Parker’s Past and His Love

Hello… my name is Alexandria, nice to meet you all… This sentence made my day very beautiful. I just feel like flying in the sky while listening to each word in her voice. While I was listening to her speech, I was just noticing her beauty and saying 'She is more beautiful than any other girl'. I thought just I was looking at her but most of the boys in my class looking at her and thinking about how to talk to her. That's the moment I thought why no one is like being Markus, who hates love and girls. If my classmates were like him then without any problem I would be able to get girls for myself.

Then after finishing her introduction, sir told her to sit anywhere she liked to sit and while she was looking for a desk, I just prayed to love god to make her sit near to me. And with fear, I have just closed my eyes and looked down so I won't see and feel sad. I have a habit of doing, whenever I have a doubt I just think it would happen and close my eyes. At least I think the situation will change. An example every time I get the question paper for my exam, at first I close my eyes before seeing the question. I pray to god for a while and then look at the questions.

Then to know what was going around me, I saw Parker ask about it but he was just looking at me even before I was calling him. And then I asked him, "Why are you looking at me?".

At first, he was just being quiet for some second and then he replied "No, I'm just looking at the new girl. You are a really lucky person in a girl's situation. And after looking around everyone's eyes were in my direction. I was scared that something had happened to me?

But then I slowly looked back to know what others were watching behind me and I was shocked after knowing that just like I prayed to god, Alexandria was sitting near to me. After knowing it, the happiness inside my heart was limitless. If I was alone then sure I would enjoy myself by jumping around and shouting aloud.

After I looked at June and said to her, "See the love god made her sit near to me. I am a lucky person to get a chance like this". She gave an angry look towards me then slowly I turned back normal and started to look at my book. I can't able to keep up on talking when she gets annoyed by me but I always like to tease her and make her angry.

Usually, June and I would talk in between classes and don't get caught by the teacher. We use the simple trick, where I just say the sentence without any voice but she reads my lips and understands it easily without any problem. June was an intelligent girl when comes to her family, she also knew some sign languages and understood the words by seeing the lips.

She learned these things from her elder sister who was can't able to hear and talk. And we use that trick to talk while class time. Then after making her angry I was happy and looked at Parker my other friend who is great at football and has a big girls fan base. Even some royal princesses like his gameplay.

While I was happy today, Parker was being so dull and looking at his notebook, I noticed that he was being like this from the morning and I didn't ask him about it. But he was being in that way till now, so I just asked him, "Parker is everything is alright?".

And he just said a lie to me that he was alright and nothing to worry about. His lies are so easy to find, even I know about them. I just left that topic without compelling him more to say the truth.

After Brian asked Parker about him, he lied and was so quiet in the entire class. When lunch break arrived, Parker was feeling bad about something and thinking about it again and again. While Markus was talking with Jay about something and Brian was speaking with June and eating lunch with her. He is the only one who is so down and sat alone.

Yesterday after the match…. Players were walking into their dressing room, a girl was waiting outside the room. She was looking for someone, and while waiting she just constantly looked at her watch like she was being in hurry.

Players were looking at her and talking something with their friends in a low voice while getting into the dressing room. And at that time she hears some voices near to her and she turned her face and looked in that direction

"Hey… Did you see the last shot? I put some strength on it but still he managed to block it".

"Yeah, I know it, even I thought it would get over from Parker but still he not even managed to block but also changed the flow and got to the goal point".

Three players were walking towards the dressing room and one of the people was Parker. After seeing the girl the other two players left him and walked towards the room. And while going, one of them shouted "Parker you are a lucky person".

And they both entered the room while the girl and Parker were standing in front of the room. He was not interested in talking with others and she was no exception.

For a while they both just stood there and looked around, it was an awkward situation for both. What is she thinking? I don't know what she is thinking, coming all the way here and waiting for me. I need to ask a question. Being quiet and standing here was awkward.

"Hey… What's wrong? Is there anything you want to say to me?"

I just made my first question but still, she just looked at me once and then looked around without answering my question. What is she thinking about me? She is just being like in the past without changing a bit.

The past of Parker… I am Parker and I like to eat a lot and play a lot, my hobbies are so simple. I had a girl and we both loved each other for some months but it was ended very painfully. I suffered so much and the only thing which recovered me from that pain is this football. First I started to play football just as my hobby and also to forget about her and the pain I had in my heart but soon I started to love to play the game and also became so good at it.

After playing it so much, it started to give me peace in my mind and I started to lose my hold of past of her. My visions are started get clear and my sadness gets dry without any tears.

And then I am the only person who joined the university with only sports talent. Before me, no one joined a western university because of their sports talent alone, because of the rules in here like ironclad.

Only the talented people with both Studies and sports were selected in this western university. And mostly royal people were allowed with ease. The commoners wanted to struggle to get inside. There is a saying that goes around the people which was giving hope to the commoners. 'Once you join a western university then you can reach the sky with ease'. By this saying, everyone believes that once they get inside the university for studying then sure their life would become great without fail.

Because of that saying I made up my mind to become a very great sportsman at this university and serve the country and the King. I have joined this university with the help of one person who was impressed by my talent. And allowed me to join this university.

After getting here the first person I saw was Brian. I was lost the route and looking for someone to help me but every person who came here to study was from the royal family and they looked at me like a speck of dirt. But I saw him as a person who was talking to those royal people without any fear.

I was surprised by his guts and looking at him for a while and then suddenly he got a slap from the girl he was talking with, after witnessing that unknowingly I was just going towards him to comfort him. Soon I reached towards him, and he was just smiling at her and places his hands on my shoulder without knowing who I am. I can see a palm print on his face and he was barely opening his left eye.

"Hey… Are you alright?'

After I asked him, he just looked at me with that unchanged smile.

"Yay… Who is this?"

"Huh… My name is Parker Mason and you are?"

"Yes… Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself in a great way".

After saying it he just let his hands off my shoulder and stood with support near the pole. Then he raised his hand towards me and said "My name is Brian Marshell, nice to meet you. And from today onwards we can see girls together, let's enjoy this life which we are only allowed to live once".

Even though he looks so stupid, his words are very different from his action. The way he said about life was very unique and also I was surprised that he was talking about life and how to live while everyone believes that their life and soul belong to King, even I believe in it. But he was different he was joining the western university and planning on doing his plan without any control.

But when he talked about the girls then slowly my impression got down lower. His way of thinking is very new from others because everyone lives for King but he lives his life for himself and tries to do what he likes which is especially the girls.

I thought he was a foolish person, not was… still. He is still a foolish person but he has some talents. While I was struggling to read some chapters, he would easily finish with Markus but he has the listlessness which makes him fail on something so many times.

After he introduced himself, I was just looking at him and being confused because without knowing anything, he just said I was his friend and planning to look for girls and drag me without my permission.

"No… Right now I am not interested in it so let's just get onto our respective classes. Which department are you?"

"Computer". Brian just said it soon and looked at the girls passing by his side. I was shocked when he said computer department, at that time the only thought in my mind was 'Never be in my class… Never be in my class'. I was praying to god but fate was written so opposite to me.

"Uh…Mm, What course are you selected for in the computer department?"

"Do you want to know?"

When he asked it, I just nodded my head as yes and looked forward to his reply.

"I am selected for the computer application course to study and you are?"

After hearing it I hated the god for that moment and then replied to him "Yeah, me too". After hearing it he was so happy and said "If we both are in the same class then sit beside me, we both enjoy our time while being in university".

After saying it he just grabbed my hand and started to walk towards the department and without any choice, I just started to follow him.

And now I was so happy by being friends with Brian, Markus, and Jay. They are so important to me and we four have so many different aims and also we four are different from each other, that's what makes us unite. And now at the present… The girl and I were standing outside the room. She is the girl who broke up with me at school and now she wants to be with me again. She was being so persistent to leave me.

After knowing our story some of them say that she just came back to me because I was joined this university and also became so famous. And other people say she would be realized her mistake and come back for me so I need to take care of her again.

But my friend Brian's answer was different, "If a girl wants you to do something then do it without fail and if that girl was so beautiful then do that work even before she says about it. And also never make any girl cry, if anyone makes them cry then surely he is not a man. Because the reason we born in this world was a girl, which is our mother and we have to love all girls with respect".

I was being quiet and waiting for her to start the conversation because I hate to talk first. In my mind, the pride keeps on telling me to be quiet and let her talk first. If I started the conversation then she would think that I was still thinking about her but the time was running out to attain my classes so without seeing my pride, I just asked my question.

Still, she is silent and looking down. Then I lost my calm and said with a rough voice, "If you have nothing to say then I will go, I have lots of work to do".

Then with a small hesitation, she raised her voice and started to talk to me.

"Huh… I am… here to ask the same thing again, Parker. I am sorry about things I said in the past. I never thought you would go through so much hardship because of me. Sorry, but I realize how important you are to me, even if you don't love me back, please understand my feelings which I have for you and believe me".

When she said it for a second I was about to fall in love with her again but soon I think about the person who gave me a purpose and helped me to get here and the words he said to me, 'Parker, I know you have talent and truly your are prodigy in football but if you want to show who you are to this country and our King then you have to work so hard. And I am sure one day everyone will see your talent and even the king will praise you. So don't lose your path on some little fantasies, just keep on going to your dream'.

After remembering these words, I just said to her "I have nothing to say to you, so please leave me and don't come here again just like always".

Saying it to her, I just walked inside the dressing room to get changed and get back to class soon. But her answer to what I said to her was, "I will never leave you until you understand my feelings and the truth of my words. Because if you don't understand, sure it will make a mark on my heart and it will never heal". After saying it she ran away from there but the words she said last was made a mark on my mind.

Her words are so much for me… Really, why are you making it so much hard for me? I want to keep my promise with my sir and I will become an excellent player in this country and make our king proud.

And from that moment, her words started to make me so trouble in my head. I am not able to concentrate on anything. Even when I got back to my home and tried to study, her words and her feeling only shouts in my mind. Because of that I even skipped the evening practice.

Then I came to the university but still wasn't able to do anything and listen to the class. I was just being alone and lying on my desk at lunch and thinking about what was wrong with me all of a sudden. And to clear my mind I planned to talk with my mentor. I only person I have is my mentor who helped me to join this university. I can talk freely without any hesitation because he was not just like a mentor, he was more like a godfather figure to me.

After planning on meeting with his mentor, at last, Parker smiled at last and decided to meet him.