Immortality? - Saying goodbye to the Round Table

Darcie observed Green Seat in stunned stupefaction.

The Witch of Endor!

This wasn't even a myth, and to persistently call it so would be nothing but blasphemy. For some, her tale was more divine than godly legends, and her powers could transcend the mortal world, entering the realm of angels and gods and descending to the boundless depths of hell.

She was ancient among the ancients. No doubt.

Darcie could vividly recall that Madam Villanelle had devoted an entire day to teaching her the tale of the Witch of Endor, introducing her as the most influential Ancient Necromancer.

Now she believed there was much hidden behind her mentor's intentions, then. A reminder and forewarning, or a seed of trust, perhaps?

Among all these individuals, who were powerful beyond conceivable thoughts, Darcie felt closest and most eased with Green Seat. So, it was natural for her to direct her next question toward this biblical figure, for it had been bubbling up in her heart for quite some time.

"Are you all Immortals?" Darcie asked, her cheeks becoming rosy in anticipation of the answer.

To Darcie's surprise, the Witch of Endor replied immediately, and in quite an amiable and carefree manner. "There is no such thing as Immortality, Darcie," she told her. "There are only two beings on this Island who could be called Long-Life Beings, something infinitely close, and yet eternally far, from Immortality. You have already met them."

'This?!' Darcie blinked astonishingly. 'Who are these two beings…'

It was then it thundered in her mind. Yes. She had indeed met them.

"A True Phoenix's lifespan is 97200 years," King Solomon explained. "The one you saw on the palm tree has already lived for over a quarter of that period. It's truly a life trajectory of endless rebirths."

"The white Qilin is even more mysterious," Merlin chimed in, his tone reverential. "Its true age is unknown, and the years it has seen go by should not be lesser than the True Phoenix."

All nodded in agreement at Merlin's words.

Yet, it was Yellow Seat's next sentence that jolted Darcie the most. Abdul Alhazred stood true to his nickname, the Mad Arab, just revealing shocking truths like ordinary facts. "Both beings' origins lie outside of our world."

The other five Seats looked at Abdul with an obvious condemning gaze, not liking him saying more about this topic.

What did it mean they were not from this world? Were they aliens? But Phoenixes and Qilins had existed on earth since, like always, right?

Darcie couldn't make sense of it and felt that these truths and revelations were just too out of her reach for now. So she decided to clear her doubts slowly, taking her time. "Then how are you all still alive?" Darcie asked, not letting go of her original query.

"We…" Hermes T. answered this time, his tone relaxing, "… are not alive."

"Huh?!" Darcie's eyes widened. "Are you all Ghosts, then?"

An enchanting giggle entered Darcie's ears, making her spin her neck towards Red Seat.

"Now, who of our stature would be foolish enough to become such an unsightly creature?" Circe sneered. "Except Yellow Seat, who himself doesn't know his status (-Abdul Alhazred stirred uncomfortably for the first time-), we have all died, naturally after living for countless ages. But Death's Authority is supreme, not letting go of any individual in this world."

Darcie could not make head or toe of these words.

It was the monarch who came to her help. "Do you see the objects hovering above our heads, Darcie?" King Solomon asked, smiling. "It's not they who are attached to us, but it's us who are attached to them. You must be familiar with animated portraits of wizards and witches and the process behind their creation, right?"

Darcie nodded.

"A wizard infuses his memories, thoughts, and magic into such portraits before his death," Solomon continued. "Before our true self died, we had also done something like that, but on a much grander scale. You can even say that we had infused a part of ourselves in these objects, making them Imperishable Artifacts. If you were to say that we are nothing but memories, who can have rational thoughts and think logically on our own, then that would be true. But if you were to say that we are as much alive as any living being, then it wouldn't be wrong, either."

"Haha!" Merlin laughed merrily. "No wonder you weren't an excellent teacher, your royal excellency," he jested, making king Solomon laugh along with him. "No need to go mad in trying to understand Solomon's words, Darcie. Just take us as magical objects that can think for ourselves. Not an accurate explanation, but it should suffice, for now. Look."

Just as Merlin brought Darcie's attention to himself, the Staff over his head shone with a dense, blue shine. The blue strand of mist, by which the staff and Merlin's figure were connected, pulsed, and in the next moment, sucked him in.

Merlin's entire blurred figure disappeared, and now only the Staff remained, towering tall eternally.

Now when Darcie looked at it, her mouth open, she felt the Staff looking back at her, peering into her soul.

Then, a blue mist around the Staff shone again, and Merlin's figure returned.

"It seems powerful, right?" Hermes T. added, making Darcie look at him. "But there are severe repercussions for this magical art. No matter the fact that we can think and have our own will, we aren't truly alive as per the innate laws of our world, making us infinitely weaker than our true selves. We can't leave the Island, either, and our every action that meddles with the Present brings back Karma, creating a chain of Cause and Effect that we can't avoid with our remnant powers.

"That's why we need astounding wizards and witches like you to act in our stead for the greater good, for there are far greater horrors in this world than mere dark wizards. For us, a 7 or 17-year-old is the same. For you to be here, it's naturally an outcome of thinking several decades ahead. Otherwise, there was no need for the next candidate to be so young. Then there's the matter of Voldemort, and none knows when he will strike next. Precautions only work when taken at the right time."

Darcie was now understanding little by little. She looked at Merlin, who was already looking at her. How could she not realize the underlying meaning of the greatest Alchemist of this world?

Merlin, the grandest wizard known to wizardkind, was famous for his Prophecies and Shapeshifting prowess.

Had he made a Prophecy related to her? Darcie didn't know. Nor did she ask about it. But there was indeed a question eating her from inside.

"Who is Madam Villanelle, then?" Darcie asked, looking at Green Seat. "Is she even real?"

"Of course," Green Seat replied lovingly. "She is as real as you are. Sigh! Unlike others and Abdul, my case is a little special. Near the end of my lifetime, I had been researching Reincarnations. I had already prepared an Imperishable Artifact for myself. So, just before dying, I took the risk, casting the spell that I had thought was completed beyond doubt.

"Alas! It didn't work as I had intended, making my true self fall into endless reincarnations. However, unlike a Phoenix, I don't remain myself after the rebirth, becoming a different person altogether. Only when someone brings me here in each life that I remember a bit of my past. Even then, my reincarnated self never truly regains my original powers and memories."

"So Madam Villanelle is…" Darcie worded wondered aloud.

"Madam Villanelle is Madam Villanelle, your mentor, with her own ambitions and desire," the Witch of Endor explained. "When she sits here on this seat, we resonate with each other momentarily. Nothing more."

Just as Green Seat finished, Madam Villanelle left the seat, separating from the Witch of Endor's blurred figure. She walked to Darcie and winked at her.

"I truly desire to take this little thing under my wing," Circe giggled, making everyone shiver a bit.

"We must not," King Solomon solemnly declared. "Unless the time comes for her to inherit the Indigo Seat, we can only guide her and must not indulge in teaching her. Let Madam Villanelle take care of her till then."

"I agree," Hermes T. nodded.

"It's best for everyone," Merlin shared, his tone calm and composed. "Let us command our beneficiaries all over the world and begin Darcie's foundational training from next week."

A training spanning the entire world? Darcie repeated the words, rooted to her place. "What about my parents?" she blurted. "I don't want to lie to them more than I already have."

A silence reigned among these individuals.

"She's cute, isn't she?" Madam Villanelle commented, standing behind Darcie.

"A few lies are nothing for the greater good, Darcie," Green Seat said, smiling. "But you don't have to worry. We understand your worries, and will naturally take care of these things for you."

"And can I share this with my friends?" Darcie asked hurriedly. "Daphne and Dobby, I mean."

The round table burst out in a feat of laughter. "Sure," King Solomon nodded. "However, the Order's name and our true identities must not be revealed."

"I won't," Darcie promised.

"Do you have more questions for us?" Circe asked, resting her head on her palm. "You will not meet us before the completion of your training, my love."

"I…" Darcie thought hard but failed to sort out her chaotic thoughts. "I don't know."

Once again, it was Abdul Alhazred who fired the direct solution. "Let her have a magical creature."

All went silent as they heard those words.

"Incredible!" Circe finally giggled, her tone more enchanting than ever. "The mad Arab is not so mad, I guess."

The Necronomicon over Yellow Seat shook at the remark.

"That would do." The Witch of Endor brought an end to the confrontation. "Wonderful idea, Abdul," she said before eying Darcie. "Ordinary magical creatures can't find Avalon. However, the magical creatures born and raised on the island itself can do so. Madam Villanelle, before returning, let Darcie enter the fields. If she is fated with a magical creature, then she can naturally take it with her."

Madam Villanelle nodded.

Darcie, on the other hand, was stunned. Her mind went to her memories of the Phoenix, Dragon, Sphinx, and Griffin she had seen outside. "Can I even have a Phoenix as my friend?" she asked innocently.

"Haha! If you share a fate with it, then why not?" Merlin said, laughing. "I remember one of the True Phoenix's young had taken an instant liking to Albus."

"You mean Fawkes, Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix?" Darcie blurted, not believing the creature she had heard so much about had such origins. Her father had mentioned Professor Dumbledore's great luck in possessing a Phoenix several times in the past.

"Hmm, that's the one," Merlin nodded.

"I think it's time you two returned," the Witch of Endor reminded. "Use the brooms. It would save you some time. If no magical creature approaches you, then don't be disheartened. It happens at the right time and age. Just focus on your studies. You can always try next time."

"Go, then," king Solomon commanded.

Darcie truly felt overwhelmed by all the things she had learned in such a brief time. No one could deny that the scale of this information was just too over the top for a girl of her age. But if she had been an ordinary witch, then she would not have had the chance to come here, either.

Darcie gave a curtsy, as befitting her status and name. "Thank you," she said, almost smiling. "Thank you for this opportunity."

This was her opportunity, indeed. The very Greatness existed at the end of this path, and she knew it.

"Good, as long as you understand," Circe giggled. "Don't forget to write to me. Remember, I am the best friend a lady like you can hope for in your teens."

"Seductress!" Abdul Alhazred spat.

"What did you say?!" Circe fumed.

"Let's go," Madam Villanelle said, grabbing Darcie's hand and bringing her away from the round table.

As they crossed the threshold, Darcie looked over her shoulder, eying the six veils of the mist of six colors, each representing a world-shaking figure.

And among them stood the Indigo Chair with its indigo mist, looking back at her in solitude; waiting for the day of her return.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Hey guys, I am extremely sorry to say that I will be limiting the publishing rate of the novel to 5 chapters/week from now on. As you must have felt, the avg. word count of chapters have literally reached around 2k lately. It's quite a burden on me, to say the least, especially when the return to the time I invest into it is almost 0. You all know that I am a working man, and more often than not, have to indulge myself in overtime. So, instead of just dropping the novel, I am trying this for a month, and will take further actions only if things wouldn't work out even then. Anyway, I do hope that the novel is good enough to retain at least the current readers. Thank you and enjoy!!!

PS: I will use the 2 free days to, of course, relax, to work on my original novel, and to increase the number of chapters in the Patron tier for fanfic. If you have some doubts, feel free to approach me on Discord. There is no definite schedule, however. It's possible, I might publish 6 chapters sm week, and 5 in the other. Whatever the case, I will let you guys know at the end of the chapter.

A break tomorrow!