Chapter 2

As Feng Xiao approached the door he heard two voices. Immediately recognizing that it was Feng Fan, he sighed and went outside.


After going outside Feng Fan looked at Feng Xiao and coldly snorted before trying to make small talk with Feng Lin, completely ignoring him.

Seeing that, Feng Xiao smirked and grabbed Feng Lin by the hand before saying.

" Sorry for making you wait. Let's go Lin'er "

Seeing Feng Xiao grabbing her arm of his own accord, Feng Lin's cheeks turned light pink, and gave him a sweet smile.


Standing close by and watching Feng Xiao grab the young miss's hand, Feng Fan wanted to rip him to shreds. 'That trash dares touch my woman's hand!'

Feng Fan could understand why Feng Lin always defends Feng Xiao and is so close to him. Being the grandson of an elder and possessing one of the best cultivation talents in the whole city, he believed that Feng Lin was going to belong to him eventually, so seeing her being so close with a man (even more so a damn cripple) was akin to a slap to his face.

As they were about to leave, Feng Fan quickly went rushed in front of them and grabbed Feng Xiao's hand that he was using to hold Feng Lin.

Feng Fan had a face of disgust when looking at Xiao.

"Who the fuck do you think you are touching the young miss! You better get out of my sight before I snap this arm of yours"

Seeing his outburst, Feng Xiao merely smirked causing Feng Fan to feel even more aggravated than he already was.

Feng Xiao could feel the pressure exerted onto his arm increase. If this were to continue his hand would eventually snap.

After briefly analyzing the situation, Feng Xiao reached his free hand into his robe however before he could take anything out he felt the grip on his hand disappear.

Feng Lin was gripping Feng Fans' hand, thus preventing him from causing any harm to Xiao. As Feng Fan looked at her, he felt a shiver go down his spine. The gaze he was receiving from her was filled with anger and killing intent.

"Senior Feng Fan, Feng Xiao is here to accompany me to the spiritual garden. I would appreciate it if you don't get in our way"

Leaving Feng Fan with a dazed expression Feng Lin grabbed Feng Xiao's hand and hurried away with him in tow.


Feng Xiao stared at Feng Lin with a complicated expression. Due to her status in the clan, her every action is noted. Expressing killing intent towards the grandchild of a grand elder was not something that came without consequences.

Although that may not be that big of an issue for Feng Lin, it may cause trouble for Feng Xiao due to the fact that Feng Lin so openly defended him, which may lead to false assumptions about the nature of their relationship.

"Xiao'er I am sorry..."

Feng Lin said in a shaky voice, struggling to contain the tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Seeing her pained expression, Feng Xiao immediately became flustered. He had not seen her cry for several years, at the very least since when it became known that he is unable to cultivate. Thus seeing that she was about to cry his first instinct was to comfort her by hugging her.

Though he expected her to push him away as she always does when teased that never came.

"Lin'er you don't have to say sorry. I am glad that you stood up for me, I am just worried that people might start assuming things about our relationship. Which won't be good for either of us.."

Right after saying that he remembered that he was the first to act that way by grabbing her hand. Realizing that what he just said was extremely hypocritical he felt awkward and hoped that Feng Lin wouldn't point it out.

Fortunately for him, she seemed to be absorbed in her thought while crying and clutching tightly to his robe.

"Uuu, I know... I just can't stand it when someone treats you like that. Before everyone used to praise you and treat you well but now it's like this..."

"....Don't worry Lin'er it truly doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you either. Besides, I am not as weak and useless as I seem. Do you really think that these past few years I just sat around feeling sorry for myself without doing anything? If someone wants to harm me I have many ways to deal with them. So please stop worrying about me, Okay?"


Feng Lin reluctantly nodded her head in affirmation, a moment later she realized the position she was in. She was in his embrace with her chest and torso pressing onto him, she immediately blushed and wanted to escape, however after thinking about it for a moment, instead of pushing him away she embraced him back and buried her face into the top part of his chest.

Watching her unusual behavior Feng Xiao raised an eyebrow.


"Don't say anything, just hold me like this for a bit"

Although he could not see her face, her ears were turning a bright shade of pink.

While holding her, Feng Xiao began thinking about their relationship. He had grown up with her practically since he was born, he often consoled her as she would easily get scared and start crying. After turning 8 their roles somewhat switched, and Feng Lin's attitude changed. She stopped crying and put on a tough persona, protecting Feng Xiao, even when he was kicked out of the main Feng family territory into the city where he lives now she begged her family to provide him with a place to sleep and some food.

This weighed on Xiao's mind heavily, his pride as a man would not allow another woman to provide for him. Thus he began training even more seriously and started to research alchemy and medicine.

All these years Feng Xiao thought of her as his best friend however his behavior a couple of minutes ago obviously indicated otherwise. 'Why was I so mad when she was getting courted?'

He tried to justify it in his head thinking that Feng Fan is a douchebag and a bastard, however imagining any other man with her brought him the same sensation of dread.

'Haha I guess I have to stop lying to myself. I thought that all this hellish training and research was only for myself, but it wasn't. I want to be able to hold her like this without feeling guilty and make her feel safe'

'I love you Lin'er'

Feng Xiao didn't put his thought into words. It wasn't time yet, what would the Feng family do if they found out about his feelings for her? He would be lucky to receive a painless death, how could a cultivation-less trash have such thought about the young miss? He would tell her about his feelings when he had the status or power to do so without consequences. If he told her right now it would only complicate things.

Thus he continued to hold her for about 5 minutes until she finally lifted her head and looked him straight in the eye.

Seeing her beautiful features Feng Xiao almost couldn't contain himself from kissing her red cherry lips. However he had to contain his desire and instead planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Are you ready now?" Feng Xiao asked with a smile.

For some reason, Feng Lin didn't answer and instead, disappointment briefly flashed through her eyes which quickly turned into a pissed-off expression.

She didn't answer him and instead got out of his embrace and headed in the direction of the spiritual garden at a brisk pace.

Seeing her go, Feng Xiao could only follow behind her and sigh.

'I guess she also wanted something more than a kiss on the forehead'


After Feng Lin and Feng Xiao left, Feng Fan was left alone with his lackeys in the same place as before.

Contrary to what one might expect, his expression was unusually calm and no one could tell what he was thinking.

'That fucking piece shit! And that bitch actually stood up for him. She still had a chance to keep that trash alive. We are going through with it.'

"Hey" Feng Fan said to one of his lackeys

"Yes boss?"

"Go and notify lady Muyun that we are going to take care of the trash in the spiritual garden"

"Oh!" After hearing his words, the lackeys quickly bowed and rushed to the Feng family territory which was located in the center of the city.

"Hehehe Senior Fan you will finally be able to get the young miss I am so happy for you. Trash like Feng Xiao doesn't deserve to even look at the young miss, he is going to face the consequences for being so close to seniors woman!" Said the other lackey

"Hmph, that thing doesn't deserve the Feng in his name!"

Thinking of what he will do once he is able to get Feng Lin into his bedchambers, his face twisted into a nasty grin.

"In a couple of years once I'm bored of her I might give her to you so that you can have some fun. Of course, that depends on whether or not you do your job well"

Hearing that, the lackey gained a glint in his eyes and if one looked closely, there was a small bulge on his robe in the pelvic area.

"Of course! I will do my best for senior Fan!"

He shouted and made a 90-degree bow.

Feng Fan was satisfied with this act of asslicking. 'It's so simple to win the loyalty of these lustful dogs heheh, trash will always be trash'