The Witch Hunter

The foul mass of darkness flew out of the window, the chill of the winter useless, helpless, and noiseless against it.

-Selene- the Dementor-Kai hissed, a broken breath escaping out of the creature's mouth, hidden under the hood.

A silver mist burst out of the floating figure and bellowed like the tattered black cloak around it before disappearing. The Ghost Basilisk's Intangibility and Earth Vibration Sense were the most potent tools in Kai's arsenal for explorations and hunts.

At this hour, a dense fog had claimed the entire Alley.

Kai looked left and right, and then his hungry eyes fell on the frost creeping up on the wall and the wood around him. This coldness was different from the Advance Cold Suppression Kai had sacrificed, trading it for the royal facehugger. This was an essential part of the creature; a Dementor's quintessence, along with the sense of despair it spread around it. It was like the swimming ability of Golduck-Kai and the gaseous protrusions of Koffing-Kai, he noticed.

Kai flew down, drowning himself in the sea of gray mist over the alley. There was no sign of life, no sound, and no light other than the glow of the moon behind the clouds. Once the foul creature plunged itself into the mist, even that glow abandoned it.

The Dementor Kai glided just over the cobbled alley, keeping himself to the middle. He could swim through the street even with his eyes closed and his Perception lost, now. Darcie's evening exploration had many reasons behind it, and this was one of them.

After careful deliberation, Kai had abandoned the idea of preying on the few wizards and witches he had found that lived in their establishments within Diagon Alley.

First, all such shops and houses had over one charm placed over them. With knowledge had come wisdom, and it had brought caution along with it, too. After what Kai had learned in these last few months, he would never barge in anywhere in his true form. That he was a Contestant, a being not part of this world, remained intact, despite the horrifying privilege of reincarnation. Not to mention, he barely qualified as a wizard now. Even newborn babies stood a better chance than him at practicing true Magic.

Second, he must keep the hunts as secret as possible. This place and these night adventures would serve as a long-term source of wizards' souls for him, and there was no point in depreciating himself of it, alerting the ministry, because of his greed.

'Wizards' souls,' Kai thought, the words making his heart palpitate. Last time, when he had arrived at the Harry Potter World, Kai hadn't had time to perceive a wizard's soul before departing to the Pokemon World. So he didn't have any clue where these souls stood on his table of food sources with prime qualities.

Now, however, not only did he have a clue, but he also found there was nothing better than it. Not even a Pokemon's soul.

There was something about the wizard's soul that made his Glitch itch, arousing the Dementor within him. Alas! There was no sense of male or female regarding these foul creatures, or Kai would have found out what this arousal felt like when truly manifested.

It did make him hungry. His breath rattled as he sensed residents all around him.

Her arrival couldn't have been more timely.

-Master- she hissed, appearing to his left. -I found one.-

-How many?- Kai asked, his breath an unnerving combination of hiss and despair. -Any sign of Contestants?-

There was this one thing that Kai had learned about the wizardkind. No matter how potent their magic was, or how good they were at casting spells, they were weak, prone to be killed as easily as muggles. If he were to ambush one, keeping himself hidden and out of the wizard's reach, then he might not need to face the wizard's magic in an all-out brawl. The only problem was to finish the job as soon as possible. Because if his hunt were to alert others, or the wizard was to apparate, then it meant saying goodbye to further hunts.

Then there were Contestants. Till now, Kai had not chanced upon any Contestant, and they would keep themselves away from Darcie, what with her being a main-storyline character and a child besides, he knew. But these nightly hunts were another matter. If a Contestant was to see him attacking a wizard, then it would mean a reward for him. As he could then report a Dementor's presence in the Diagon Alley to the ministry, or worse, try to catch a Dementor by gathering more Contestants.

Such scenarios must be avoided, and there was only one way.

-No.- Selene hissed thoughtfully. -There were no weak magical presences within a 200 radius around the target, master.-

Now she hissed again, sounding more murderous than before. -I can't wait to devour his flesh,- she told him. -Hurry. Follow me.-

Kai could scarcely blame Selene. The tips of his fingers were already throbbing as he thought of the Soul Points.

Selene took him to the Knockturn Alley, deeper and deeper.

The magic was overwhelming around Kai, and he had not even visited this place before if he was to ignore his first visit with Mundungus Fletcher.

It was then he heard footsteps.

Someone was walking towards him, up in the alley.

-You know what to do,- Kai hissed, gliding towards a corner. -Don't kill him.-

-Haha!- Selene's laugh had an edge. She burst into silver mist and fused herself with the dense, cold fog around them.

The wizard had come close now.

His hand flicked, and Kai took out a gold coin he had stored in his MRB. He threw it in the middle of the alley.

The moment Kai saw the wizard's silhouette, he flew up, keeping himself out of sight.

It was a stout man, covered under a thick woolen cloak and hat.

Even in the darkness, the gold coin was easily noticeable. It caught the wizard's eye, who immediately paused.

"What huge luck!" a hoarse voice echoed in the alley.

But the wizard didn't approach it. He first took out a wand, looked around, and then warily walked to the coin.

He crouched, poked the coin with the wand, and getting no response, picked it up.

And the moment the wizard's shoulders relaxed after putting the coin in his pocket, sensing false security, Kai lunged at him.

Keeping himself to the wizard's back, and just inside the limit of a 3-meter radius, Kai slithered up to him and took a deep, rattling breath. A profound chill took over the wizard as happiness got sucked out of him, replaced by despair.

The wizard spun, his knees buckling. He pointed the wand at Kai and got stunned at the sight of Dementor, his hand shaking like a leaf.

Kai couldn't let go of this opportunity. He neared the wizard, now only 2 meters apart, and once more sucked out his hope and happiness.

The wizard's mouth opened wide.

A scream, louder than the silence, was just sitting in his throat. And if he were to scream now, it was all lost for Kai.

Suddenly, something took form mid-air between the wizard and Dementor Kai.

An incredibly beautiful, white-scaled serpent. It had two eyes, both glazed, and there was a vertical gash in the middle. The gash parted like a slit.

The wizard's eyes fell on the stony-gray well of darkness, and he didn't even get to cast a spell.

All who looked at Selene's third eye were bound to become stone.

There was no moment to lose. Kai held the petrified wizard in his arms and flew at his max speed to Darcie's room. Closing the window, he plunged into the suitcase, and only when he was inside the library did Kai relax.

Relaxed, but he didn't wait. Kai repeatedly sucked happiness and hope out of the petrified target, preparing for his Skill.

When he could sense no more sweetness on his tongue, Kai moved forward.


Skill Dementor's Kiss Activated

Time Limit: 30 Seconds


His scabbed, dry lips pressed on the stony lips of the middle-aged wizard.

There was no describing this feeling. An otherworldly cool sensation coursed down his throat like drinking the divine mead. Where all previous souls had felt to Kai as a drop, this soul was more of a swallow.

[Soul Points: +3]

3… Kai saw the number, astonished. That's three times more than what Gyarados gave me.

The number 3 also signified one more thing.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn

Your Dementor Blood Essence has updated

Blood Essence: Dementor (magical beast)

Grade: D+ (growth: 10.61/25)

Specification: Devour souls to upgrade itself. The devoured souls will be digitized, and the Contestant must fill the growth bar to upgrade the blood essence

Abilities: Advance Emotions Manipulation (Proficiency: 6%)

Skills: Breath Snatcher (Grade: D), Dementor's Kiss (Grade: D+), Intimidation (Grade: D-), Dementors Progenitor (Grade: ? -locked)

Note: A Skill's grade will upgrade automatically with the upgrading of the blood essence's grade

Upgrade Reward: +1 Breath (Not Applicable to the Set's Quota)


Both his Breath Snatcher and Intimidation Skills seemed to have upgraded to the next level. But this wasn't the time to marvel at those Stats.

Kai took out Murasame and plunged it into the soulless wizard's heart.

More notifications followed the moment the cursed poison finished its duty.


Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have achieved a Milestone

Milestone: Kill your first wizard or witch from Harry Potter World

Milestone Rewards: +1 Perception



Congratulations Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You have unlocked 1 Title

Title: Witch Hunter

Specification: Kill 10 Wizards or Witches collectively

Status: (1/10)


1. Intelligence +3

2. Charisma +5 (for Dark Wizards)

3. Charisma -2 (for Muggles and other wizardkind)


Kai tore his eyes off the new notification. He had only 20 minutes left until his Identity Period's end.

First, he stripped the wizard naked, searching for any Item. But found nothing of importance. He took the wand, then. Here, too, he found a wooden stick, and nothing else. It was too rare to encounter Items on wizards like this, but this was also the only way to get Items. One thing he had already confirmed was that he couldn't just brew potions in Darcie's form, and then use them as Items later. Item-M had already told him that every Item, irrespective of the grade, would need a special course of action from the Contestant's side to get it.

In the same light, he couldn't just use the Malfoy's family gold and store it in his Gringotts Vault. If Kai were to gain something regarding his Stats, then the only way was to do it as Kai, not Darcie.

So, without giving it another thought, Kai threw the clothes and the wand into the fire. The fire blazed, roared, and then devoured the wand, letting out sparks.

The rest, as always, was a bloody and hideous business.

Slithering around his shoulders, Kai could hear the saliva in Selene's moist hisses.