Stray Thoughts

Kai came out of a dark alley, wearing a normal white shirt and loose blue jeans.

On his head was a blue cap, and only that item was stolen. There wasn't much space in his MRB, to begin with. Not with the enormous chest of meatballs made of magical flesh, which served as both Selene's and Kai's food (-though Kai added filth over his as a sauce-). Now that he also had to store the three eggs, it was jam-packed.

He was only a few turns away from the destination and still had some five minutes left. So Kai didn't hurry. There were too many stray thoughts in his mind to sort out before letting himself get involved in another situation. 'One by one,' Kai thought. 'Let's deal with them one by one.'

The first thing Kai thought of was also the most recent event that happened to him. The Dementor's blood essence. It was his first D graded blood essence. Before it, Kai had even thought that he couldn't get one above E+ because he had yet to attempt a D graded Main Mission. That theory turned out to be false, to the joy of the Blood Demon. Not only that, but it was a growth-type blood essence.

Even while walking through the maze-like laneways, crossing canals after canals that ran like common streets, and passing by people and Pokemon, Kai was having a monstrous amount of difficulty controlling himself.

'So it was this thing that was affecting her,' Kai thought, remembering the odd behavior of the woman and her Pokemon. 'I was unconsciously sucking out her happiness. Tch!'

With both of Dementor's blood essence Abilities already at Advance, Kai could use them as if he had two Elementary Abilities at 100% Proficiency with no time limit and cooldown. But he had yet to familiarize himself with these two. The Ability Cold Suppression lets him control the surrounding coldness, varying from 3 m to 10 m. The closer the area of coldness, the better Kai could control it. At his closest, Kai could even freeze the physical body of the target, spreading a layer of dense white-blue frost over them.

This was all theoretical though, being in his mind as if a program. Kai would rather find out its true working in a fight and see the results by himself.

Then there was the complex ability of Emotions Manipulation. It was complex, true. But for Kai, who had quite a knowledge of manipulating people, it was a god-given gift. From what the blood essence told him, in his mind, he could erase all happiness out of a target in the proximity of around 3 meters. He could make the targets remember the most desperate and despaired moments of their lives, affecting their soul, and leaving them incapable of rational thoughts.

Still, it was the effect of bottling his own emotions within him that excited Kai the most.

If he wanted, and as he desired, Kai could hide all his emotions from someone who could perceive them, like the magical beasts. That's all he could do for now, though. He couldn't hide one emotion, leaving the other out.

'No wonder the Pokemon was looking at me oddly,' Kai reflected. 'I had all my emotions hidden from the time when Dementors had come to me to suck my soul. Without emotions, my smile must have looked like a drawing on paper. Without emotions, my Charisma was getting affected as well.'

"Sigh!" Kai let out an audible sigh and unlocked his emotions.

After careful deliberation, Kai had forced himself to give up on unleashing the evil on his surroundings before getting the Side Mission. If it was in his power, which seemed the case as of now, Kai would let the Dementor-Kai out and start sucking the souls. But it was the Side Mission that generally warned Kai about what he could do and what not. No matter how much Power Kai had got on his last adventure, he still hadn't forgotten to respect the Power of the Systems.

'I would respect it, Chaos,' Kai told himself. 'Remember to respect mine after I topple you off the absolute peak.'

Kai moved on, both physically and mentally. His mind then went to the Skills. A series of fireworks went off within him, thinking of those heart-palpitating Skills, and the sheer destruction he could unleash using them. Though reluctantly, he left them alone for the moment he would get to use them. The only thing he was concerned about now, relating to the Dementor's blood essence, was the locked Skill, Dementor's Progenitor.

'If I were to guess,' Kai thought, 'then Progenitor means nothing but being the lord of his descendants. Does it mean I would have to breed with these things?'

Kai shuddered, thinking of going into bed with a hooded, soulless being. He did not know how these things breed. But if he would have to, and if he would have the power to, then he would do it when the time comes, Kai knew.

Sorting out the matter of Dementor's blood essence, it left the matter of 2 Attribute Points to Kai.

With these two, he had only 7 Attribute Points left to get from his 20 points quota. But Kai refrained himself from assigning the points to any Stat. With too many Abilities and Skills, Kai was having a hard time solving this problem. At a glance, he wanted to add both points to his Breath, keeping in mind Dementor's Skills. But then again, sucking out Souls would affect Breath Stat, anyway.

'I will add them to the Stat which I would need the most in the next battle,' Kai decided.


A silver mist came out of Kai's head, made a small turn, and returned to him.

'Selene is restless,' Kai reflected. 'She hasn't come out even once properly after the time of my ugly failure with the dragon.'

'The dragon…'

Now that brought out an unpleasant, but crucial, memory in Kai.

'Why the fuck my Glitch didn't work?' Kai asked himself. There was only one way to find out.

"Chaos, why didn't my Glitch work on Ukrainian Ironbelly?" he asked. Kai would rather know the true limitations and mourn them, than not knowing whom his Glitch could and could not devour. He dare not recall how stupid he must have looked at that time, touching the dragon's tail, and his mouth gaping in disbelief as if he was ready to suck its dick.

[Price: 1000 Mission Credits]

'Damn!' Kai cursed. 'Is it just me or the System is truly raising its prices too steep these days? At least, it gives a comprehensive answer.' When the price was deducted, the notification that appeared opened a door for Kai, which even he hadn't thought of.


Contestant, Kai Stormborn, your Glitch has no restriction on what it can and can not devour.

Glitches, based on devouring a beast or a part of it, depend on the difference between the Will of the user and the Will of the target to function. If the Will of the target is too high than the user's Will, then the target can resist the user, and the Glitch will fail.

The Will of Glitch, Blood Devour, is already the highest among all Wills that exist within the magical beasts of infinite random worlds and the Primordial Tower.

The reason for your Glitch's failure lies not in it being a dragon, but in what the dragon represented. This Ukrainian Ironbelly, the dragon under Gringotts Wizarding Bank, is a major main-storyline beast. When your Glitch tried to devour its blood essence, it wasn't the dragon who resisted it, but the entire World Timeline.

Even the Will of Blood Devour can't overpower an entire World, Kai Stormborn.


'No.' Kai shook his head after going through the notification. 'It didn't open any door. It closed them.'

But this wasn't the time to think more of it. Kai had reached the destination.

A Pokemon Center!

And the moment Kai took a step in, he got to know why he had had a bad feeling about it.