Dancing in the Rain - The fastest Hashira's Bankai

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Do refer the GIFs and Images on Discord side by side for this and the upcoming chapters.


Kai fell like a raindrop, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed.

A rainy blur on the roof dashed towards him and caught him in its arms. Both the blurry figure and Kai landed outside the inn, a distant purple lightning bolt flashing on their faces.

Kai opened his eyes and found Shinobu looking at him.

'I fell into the trap,' he thought calmly. 'Shinobu told me that to leave the dream realm, one must kill oneself. She must have come out of the dream and killed the demon. Her timing just happened to match my suicide by exploding myself in the dream. Sigh!'

"Is everyone in the inn OK?" Kai asked, propping himself up.

Shinobu observed Kai's eyes for a moment before nodding at him. "They all are in a deep sleep," she said, looking at the wooden box. "How did you kill—"

But just as the Insect Hashira was about to ask the same question that Kai was about to ask her, a meteor fell some hundred meters away from them, splitting the rocks.

Shinobu's face paled instantly, and even Kai's pupil shuddered, sensing the dense killing intent and the power behind it. He looked to his right, beyond the path leading to the distant town, and in the wide open, rocky field saw the demon crouching, looking at them. [Image 1]

'Upper Rank Three demon!' The words exploded in Kai's mind. He was the same demon that Kai had fought on the cliff. Only later did Kai get to know from Shinobu that by the time he had arrived, she had already poisoned the demon, weakening him by a significant amount.

"Hashira!" Akaza shouted, his voice tearing through the hailstorm. "We meet again. And the traitor demon is with you, too. Haha! Splendid!"

Kai and Shinobu stood up, both unsheathing their swords.

The Insect Hashira, despite the heaviness on her face, giggled. "Ara!" she exclaimed, smiling, maneuvering the stinger sword in her hand with uncanny expertise. "Someone would mistake us as friends if we were to meet a third time after this." [GIF 1]

Unlike her sarcastic remarks, Kai knew the truth about their situation. Shinobu was still not at her peak. Inside him, Selene was still sleeping. He was stronger than Kai, who had fought the Flame Hashira. Yes. But was he strong enough to take down the Upper Rank Three demon?

Kai scowled at the prospects.

Her confession came unannounced, the storm slowing down to marvel at her fleeting voice. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

What moon? The entire sky was hidden by the thickest and darkest layer of clouds, filled with snaky bolts of lightning. And between the eyes and those clouds was a storm; rain, hail, and sound, blinding the eyes and deafening the ears. Who could see a moon at this time, even if it was there somewhere in the sky, trying to pry open the clouds with its pale moonlight?

But when Kai's eyes turned to face her, he found Shinobu looking at him, her tiny smile filled with gentleness.

Kai smiled back at her, taking a deep breath. "It is," he nodded, the leftover sleepiness and broken dreams abandoning him finally. "It couldn't have been any more beautiful."

A devastating punch had already arrived near Kai's head. "Weak should die first." Akaza's words reached their ears with a murderous outcome.

Kai didn't even flinch.

A new sound suddenly infused itself into the storm, like the cries of a thousand cicadas. Those who have awakened their Bankai didn't need to chant the Release Call of their Swords' first release, Shinobu had told Kai.

At this time, her sword, Higurashi, was already in its released state.

Shinobu stung, her sword piercing through and through the demon's arm before his fist could reach Kai's head and flung him far away.

Kai unsheathed the third sword, One Half of the Power Sword, slowly facing the distant demon. Akaza's left hand had gotten sliced in half from its elbow to fingers by Shinobu, but in the very next moment, both parts attached themselves.

Even for Kai, this regeneration was mind-boggling.

Kai lifted his sword towards the sky, and with a solemn voice roared, "By the Power of Grayskull…"

A lightning bolt struck the tip of the sword, and the sword became armor, covering his right arm, chest, and waist.

In the distance, Akaza looked at this scene with sheer fascination. "You two seem to have decided to die," he said, taking a pose. "So here I come."

Akaza's martial pose looked extremely domineering, and under his feet, a blue-colored light shone, creating a snowflake-shaped compass. [GIF 2]

Blood Demon Art - Technique Development: Destructive Death!

Almost instantaneously, Kai sensed the demon could see through him, all his hidden tactics lying bare for him to see.

A grin surfaced on Kai's face. "Would you like to dance with me?" he asked, his eyes planted on the demon.

Shinobu looked up at him. "Mmm-hmm."

No more words and the three of them vanished.

Shinobu was like a purple stroke of the brush in the darkness, the buzz of insects becoming a screech in her wake. [Image 2]

Insect Breathing - Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!

Akaza's fists were wrapped in blue light, and he punched at the tip of the sword. Suddenly, Kai appeared behind Shinobu, and the red jewel on his forehead rippled.

Akaza's entire figure slid towards the left as though he had just given up on defending, letting the sword pierce his chest.

Higurashi entered Akaza's chest with a bloody squelch, but before the demon could even do something, Kai pulled back Shinobu and her sword using Telekinesis and hacked at him with Afro's Tachi.

Akaza punched with his left hand, and a shockwave deflected the sword. His right punch landed on Kai's chest, sending him flying. But when Kai's feet left the ground, Shinobu's petite figure pounced on Akaza like a hidden weapon, once again piercing Akaza's chest, widening the already bloody puncture before backing up.

Akaza let out a shout and threw out several punches at Shinobu's retreating figure. The barrage of punches created shockwaves and lifted the Insect Hashira off her feet as she tried to parry them using her sword. [GIF 3]

Technique - Air Type!

Kai used Telekinesis to pull down Shinobu, making the shockwaves fly overhead. And then Kai lifted his sword, Murasame, like a spear, and threw it at Akaza.

The cursed sword screeched as it went over Shinobu's head, cutting a few of her wet hair.

Akaza's eyes widened. "Haha!" he outrageously laughed, perhaps sensing the deadliest feeling rising within him. "Disorder!"

The demon motioned his hands in a spiral and then threw them back, creating a tremendous shockwave. [GIF 4]

It was powerful enough to send Murasame flying off its path, struck Shinobu, and then slammed her into Kai's chest.

Shinobu used her sword to slow down the momentum by piercing the ground underneath. Kai let him fall behind, and instead back flipped using his tail, while calling back the Murasame through Telekinesis.

By the time both of them regained their bearings, Akaza was already standing between them, grinning ear to ear. Kai and Shinobu were facing each other, but the Demon was standing sideways with his shoulders pointed at them.

Akaza crouched, his fisted arms at his waist, and then exploded with power. Kai and Shinobu both had scarcely raised their swords for defense when Akaza struck at the air towards them with his open palms. [GIF 5]

Technique - Annihilation Type!


Kai and Shinobu coughed out a mouthful of blood, their figures becoming one with hail as they got thrown back.

Kai somehow used his swords and tail to get a balanced footing, his entire figure shaking like a lead. It was then his instincts went wild. The image of a kick, splitting the air, appeared in his mind. Almost simultaneously, Akaza appeared in front of Kai and kicked at his chin.

Too fast!

Even with Kai's Agility, Telekinesis, and abnormal instinct, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Akaza was too fast, even for Hashira's standards.

The kick landed on Kai's chin, creating a shockwave on the impact. [Image 3]

Technique - Leg Type: Crown Splitter!

Kai's head got thrown back, his eyes rolling back into his head. However, before he could fall back, Akaza attacked with a flashing flurry of powerful straight kicks so fast that they created afterimages. The kicks landed at Kai's chest, shoulders, waist, and stomach, creating tremendous blue-colored shockwaves. [Image 4]

Technique - Leg Type: Explosive Flurry!

Kai flew back like a banner in a storm, but before he could go out of Akaza's reach, he clutched Kai's ankle and pulled him back. Akaza grinned crazily, and before Kai's feet could touch the ground again, he unleashed eight powerful punches, each strike creating large and strong shockwaves. [Image 5]

Technique - Eight-Layered Demon Core!

Three combinations of techniques, yet only a few moments had passed since the first.

Kai's knee struck the ground, his entire body numb, and his swords missing. The silvery armor on his body was cracked in several places, and blood was seeping out of his nose, eyes, and ears.

Yet, at this moment, when none would have expected any movement from him, Kai grinned.

Afro's Tachi came at Akaza's neck like a bullet from a blind spot. The demon narrowed his eyes and moved just by the slightest to dodge the attack.

Suddenly, from this new blind spot, Murasame hacked at his neck. Even with Akaza's speed, it didn't seem he could dodge this attack.

Well, he didn't.

Under Kai's widened eyes, Akaza grabbed Murasame, his hand covered in a blue shine. "Weak!" the demon spat, throwing the sword. He made a fist, bones making a crunching sound. Rain, hail, and even wind exploded out, leaving Kai and Akaza at that spot.

And the Akaza punched down. [Image 6]

Technique - Crushing Type: Ten Thousand Leaves Flashing Willow!

If this punch landed, Kai's head would burst apart into a thousand pieces. No doubt.

The cicadas cried now, more enchanting than ever.

Shinobu fell from the sky like a lone gust of wind, stinging the fist that was approaching Kai's head with meticulous precision. [GIF 6]

Insect Breathing - Butterfly Dance: Caprice!

Akaza pulled back his bleeding hand and jumped to his right, creating some distance.

Shinobu huffed and puffed as she turned around to give Kai a delicate smile. Her forehead was covered with blood, and blood was seeping out from the corners of her mouth. Yet, the single purple butterfly tattoo on her right cheek could be seen distinctly even then.

"You are incredibly fast, Hashira!" Akaza praised. "But you will die defending this weakling. A waste!"

"Ara!" Shinobu forced out a giggle, looking at the demon. "We have very different definitions for Weakling."

Then Shinobu and Akaza both vanished. The entire surroundings got covered with distinct purple and blue blows striking at each other and their blurs. One moment they were at Kai's left, and at the other, they were at Kai's right. Cicadas kept crying and powerful shockwaves kept burying their noises under the might of a razing storm.

Kai looked at this sight like a mere side character, his ribs broken, and his entire body aching from toe to head. Afro's Tachi and Murasame crawled towards him, their hilts putting themselves in his grasp with the help of Telekinesis.

The next time Shinobu appeared on stage, Shinobu's left hand was hanging low lifelessly, blood dripping down her fingers. Somehow, two more butterfly tattoos had appeared on her other cheek, bringing the total to three.

Akaza landed some distance away from her and he was missing his hands from elbows.

With a heart-wrenching pop, Akaza's hands regenerated, and he laughed. "Enough playing around, Hashira!" he shouted, throwing his hands back. "Show it to me. Bring it out or die. You know what I am talking about, don't you? Let it explode… your Bankai!"

Shinobu gasped for breath, turned her head to look at Kai, and then straightened her spine. The three butterflies on her face flashed rhythmically, giving an impression as though they were fluttering with sheer joy.

The Insect Hashira lifted her sword arm and pointed it at Akaza. "Very well," she said solemnly. "Try not to die, then."

She spun her sword in the air, grabbed it, and then slashed the empty air to the right as if flicking the blood and rain off it. "Ban…kai!!!" [GIF 7]

A gigantic burst of purple Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure) exploded out of her, covering everything within hundreds of meters. But, though equally magnanimous, this Reiatsu differed from the Flame Hashira.

Kai felt Shinobu's Reiatsu and compared it with that of the Rengoku's. His was fire, scorching everything in its path, and weighted a mountain. The Reiatsu released by the Insect Hashira was like stingers, stinging each cell and blood vessel.

When the stinging pressure receded, Shinobu's figure appeared in Kai's eyes. She looked taller than before, somehow. She was wearing a black, sleeveless, and backless kimono, and on her right hand was a black and purple gauntlet with spiral decorations. And attached to the gauntlet was a stinger-like purple blade, extending over Shinobu's middle finger. [Image 7] [Image 8]

"Haha!" Akaza laughed maniacally. "This is it. This is…"

His words got caught in his mouth.

Shinobu, who was standing far away from him, was now crouching in front of Akaza, her purple stinger embedded deep into the demon's chest, creating a giant butterfly pattern over his body.

"Cry!" Shinobu whispered. "Koduko Higurashi!!"


--"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" - an indirect way of saying I love you.

--Shinobu's Bankai looks like Sui-Feng's Shikai from Bleach

--"Koduko Higurashi" - Cursed Poison Evening Cicada