peculiar, a simple example would be the shape of the ship getting painted throughout the milky crack.

It seemed as if the grey Rose was infinitely stretched to an absurd degree, a wonder of the universe, so the rest of the girls naturally joined the duo, basking under the fascinating view.

It's even more fascinating when considering that the Grey Rose is still far away from the crack, yet it already seemed to be inside as if there are two versions of the Grey Rose.

'It's similar to a black hole. I remember a similar concept, the connection between a black hole and a white hole.

Just a theory, If you're going into a black hole, provided you can survive its ridiculous gravity, and if that black hole warps into a destination, a white hole, then you're going to appear from the white hole before you fully entered the black hole.'

It's actually a very interesting concept for Ian, especially after the last happenings.

'So theoretically, if one exits the white hole a few minutes before they enter the black hole, there is a possibility of teleporting back here and finding a version of themselves that has yet to enter the black hole, thus creating a paradox.'

His method of creating a paradox was a bit impractical considering it can be exploited by everyone else. He simply doesn't have enough control over the phenomenon.

"Huh? Water?" Harley wondered, suddenly jumping around. She felt different just like everyone else.

The moment they started entering the crack, something changed, they felt heavier and restricted, the kind of feeling one feels underwater.

Ian on the other hand felt something different. He was even confused because he knows the capabilities of the ship, so anything at all affecting it was a surprise.

"Let me check," He murmured before teleporting out a random piece of metal to see what would happen to it outside.

Strangely, nothing happened, it just stayed there, appearing frozen in time. It wasn't moving in the slightest even when Ian used magic to mess with it.

And soon, even the Grey Rose froze, completely unable to move anymore. In fact, the only reason Ian and the girls are able to move is because of the ship's divine and magical capabilities.

"I see, so that's how the Kryptonians sent things inside." Ian understood instantly as he activated the warp drive of the ship.

Normally, it would warp space to achieve something akin to teleportation. This time, however, it made the space around them stable, thus allowing the ship to move.

And all it took is an instant for the world to change, appearing on what seemed to be a zone with nothing but some kind of odd white material.

That and a creature. Perhaps it was a coincidence but the ship appeared not far from another creature, a monster who saw the Grey Rose as nothing but prey.

'Wait... No way, right?' Ian was surprised, to say the least, 'White Martians? God is gracious. God is generous. I love you, dude!! No homo though, but I would totally suck your dick!'

Ian screamed in his mind, creating chaos and praying to god with a deep, very deep belief in God, so deep, 'Hmm, no response? So God can't read my mind? Nah, he's probably gay, so he must be having an ***** with how deep **** ****. I mean, you can join me...'


"No homo though," Ian further added with a smile much to the girls' bewilderment.