Brutal Battle with Legendary Pokemon

All their life, the young Eon Pokemon had known only happiness and joy.

Kai could tell this from the way these Pokemon lived in the movie, and he had just the thing to counter those emotions.

Other than his Advance Emotions Manipulation, Kai had nothing he could use to thwart the incoming Pokemon. Even if he could run, slithering, hiding among the trees and bushes, that wasn't his plan needed of him. If he wanted to dodge Latios' tackle, then he would have glided away by now.

Kai's intentions were bloodier than that.

Just as the young Latios' head banged into his chest, he took out 3 HP Capsules and threw them down his throat. Simultaneously, he took a deep breath, deeper than he had ever had, sucking out Latios' overflowing happiness, hidden under his anger.


Kai got thrown off dozens of feet away, his dark, rotten chest, bursting apart with a tearing noise.


But even the notification couldn't come into existence faster than the HP boost given to him by 3 HP capsules. All tears, ruptures, and cracks within him vanished. It was then that young Latias' tackle struck him in the chest.

Again Kai sucked deep, snatching her happiness. But this time, the aftereffects of the 3 HP capsules were enough to prevent any injury.

Both Eon Pokemon shook their heads, as despair clutched at their throats. Behind them, the adult Latias kept crying in pain. It seemed to have angered the young Latios, and his eyes shone blue, matching the colored stripes on his body.

Kai felt a powerful wave of spiritual current coming for him. He had been attacked with the same move before, he suddenly remembered. The owl-type Pokemon, Hoothoot, had used Confusion on him, as he found out later through Item-M. But this Confusion was of a higher degree, and could inflict serious damages to his mind.

If Kai had not devoured Golduck's blood essence, he wouldn't have survived this attack unscathed.

Kai's eyes also let out a red glow as he used Telekinesis and Telepathy to influence the Spiritual waves around him. A massive headache welled up inside his head as blood streamed out of his nose. But the move, Confusion, failed to approach him.

Kai couldn't let go of this chance.

The young Latias was nearest to him. He glided towards her, but the moment she saw him coming for her, the Pokemon turned invisible and flew away. Kai snapped his head at the young Latios, but couldn't find him. The male Pokemon too had seemed to have turned invisible.

Kai was the last person who would have worried about their invisibility.

The moment invisible Latios came to attack him with his powerful wings from an unknown direction, Kai sensed the emotions and turned to face it. The process repeated. Kai sucked out more happiness, eating 3 more HP capsules.

The young legendary Pokemon didn't seem to have a better hold on their emotions unlike the adult Latias. Kai's second attempt at stealing the Happiness and Hope out of young Latios made it come out of its invisibility. It struggled to keep itself in the air, as despair it had never known before, made it tremble, sending it into a world of darkness.

The young Latias appeared by its side, coming out of her invisible state. She cooed at her brother, concernedly, and then they both turned their heads to look at Kai. Their mouths opened, and Kai felt Mana from all around him and from beyond the limits he could perceive, rushing at the tip of their mouths, condensing into some kind of ball.

'Dragon Pulse!' Kai guessed, his heart-thumping, and yet, the smile was still on his face.

-/Haha!/- He sneered, his breath rattling, but his words were directed at the adult Latias lying on the ground. -/I have all the time. One by one, I will capture you both./-

Following this scornful laugh and comment, he hissed -Selene, slow down for a second.-

The moment Selene's Soul Chill dropped in intensity, the adult Latias' lifted her head, and bellowed at the two young Pokemon, cooing at them, and looking at the unconscious Bianca. The young Pokemon cried back at her in defiance, but the adult Latias' voice seemed to have more power over them.

'Well, well, well,' Kai amusingly thought, clutching his head. 'I knew I could replicate this scene from the movie.'

In the movie, the members of Team Rocket had also injured Latios (-now dead-). Then the captured and injured Latios had convinced his sister, Latias, to abandon him and get help from Ash and his friends.

Kai used the same tactic.

To run the DMA (-machine at the museum-) he needed both Soul Dew and one of the Eon Pokemon. But Kai had plans beyond that. And for those plans to work, he needed the two young legendary Pokemon to escape from the Secret Garden.

-Selene, attack her at full output once again, and then drop it to 50%- Kai hissed.

Manipulation had always run like blood in his veins.

The adult Latias let out an ear-deafening cry, and then slumped down, struggling to breathe. The two young Pokemon trembled, and forgetting about Kai, rushed for Bianca. Kai heard their cries as if they were gritting their teeth in anger, and then saw them taking away Bianca through a portal opened in mid-air.

Kai sneered, but didn't drop his guard.

He waited, hovering above the ground. But no one came from the massive entrance of the Secret Garden. That entrance was connected to the hidden door into the warehouse that Kai had visited before.

'Item-M has done it,' Kai concluded, smiling.

One reason for him commanding her to attack the museum was to make the enemy concentrate their defenses around the DMA, leaving the warehouse to the web of hair.

Finally, Kai canceled the Dementor's transformation and fell to his knees. The HP capsules had healed his injuries, but like his tiredness, they couldn't affect his headache, either.

Kai laughed, pushing himself to his feet. He approached the adult Latias, who was suffering from constant pain, her soul freezing and unfreezing continuously.

'Selene is giving it her all,' Kai noted. -Keep varying the Soul Chill's output between 20% and 80%- he hissed, commanding Selene. -We don't want her getting used to this feeling, do we? When you feel she is becoming immune to the freezing, hit her with a Soul Chill at 100%-

Selene said nothing, but Kai knew she had heard him.

Only then did Kai give his attention to the Soul Dew in his hand and the notification in front of his eyes.


Congratulations Kai Stormborn on finding an Artifact…

Artifact: Soul Dew

Your Title Status is updated

Title: Novice Collector

Specification: Collect 10 different Artifacts from any random world and timeline.

Status: (4/10)

Effect: Luck +3, Intelligence +3, Breath +3

Note: Only 1 Title can be equipped at a time


Things didn't end there. More notifications popped up, to Kai's surprise.


Advance Emotions Manipulation: Proficiency 5% (+3%)

Advance Telepathy: Proficiency 3% (+3%)

Advance Telekinesis: Proficiency 1% (+1%)


Kai could instinctively tell that the increase in the Proficiencies of his Telepathy and Telekinesis was because he had withstood the young Latios' move, Confusion.

He looked down at the adult Latias, and grinned, putting his foot on her head. -/Would you like to visit the museum now, my lady?/- he asked her, cackling evilly.

His cackle was a mixed broken laugh, overflowing with hisses.

Phase 2 of the Plan - …



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