The Sword of Destiny - Grand Showdown Begin!

Reminder: xyz. [Image 100] - This means, there's an image (titled Image 100) pertaining to the sentence "xyz" which I have uploaded on Discord Server. I have stopped asking of readers to join Discord a long time ago, I remember. It's your choice.

Yet, I will say, reading these chapters without the images and GIFs I upload only brings about ~80% of their worth. I invest my time in taking screenshots, finding images and GIFs, and then shifting them from one place to other. If I hadn't thought that they could increase the reading experience drastically, I would have never carried on with it.


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,

Drink up me hearties, yo ho.

We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,

Drink up me hearties, yo ho


The prow of a ship torn apart the veil of the grey and unnatural fog, sailing in the Caribbean sea. [Image 1]

On the main deck, a 10-year-old girl, richly dressed, was singing under her breath, her fascination with the pirates growing stronger with every sentence.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder, and the young girl gasped. [Image 2]

"Quite missy!" Sailor Gibbs warned, looking at the surrounding silent waters with apprehension. "Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't wanna bring them down on us, do you?" [Image 3]

"Mr. Gibbs, that will do," Lieutenant Norrington intervened.

This ship was Dauntless. And this place was Elizabeth Swann's dream.

Eight years ago, Governor Swann sailed on the Dauntless to arrive at the Port Royal. Elizabeth was just a young girl then, and her curiosity about anything related to pirates knew no bounds, despite the concerns of her Lord father.

As they sailed, the Dauntless chanced upon the wreck of a merchant vessel. [Image 4]

It was just before then that Elizabeth spotted the young Will Turner lying unconscious on a piece of driftwood. [Image 5]

After being brought aboard the Dauntless, Elizabeth then noticed a gold medallion about Will's neck, which, after seeing a skull, gave her the thought that he was a pirate. Fearing that the adults would have Will hanged, the young girl took the medallion from Will before he was taken below decks. [Image 6]

As Elizabeth stood on the bow of the Dauntless, looking at the medallion, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, she saw a tall ship with black sails moving silently through the thick fog. [Image 7]

As the ship slipped quickly into the fog, Elizabeth widened her gaze upon realizing it was a pirate ship. Fearing the black-and-white flag billowing in the wind, Elizabeth shut her eyes.

It was then her dream shattered.

It was then the showdown began.



A wraith-like, and the evilest and vile, creature crawled a few inches over the sheet of filth in the sewers.

Wherever this dark creature passed, a thin layer of frost froze everything in his wake. Cold fog surrounded this figure like an overcoat over its already tattered robes. And when it breathed, the creature's breath rattled as if it wanted to take in more than just air into its rotten lungs.

This figure was naturally Dementor-Kai.

At this moment, he was crawling in the sewers under Governor Swann's Manson, taking in whiffs of filth. His Ability neutralized the abominable stench, transforming it into HP. Only after upgrading his Filth Manipulation to Advance had Kai achieved this feat, otherwise, he could only use the filth to enhance his HP regeneration rate.

Still, the transformation of filth to HP was slow enough to make it useless during fights.

It was the greatest source of survival for Kai, however. A rotten place for others, but for the possessors of Filth Manipulation — A Heaven!

There was a bundle of documents in Kai's scabbed and decayed hand.

It was the plot summary Item-M had given him in detail of the original storyline.

'Hmm,' Kai contemplated, his breath freezing the papers. 'Elizabeth must have woken up by now after having that dream. It also means that she has worn the gold medallion around her neck. Time… Time is of the essence. I must be accurate and precise now. Cersei… I am counting a lot on you. Don't disappoint me, my greatest pawn.' [Image 8]

Not unknown to Kai, the entire mansion was covered under the gazes of dozens of Contestants. This was the moment when Governor Swann gifted her daughter the corset, which led her to suffocate later. [Image 9]

This corset was an Artifact.

Not only the mansion, but the entire island of Port Royal had also already welcomed another hundred Contestants by now. Everyone had gone alert, sitting on their haunches like wolves.

The coming few hours would decide who had come out victorious and who had fallen from the grace. Of course, losing meant death.

But Kai hadn't come in the sewers for the golden medallion, as it was nigh impossible to get one's hands over it without causing the descent of higher-floor Contestants. Nor was he here for the corset, which had already squeezed Elizabeth's breasts flat.

His goal was a sword.

And its smith, Will Turner, could be entering the mansion at any moment.

Only the inside of the mansion was still safe from the penetrating gazes of the Contestants.

And unless one could enter the mansion officially, it was just impossible to interact with these major characters during this momentous setting of the original timeline.

Unlike Kai, not everyone had Cersei Lannister to rely on.

There was no true beginning to Phase 3 of Kai's plan. For Phase 3 wasn't something intangible, but corporeal form.

Cersei was Phase 3.

The countless Artifacts were Phase 3.

Blood and Fire were Phase 3 as well, and so was obtaining Jack Sparrow's Compass.

Phase 3… had already begun with no bells.



Just as Governor Swann had called out maids, heading toward Elizabeth's room, Cersei found a chance to swap places with another maid.

In the last two nights, she had gained the favor of young Swann, telling her half-lies and fascinating tales. If it wasn't for Kai's plans, she wouldn't have missed a chance to help Elizabeth with the Corset.

Kai needed her on the ground floor, so there she would be.

Cersei was playing with a lock of her hair when she heard the knock on the main door. Her eyes lit up, and she scurried toward the main hall.

"Ah! Good morning, Mr. Turner," the Butler greeted back the young smith. "Here to deliver the sword, I presume."

"… yes," William Turner nodded, his eyes darting all around. [Image 10]

The Butler smiled at him. "Do wait in the main hall for a moment," he told Will. "Governor Swann is busy with something. Let me announce your presence."

William Turner nodded shyly.

Just as the Butler vanished up the stairs, Cersei sauntered her way to the young man, smiling coquettishly.

Will had just broken a hand of the candelabra and, looking all around, he was hiding it in the vase on the floor. [Image 11]

"William Turner, am I right?" she whispered, making the character jump. "So you are him."

Cersei was not much younger than Elizabeth, and her beauty was no less than the main character, either. Even though she was garbing a maid's wear, it only made her look even more enchanting. Her long golden hair was tied in a ponytail, and there was a playfulness in her soft green eyes.

The moment Will looked at her, he blushed. "What… what do you mean by him?"

Cersei giggled. "Well, I am quite close to Miss Swann, Will," she said, winking at him. "She has talked about you to me often. You can call me Lanny, if you please."

"Has she?" Will asked, astounded, his cheeks gaining an even rosier color. "What did she say?"

"Something girls can't tell a man," Cersei answered, smiling.

William Turner gulped, looking quite expectant and troubled at the same time.

Cersei's eyes flashed with a cunning glint, then. "It's not like I can't share," she whispered, approaching him and running a finger down Will's chest. "Any friend of Miss Swann is my friend as well. How about this? I have heard so much about your smithing skills from Elizabeth. The case in your hands must carry a sword, right? Let me have a look at it, and I will tell you some secrets. But you must hurry, or…"

"This sword…" Will didn't know what to say. At last, he nodded and opened the box. "This is the sword for Captain Norrington," he told her, taking out the sword. "The blade is folded steel. There's gold filigree laid into the handle."

Will unsheathed the sword, spun it in the air, and then handed it to Cersei with both hands. [Image 12]

Cersei wrapped her smooth fingers around the handle and marveled at the beauty. "Quite impressive," she praised, her eyes sparkling with feigned admiration. "You are so brilliant, Will. But… Elizabeth told me you are valiant as well. Are you?"

Will smacked his lips as he heard how Elizabeth thought about him. "Of course," he nodded, puffing his chest. "I practice with swords in the smithy daily."

"Do you, now?" Cersei hissed, smirking. "Well, you wouldn't mind if I were to challenge your claim, handsome."

"Huh? I don't understand…"

Will had just frowned when Cersei darted away from him, laughing and giggling whimsically.

"Ms. Lanny!" Will shouted, chasing her with brisk steps. "Please stop, Ms. Lanny. The sword's rather sharp. You will get cut."

Cersei had already taken a turn, her knowledge about the mansion far surpassing that of William's. "Well," her spirited voice echoed in the empty corridor, "you better catch me fast, Will!"

William Turner hurried and took the turn beyond which Cersei had disappeared.

What awaited him were several rooms and even more corridors, branching off the main one.

Suddenly, the sound of the Governor and the Butler coming down reverberated.

William looked at the long corridor, and then at the main hall, knowing not where to go.



Cersei had lost her smile, and a distinct pride kept flashing across her eyes as she ran toward the sewer's pothole at the back of the mansion.

The sword was pressed against her dress, and there was a springiness in her steps. She knew she had little time, and soon the Butler or the other maid would come looking for her.

This was the first time her master had put so much trust in her, letting her carry the weight of such a monumental task. She couldn't disappoint him.

She mustn't disappoint him. Never.

Since her childhood, there was a grand place for power in her heart. With power, she could do anything. With power, she could rule, enjoy, and live.

With power, she could be a queen.

And for her, Kai had already become all the Power she could ever desire. He was hers. Other girls would come and go, she knew. Only she would stay with him forever, ruling by his side; his throne.

A blush flushed over Cersei's cheeks as her thoughts inadvertently lost themselves in the future, recalling the kisses, warmth, and sense of power. Like always.

By the time she reigned her dwindling imagination, Cersei had already arrived at her destination.

There was no need to signal her arrival, for her master had already sensed her. She could feel him, as he could feel her.

'My love,' Cersei thought, seeing an icy fog escaping from the opening pothole. 'I didn't disappoint you.'




Congratulations Kai Stormborn on finding an Artifact…

Artifact: The Sword of Destiny


Kai's rotten hands caressed the blade, his hazel pupils shining with greed under his tattered hood.

There was no need to mention that Kai dearly wanted it to be an Item. But it was easier said than done. Items, especially the ones like the Sword of Destiny, had strict requirements and ever-changing procedures. Moreover, they needed one to invest a long time to get them.

If Kai had the luxury of time, he could have attempted such a thing. Not now.


Your Title Status is updated…

Title: Proficient Collector

Specification: Collect 50 different Artifacts from any random world and timeline.

Status: (11/50)

Effect: Luck +15

Note: Only 1 Title can be equipped at a time


Kai reluctantly handed the sword back to Cersei. There was no time to waste, he knew. Not only Governor and Elizabeth were about to leave for the Norrington's ceremony, but Jack also was about to arrive at the dock.

And one of the main reasons for Kai's jumping to this world, and to this timeline, was related to the exact time of his arrival. It was only second to the matter of the Compass, and that was saying something in itself.

-/Brilliant!/- Dementor-Kai praised Cersei telepathically. -/You have done a marvelous job, Cersei. Your devotion to me isn't going unnoticed. Go, now. You must have caused quite a ruckus already. And don't forget to apologize to the Governor./-

Cersei's smile widened from ear to ear. The pothole was just open by a margin, so she couldn't see Kai, but she had heard him.

That was enough.

With large strides, Cersei hurried back into the mansion, and Kai slid back into the sewers.

The demonic grin on his hideous mouth went entirely unnoticed.


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