New Form

The top of the Beyblades glowed black and pink.

Kai had seen them coming out on the holographic screen, but the actual sight surpassed the awe and the might of the pressure radiated by them on the night of sacrifice.

From the black-colored Beyblade, an ominous glow burst out, and along with it came a towering bit-beast. It had a black body and a long, curved white mane. It was over 3 meters tall, and the moment it stretched itself, it let out a roar, full of fury and raw, wild ferocity.

From the pink-colored one came out a deep, unsettling, and demonic mountain cat, washed in the color of pink, bordering purple. It hissed, and growled, lunging over the black tiger.

'Galeon and Galux,' Kai remembered their names, eying them with a shivering fascination.

The fist-sized Beyblades were faster than him, even after considering his increased Agility. They rushed at him, leaving a trail on the rocky ground as if it was mud. Kai's heart thumped, but he didn't run away. He had made a preliminary plan to deal with these two Contestants, after seeing their fighting style. But at that time, he didn't have the Golduck Blood Essence.

Now, he had better options.

As the two bit-beasts charged at him, and came within 10 meters, the blood-colored oval gem on his forehead shone devilishly. A red-colored outline covered the Beyblades and the bit-beasts alike, stopping them from advancing further. But what didn't stop, or Kai failed to stop, was their rotation. Kai gritted his teeth, knowing well that he had just got the Telekinesis Ability and it would be extremely hard to constrict these monstrous things outright.

Blue-purple veins popped up on his face and head, as Kai put all his concentration on controlling the Beyblades. But they were still coming towards him, slowly but steadily. The glowing beasts over them were growling furiously, trying to break out of this unseen prison.

From afar, the Spinning Duos laughed.

"Galux!" Mariah shouted. "Use, Cat Slice."

The pink bit-beast hissed demonically, and Kai felt unbearable pain in the region around the oval gem as if someone was trying to pull it out. The Telekinesis broke and Kai staggered back, a severe headache replacing his ability to even think.

Galux came charging towards him, raising her long, sharp claws.

Cat Slice!

Now, Kai wasn't among those who were foolish enough to make himself incapacitated during a fight. He needed to know for how long he could restrict the Beyblades, though. It would have been impossible before, but not now. Not when he had another growth-type Item with living characteristics backing him up.

Item-M's paper Arcanine rushed by him, putting itself in between Kai and Galux. The pink Beyblade struck head-on with the Pokemon, and under the shocked gasps of the Spinning Duos, ripped apart the Pokemon unobstructed. More paper birds, paper Squirtles, and paper old women followed the now destroyed Arcanine and got sliced into tiny bits of paper.

It was enough for Kai to come out of his momentary dizziness, and he dashed toward the boy and the girl in a wide arc, avoiding the incoming Beyblades. This was the weakness Kai had found out after seeing them fighting. The video screen had shown them practicing their Beyblades attacks, and that had looked destructive enough for Kai to put them alongside Heavy Block.

'Avoid the Beyblades and attack the Bladers,' he had thought. 'They are nothing without the defense of their Beyblades.'

'Hastur played a cruel game with me,' Kai would later think, after all this was over. For in the next moment, as Lee and Mariah saw Kai slithering towards them with a saber in his hand and their Beyblades overshadowed by the sheer number of paper-creatures, they broke apart with an Agility not less than Kai himself.

"Well, well, well," Mariah laughed, dashing from boulder to boulder away from him. "You think we are a bunch of Carls? Humph!"

"Abominations have less intelligence, Mariah," Lee quipped. "Let's show them why we are the strongest Duos below the 5th-floor." He rushed at Item-M, taking out a metallic chain over 5 meters long at the end of which the steel of a long scimitar flashed gray-blue.

Following Lee's command, Mariah hopped up to the boulder at the top of the hole from where the water was coming into the chamber, falling into the puddle on the ground. Her hand flicked, and she took out what seemed like a multi-barrel Gatling gun. "Take this!" she hissed, aiming the thing at Kai.

'Oh, shit!' Kai thought, already running away for the cover.

The sound of hundreds of bullets echoed within the chamber along with Mariah's shrill laugh. Kai hid behind a boulder, but in the next moment, the bullets blasted it apart, throwing Kai off. He again slithered off, zig-zagging magnificently, using his long, powerful tail.

It was then the shout came.

"Galeon! Use, Tiger Claw!"

The dark Beyblade must have freed itself from the suicidal paper creatures, for Kai found the black tiger bit-beast lunging at him from his right with its long claws ready to rip him apart. A long trail of hundreds of bullets blocked his left, killing his escape route. In the distance, Kai saw Lee hacking at Item-M with his metallic-rope Scimitar as Galux sliced up the tangle of the remaining paper creatures.

He must take this attack head-on. The realization dawned, but Kai had already raised his saber high, putting the Brigandine Armor over him.

-Twin-Saber Style… New Form!- Kai hissed, the red gem glowing on his forehead.

A red shine covered the saber and Kai let go of it. The moment Galeon brought down its massive claws, the saber started to rotate like the sharpest fan. Kai's eyes narrowed, and the single saber vanished. Suddenly, an illusion appeared in its place as if many sabers were rotating. This rotation had such speed that the very air sizzled, whistling all the while.

The oval gem on Kai's head gave out a brilliant, bloody flash, and Galeon's claws met the wall.


The bit-beast got thrown away, along with the blurry image of a dark Beyblade. Kai reached out, gripping the hilt when the rotating wall of the sabers stopped. And the bullets roared behind him as he hissed.

-Telekinetic Hundred Sabers Rotation!-


AN: Gatling Gun reference image on discord.