Alto Mare - Plan Commence

Early morning, June 28th

Pokemon Center

Alto Mare

Kai was standing naked in the room.

Item-M was hopping all around him, touching him now and then, and taking measures using her fingers. She was every bit professional about it.

Until Kai suddenly brought up the topic.

-/Aren't there many married main-storyline women in Pokemon World?/- he asked her. -/My Title, Adulterer, is on hold for quite some time. I was hoping to complete the status by now. It's been ages since I had some fun./-

Coincidentally, Item-M was in front of Kai at the moment, sitting on her knees. She paused, and her eyes fell on Kai's manhood. Slowly, she looked up at him, hoping to see a hint of an unspoken command.

Nothing was there in Kai's eyes except the confusion about the delay in the answer.

Item-M gulped, resuming her work.

"There are many, master," she said, almost stuttering. "There is Ash's mother, Delia. Brock's mother, Lola. May and Max's mother, Carolina. Even more famous for their beauty are Lusamine and Melony. There are more, but I don't remember the names. If, master… If…"

Item-M trailed off, as something was gaining length and becoming hard in front of her eyes.

-/Ignore it,/- Kai said casually. -/Cersei Lannister invaded my thoughts, and I got excited./-

Kai had let Item-M know about his night with Cersei. Though he hadn't gone into the details, he did mention what he needed to do now to get the Title and its rewards.

'There are indeed many,' he contemplated. 'If it wasn't for the Tournament of Worth, I could have spent more time in Pokemon World. I am sure I could raise my Adulterer status by 2 well before Mission Time Limit. Not that I can do anything about it now.'

If Item-M was right, then he would get no reward of the level of Glitch from the Tournament. But she had also told him with iron certainty that even the rewards of individual stages alone would be worthy for him to enter the tournament, much less needed to be said about the final rewards. Some Contestants had gotten Devil Fruits, fossils of Legendary Pokemon, and named Items from Original Storyline in these stages.

'I guess those rewards are more important than having sex,' he concluded.

Suddenly, he felt a squeeze down there.

Item-M fingers were wrapped around his manhood, her cheeks were becoming red like arbor wine.

-/What are you doing, pray tell?/- Kai asked, amusingly. Item-M could try to hide her expressions, but her emotions were a plain sheet in front of Kai. Other than Happiness, Sadness, Despair, Depression, and Hope, Kai couldn't feel many emotions. But often one or two of these emotions were mixed with others, as he had found out.

"I was taking measures," she said meekly. "I need to know everything."

-/What do you think?/- Kai quipped. -/I run around with an erect cock in my pants while fighting an enemy? Haha!/-

"No, that…"

Kai cut her off. -/Leave it,/- he told her. -/It's not my actual body, anyway. You will have plenty of chances to take the full measure of that later./-

'God, she's beautiful,' Kai thought, taking in her flushed face. 'I wonder why I am not feeling attracted to her body. The other Kai is still working properly, it seems.'

-/Aren't you over 100-years-old?/- he asked, changing the topic. -/Why are you behaving so oddly in front of a 16-year-old boy? Surely, you must have had many men before. Or have you forgotten that kind of taste as well after falling to the 1st floor?/-

Kai's thoughts were quite open regarding sex. Much of its credit went to his previous world, where people openly discussed ways to increase the fertility rate of men and women. And often these discussions included more than scientific ways, coursing off to satisfaction.

It made little sense to him that a woman of the age of a granny was behaving like this.

"No, master," she said, flicking off Kai's manhood, as a trace of anger flashed on her face. "I have forgotten no taste, as I never knew it. Only virgins can become Priests and Priestesses in the Temple of Hastur. So I am feeling odd because I have never done things like it before."

Kai gawked at her, his mouth open.

'Wait! Back up a bit,' he thought. 'Did she say she is a virgin? What is this?'

Kai was astounded.

-/I feel sorry for you,/- he told her, and closed his eyes. -/Hurry. The race will begin shortly. You should have been there by now already./-

It was Item-M's turn to gape at Kai. Her face told plainly that she hadn't expected such words from him. Let alone, he felt sorry for her? What did it even mean? She must have thought.

Kai had no interest in what Item-M must have been thinking, shuffling on her knees.

His thoughts wandered to the time of his meeting with the Northman. Not counting the Contestant's soul, Kai had got 0.6 Soul Points from Seviper. The status of his Poacher Title had increased by 1 as well, becoming 9. Now he needed to kill 1 more good Pokemon to get the Title.

Kai hadn't gambled on his enhanced Luck, either. Mission Credits were becoming his priority, now that he was approaching the Main Mission's completion. So Kai had exchanged his rewards for 2600 Mission Credits.

'It was quite a sum,' Kai recalled, smiling.

But the most rewarding was not something immaterial but Seviper's corpse, which Kai had reserved entirely for Selene. She had already eaten half of it and was now sleeping noiselessly within him.

The least interesting part had been destroying Jimmy's house. If it weren't for completing the Side Mission and its reward of 150 Mission Credits, Kai wouldn't have even returned there after killing Northman. He hadn't stayed there to count the bodies, but from the screams that had woken up the entire neighborhood, Kai could tell that at least someone had died.

'5 more to go,' Kai reflected, thinking about his Kill Count.

"I am done," Item-M said, making Kai open his eyes. "With this, now I know all your forms, master. But knowing your bodies won't be convincing enough by itself. And we don't have time for more than that."

-/It would suffice,/- Kai told her, putting on clothes. -/With the Water-Chariot Race going on, I am sure the adult Latias and the young pair of Latios and Latias will also be there, roaming around the canal-pathways in their invisible forms like in the movie. It gives me the perfect opportunity to begin our plan./-

"So, it's time," Item-M whispered. "It's happening tonight."

-/It is,/- Kai grinned, devilishly. -/The town of Alto Mare will remember this night. Let them all know happiness now. Let them get drunk with happiness. The more they feel joy, the better for us./-

Item-M nodded. She took the Pokeball, containing Totodile, from Kai and almost ran out of the room when Kai called her one more time.

-/Item-M,/- he said, chuckling. -/It's not a command. But I think it's time for you to know happiness and pleasure too./-

Her ears matched the color of her hair as Kai saw Item-M going out.

'Fool!' He sneered. 'Getting flustered at the mention of sex? One can use this against her. How can a monster like her have such a weakness? I can't have that. If she doesn't do something about it, then I will have to take matters into my own hands.'

'But now,' he told himself, licking his lips. 'Now's the time to end the world.'


AN: The selection of Priest/Priestess of Temple of Hastur includes letting the chosen Contestant know of the qualifying conditions early in the lower floors itself. When they reach a certain qualification, they will have the chance to go to the temple. (So, there are high chances that Item-M had been told about her candidature earlier too. Probably right after her first few missions.)

More will be discussed on the selection criterion of different Temples later, as we can't avoid it.