Unmatched Skills

The bright blue beam outlined itself into a massive Pokemon.

It was a red-green Pokemon that resembled a dragonfly, but bigger. It had three pairs of legs that could wrap around a grown man's head easily, and its two pairs of wings had a red band over them.

"Yan… ma…" the Pokemon fluttered mid-air, making sharp turns. The moment it had come out, it had been looking in Kai's direction.

Kai had been waiting for it. Like a mass of black mist, Kai lunged at the Pokemon before it could come at him. It was so fast that it instantly flew away backward, its wings beating the air at high speed. But even that couldn't prevent Kai from spreading despair into the Pokemon, and freezing its wings.

Both Kai and the Pokemon danced around each other. Kai couldn't catch the creature, he knew. So he didn't even try.

Trrr! Kai moaned like a beast, feasting on that sheer emotion. Under him, the guard gaped at the monstrosity that was Kai's figure. All shrieks seemed to have stuck in his throat as terror replaced the last drags of hopes in the guard's eyes.

The Pokemon had to come back. Its wings buzzed, generating a powerful shockwave. The shockwave hit Kai directly and sent him flying backward.

[Damage Taken: 20 (HP), 30 (SP)]

-Haha!- Kai hissed a ghostly laugh. He again slithered towards the human lying on the ground like a useless creature. The Pokemon came darting towards him, a thick layer of blue-white frost spreading over its entire body like a plague. Its wings flashed, its speed increasing even more.

"Yan… maaa," it cried, slamming those wings into Kai. He didn't dodge. Kai controlled the coldness, shortening its area to just outside his body, and thus, making it at its most potent. Simultaneously, Kai opened his mouth wide, taking in the deepest rattling breath.

[Damage Taken: 50 (HP)]

No blood showered out of his mouth. The Dementor-Kai had no blood.

"Yan…" the Pokemon fell, its wings frozen solid. Its eyes had lost focus, a dense burst of despair and depression taking over the pure creature. Kai flew over to them slowly as if he had all the time in the world.

He marveled at the sight of his power, seeing the human and Pokemon lying side by side, devoid of all happiness and hope. 'Wonderful!' Kai thought. 'This is -how it should- be.' He crouched over them and sucked again and again until they started begging for death.

Kai had other plans.


Skill Breath Snatcher is activated

Time Limit: 30 seconds

Skill: Breath Snatcher

Grade: D-

Specification: The Contestant can drain the targets of their SP points and regenerate their own SP

Requirement: SP>0

Attributes: Distance between targets and the Contestant must be less than 1 meter


1. Transfer 10% of the target's drained SP to the Contestant's SP points

2. When SP is full, turn the drained SP to increase SP regeneration rate temporarily


It was a ridiculous Skill, Kai knew. Not only did it inflict damage on the enemy but also benefited the user. The only limitation was he needed to be very close to the target to use it. That's why Kai had to immobilize the human and the Pokemon. Both Cold Suppression and Emotions Manipulation seemed to be a precursor to using this Skill.

His breath rattling, Kai hovered near the human's face like foul, black smoke lingering around a smoker. His mouth widened, and Kai sucked, a deep thirst generating from the pits of his essence.

But nothing happened.

'I knew it,' Kai thought, grinning. 'I can feel the human's soul, -but they don't have any concept of SP- about them. This skill will only work on those who have Stats.'

Clearing his doubts, Kai slithered for the Pokemon. It was lying there, its big blue eyes vacant. Kai's face went down, almost touching the greenish mask over its face, and again he sucked, trying to suck something more than air.

Something did leave the Pokemon. Blurry, yet distinguishable. It seemed like air but water at the same time. The moment it entered Kai's gaping mouth, he saw his SP bar refueling. Longer and deeper, Kai sucked, emptying the Pokemon of its SP points.

When the 30-second Time Limit was over, the frozen Pokemon didn't even look like a creature, but a husk.

Then Kai waited, hovering around to see if someone had realized the guard's absence or not. But there weren't many guards in the area where Kai had attacked the human.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the bushes. Kai's head snapped. A 1 ft long, white serpent slithered out of the bushes, heading towards him. It was Selene. From time to time, she kept raising her hood, flicking out her forked tongue to taste the air. There was a bulge around her stomach as the sign of a successful hunt. And just behind her head was a bloody wound, telling of her struggle with the Pokemon.

Kai smiled.

-How was the food?- he hissed, approaching her. Selene behaved as if the Dementor didn't affect her at all. She turned into mist and materialized around his neck under his hood.

-Delicious!- she hissed in his ears. -Tastier than the good meatballs-

Kai had pointed at Heavy Block with his saber and had proclaimed him a good diet than the one she had before. Since then, Selene always called the meatballs made out of his flesh "good".

"Well, -I hope- you are not full," Kai said, his rattling breath hitting her face.

After Cooldown, Kai again approached the human. No. Not to kill him. Kai had decided against killing humans to not attract attention. He was approaching him to test another Skill.

The one that would leave the guard in a state worse than death.


Skill Dementor's Kiss Activated

Time Limit: 30 seconds

Skill: Dementor's Kiss

Grade: D+

Specification: The Contestant can suck out the soul of a target, leaving them in a vegetative state. The absorbed soul will be digitalized based on its quality and will upgrade the Status of the Dementor's blood essence


1. SP>0

2. The target must be devoid of all happiness and hope

Attributes: The Contestant must kiss the target


1. Suck the soul out of the target's physical body

2. SP Regeneration Rate +10% to +25%, depending on the soul's quality for 5 minutes

3. +1 Breath upon upgrading the Dementor's Blood Essence

Warning: The Attribute Points gained through this Skill will not be counted within a Set's Attribute Points Quota


Kai's heart had come to his throat when he had seen this warning for the first time. So when his lips touched the guard's lips, he almost bit them off, recalling that.

Kai sucked again, but this feeling bordered on drinking water. A thin trail of purest blue reached from the depth of the guard's body and entered Kai. It felt like he was drinking the sweetest and the tastiest wine. Kai's entire body thrummed, and Selene hissed, sensing Kai's pleasure.

[Soul Points: +0.1]

The corners of Kai's hideous mouth twitched, seeing the value. 'All things have their limits,' Kai thought, trying to placate himself. 'I hope the Pokemon will give me more.'

Dropping the guard as if he was a carrot, Kai flew toward the Pokemon. Selene left Kai's shoulder, as her tongue tasted the Pokemon's frozen presence. Despite the loss of a massive SP, the Pokemon's inner self was still quaking with life.

-Master, eat it- Selene hissed. -It will give you power-

-No, it will not. This one's for you, Selene- Kai hissed back, as his lips closed on the Pokemon's little mouth.

If that human's soul was arbor wine, then the Pokemon's soul was divine mead. Kai's hands couldn't help but go for the creature's wings and crushed them in excitement. The frozen wings fell as hundreds of icy shards.

[Soul Points: +0.5]

Such a difference! Kai exclaimed, taking out the saber. The human's abnormal state would bring attention, but the Pokemon's disappearance would become a distraction. Both things would spread such chaos that after a week, people would even fear coming out of their homes at night.

Selene hissed madly as Kai lifted his saber, grabbing its hilt in his skeletal fingers.

Then it descended.


Author's Note:

1. For the wondrous minds of my Khalasar, if you are curious which Pokemon Selene had hunted, then it was a small Pidgey

2. Why didn't Kai devour Yanma? this question I leave to you.

3. Where does the devoured Soul go? - As mentioned, it changes to a digitalized form, becoming Soul Points. Nothing else, other than the effects mentioned. Think of it as Dementor's food

4. Wait for the next chapter to know what the hell is going on with "-dialogues-" within Kai's normal speech. Some must have guessed by now. Enjoy!