
Seven days later,

The White Room

He appeared out of teleportation with a blue shimmer around him.

The process of Battle on the 2nd Set was almost similar to the 1st Set but more formal in nature. After confirming his City Pass, they had assigned him to an infantry squad, led by a White Guard of the Royal Police Force.

They met the enemy in an open field. From Item-M, he had already learned that on the 4th floor, the Kill Count was 20 4th-floor Contestants with a Sub-Kill Count of only 1, and unlike the 1st Set, this Kill Count kept decreasing as one ascended the 5th and 6th floor.

On the battlefield, and amidst the chaos, killing one 4th-floor Contestants had been as easy for Kai as killing the 3rd-floor ones. One devious use of Selene's intangibility and her venom had been enough to allow Kai to not use his newly bought Items in the auction in the battle. The quietness of the nation of Buckfastleigh wasn't enough for him. He had even changed the nation for the battle as well, avoiding the train station leading out of the capital city of Buckfastleigh completely.


Welcome back, Contestant Kai Stormborn

Do you have more questions about Chaos? You certainly can afford the last ones now.


Kai ignored the jest. There was only one reason for him to not ask Chaos the same questions he had asked the last time he was here. Time Stretch!

"Chaos," he told the System, "I want to use my privilege to ascend all the floors of a Set simultaneously and to reincarnate as an in-world character."


Very Well

Analyzing Contestant's Stats…

Analyzation complete

Privilege confirmed

Please state your choice of the Random World and the in-world Character


Kai and Item-M had spent too much time debating over this. There weren't many good options, to begin with.

There was Hermione, Ginny, and Luna among the top, but Kai had ultimately rejected them all. When Item-M had pointed out he would be nearest to the main character if he were to choose one of these, then he had only chuckled in return.

'I am not going there to suck the main-character's balls,' he had quipped. 'What I need are wealth and power. And none of them can give it to me in early childhood.'

Only recently they had come to a decision. It was risky, but if it were to work, then nothing would be better than this.

"I want to reincarnate into the Harry Potter World," he said, expectantly. "And the in-world character will be the twin sister of Draco Malfoy, with an approximate age of 4-years-old."


Quite Specific

Processing request…

Request accepted

Finding the timeline…

Timeline found

Assigning the mission…


Kai was already beaming.


Mission: Transcending legacies

Mission Summary: Darcie Malfoy, 6, is the twin sister of Draco Malfoy, and daughter of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. While stepping down the stairs, she has suffered injury, resulting in loss of consciousness.

The Contestant is allowed to reincarnate into her body for a period equivalent to the Mission's Time Limit.

Mission Objective: Leave behind a legacy of death, destruction, madness, and doom

Mission Time Limit: 5 years

Mission Difficulty: D+

Mission Hint: Not Applicable


Kai stared at the age. It was two years older than what he had planned but still better than the worse he had thought of. The Mission Objective looked impossible when combined with the Time Limit and the age of the girl, and if he didn't have the Mission Credits and a plan for this scenario, then he would have been sweating by now.

Kai had already increased the size of his Inventory to 40 cubic meters with a fourth of its capacity dedicated to MRB. He hastily got himself a pain factor of 0.5, burying the urge to get more, and only then did he ready himself for the next request.

"Chaos," he said, gulping, "stretch the Mission Time Limit as much as possible based on the Mission Credits that will be left after all the deductions."

There was no question of saving a single Mission Credit in Kai's mind. If he hadn't paid for the Items in the auction before he had come to this decision, then he would have given up on buying them as well. Every single day in the reincarnated world mattered to him before, and now that his Multiverse Interdependency about the Facelessness weighed his shoulders, even minutes were important.

Yes, his heart ached for the questions. But questions were immortal, and if he lived, then he would get their answers eventually.

The only reason he got his Inventory expanded was that he couldn't do it after teleporting to the Random World. But not changing his appearance had some more personal reasons that he would rather think about later.


Calculating possible extension…

Calculation complete

Mission Credits transfer successful

New Mission Time Limit: 12 years


'This?!' Kai's eyes widened. 'Only 12?' It baffled him to his core. He was at least hoping to get 20-25 years, even if he were to account for the increase in Mission Grade and the change in the Random World.

What to do? What could he do?

Kai gritted his teeth and accepted his faith. 'No!' He told himself, taking a deep breath. 'I won't start this journey with sulking shoulders.'

"Send me away," Kai requested.


Contestant Kai Stormborn,

You have availed the privilege of your rank in the Ranking of Worth Stat. As completing this mission will allow you to ascend to the 3rd Set, you must complete the Kill Count within the Main Mission Time Limit.

The moment your main mission is triggered, your Battle Sequence will be initiated.

If you were to fail in reaching the required Kill Count, then the Mission will be deemed as failed too, regardless of the actual result.

Sending the Contestant to the Random World

Good Luck


Kai gave a last look at the whiteness around him and closed his eyes.

The blue shimmer around him returned as he controlled his emotions, calming himself down.

When he felt the familiar sensation of teleportation, he was only thinking about a few words—

'By the time he would return here next time, he would be all grown up.'


AN: To have an idea about Kai's Inventory, a shipping container has a volume of about 33 cubic meter