Multiverse Clusterfuck! - Inheritance Land, the Helmet of Fate, and Red Sun

Kai's thoughts were simple.

What did he have to do with any of it? He would just get to Cersei and then jump back to his Timeline with a mere thought.

It was then that the pieces of flesh, which had been smashed apart from the dog by Kai's stomp, wriggled as shadows of iron bars fell over them.

A shadowy hand crawled out of the scattered shadows, and Kai's eyes trembled for an unknown reason.

However, unlike the case of other Protectors and Contestants, the moment this hand took shape, it crumbled. It was as if Kai had something about him that this Shadow Creature couldn't copy.

Jack Sparrow, though, wasn't so lucky.

From the corners of the prison cell, several Shadow Creatures crawled out, and one of them looked exactly like Jack, despite its convoluted figure that looked like bricks piled up together.

The Notification popped up then.

The most horrifying fact was that it wasn't just a dull gray-colored notification, but voices accompanied it, and there were two of them.





All Main Missions, Side Missions, and Hidden Missions are being put to a Delay Status starting now.

The Abnormality Limiter's limitation now stands null.

The current venue within this Random World, Port Royal, and an area of 50 square kilometers around it is now being transformed into the Inheritance Land.

All Contestants present on and around the Island are now being given the Candidacy of the Inheritance.

Inheritance Land: Pirate Lord Henry Morgan, the Shadow Lord

Inheritance Land's Difficulty: C+

Inheritance Land's Summary:

1. The Inheritance is divided into 7 parts based on the 6 major Characters present on the island: Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, William Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Weatherby Swann, and James Norrington

2. The first 6 parts contain 10% each, while the 7th part alone contains 40% of the total Inheritance

3. To obtain the Inheritance, a Contestant must escort at least 1 major Character out of the Inheritance Land's venue using any means

4. Nearing within a meter of a major Character will automatically give a Contestant a temporary rank of Protector. Such Contestants will be confiscated to escort the nearest Character from them.

5. In the case of groups, the Inheritance (- a part of it, depending upon the number of major Characters escorted by the said group-) will be divided into portions before being awarded to the top 5 contributors.

6. Once all major Characters are escorted out of the Inheritance Land's venue, unharmed, the 7th part can be obtained by defeating the Shadow Lord and his Shadow Army

Inheritance Land Objective: Kill the Shadow Lord

Inheritance Land Time Limit: 12 hours

WARNING: Confiscated Contestants will suffer a backlash from the two Systems if they are to refuse from escorting the Character. It is advised to stay away from major Characters if such Contestants aren't confident in their abilities.


Gobsmacked, Kai gawked at the Notification.

His body was already moving away, but even he wasn't that fast.


Contestant Kai Stormborn…

You are hereby confiscated to escort major Character Jack Sparrow out of the Inheritance Land.

A temporary rank of Protector is granted to you as well.

Good Luck.


'Motherfu…' Kai choked on the curse, his eyes bloodshot.

The Shadow Creatures had already surrounded Captain Jack Sparrow.

Kai wasn't the only Contestant who had received the notification about the Inheritance Land. Nor was he the only one who had heard the voices.

The moment Abnormality Limiter's restriction became null, shocking presences exploded everywhere on the Island.

Yet, there was one presence that engulfed the entire Port Royal with such ferocity that even the Protectors' knees shook, forcing them to the ground amid the fight.

This presence belonged to the Supreme-Protector, a top-level 9th-floor Contestant.

"Everyone…" his voice boomed to the furthest corner of the Island, using some unknown power. Strangely, only the Contestants could hear this mighty voice. "… I am the Supreme-Protector of the Shadow Lord. Few of you know the meaning behind these words. To the others, just take me as a 9th-floor Contestant. I don't want to cause a massacre. Please leave the Inheritance Land approaching no major Character. I will give you 10 minutes. Lead-Protectors and the Prime-Protector, you have 1 minute to show yourselves."

All Contestants' minds trembled as they heard those words.




"Damn it…"

Normally, there should have been 5 Lead-Protectors and 1 Prime-Protector on the Island as of now. However, 1 minute came and went, but no Contestant of their caliber announced their presence.

"Don't make me…" the Supreme-Protector had just begun, when the entire world shook.

This was an Inheritance Land of C+ difficulty. That meant all Contestants of the 9th floor and below, who had the Candidacy of this Inheritance, could come to this World to vie for the Inheritance.

It was this reason for which the Supreme-Protector had been hurrying to force the Contestants out of the Inheritance Land, for only top-level 6th-floor Contestants like the Lead-Protectors and Prime-Protector could hope to just stand on the Island and watch the proceedings.

The rest were bugs. All of them.

1 km into the sea from the docks, a gigantic vortex appeared, painting everything in blue. From this teleportation vortex, a galley sailed out, cutting the seawater like paper.

"Hahaha!" a resounding burst of laughter awakened the sleeping ghost. "So, this time has finally come!"

This laughter belonged to the man with blue hair, standing tall over the galley's figurehead. He was wearing a marine's uniform, and his eyes were beaming with greed and lust. Over his head, space warped as many ghosts howled and cried, announcing his presence.

A 7th-floor Contestant!

Another vortex, smaller but not lacking in might, appeared in the air under the darkness of stars.

From this vortex, a man with a black coat and high collars walked out and kept hovering in midair. The collars were so large, in fact, that only his eyes were visible; black and sinister.

Another 7th-floor Contestant!

The moment these Contestants arrived, they too felt the stifling pressures originating from Port Royal.

The source of this pressure belonged to two powerful people.

The Shadow Lord, whose might was still increasing, had already surpassed the level of mid-level 8th-floor Contestant. The other was the 9th-floor Contestant himself.

Shockingly, his status of Supreme-Protector hadn't been lifted after the appearance of Inheritance Land, making him incapable of vying for the Inheritance.

A grave expression fell on the faces of the two 7th-floor Contestants as they sensed the explosive ripples spreading out from the 9th-floor Contestant. Obviously, Systems had already shared with them the details related to the Inheritance Land.

There couldn't be only two 7th-floor Contestants who possessed the Candidacy. By now, even more 7th-floor and a few 8th-floor Contestants should have arrived here. Naturally, after seeing the details, and guessing a Supreme-Protector's presence, those Candidates refused to get teleported, saving their Candidacy for another chance.

For only these two to still come here meant that they knew something that the other Candidates didn't.

Sure enough, a massive teleportation tear ran through the sky as if the night itself had been torn apart in two halves.

"This is…" the Supreme-Protector mumbled, and for the first time, his pupils shook behind the helmet.

From the tear, a single person descended, and once more, every Contestant other than the Supreme-Protector, was forced to bend their knee. Some even lost their lives on the spot because of the relentless attacks from the Shadow Creatures.

A 9th-floor Contestant had arrived!

This newly arrived Contestant had a headful of red hair and an overly muscular build, and he was wearing a loose, white t-shirt over blue jeans shorts. It didn't look like he had come here to obtain Inheritance, but as if he was taking a mere walk in the park.

Others weren't so lucky, though.

The moment the flash of the tear subsided, and the Supreme-Protector saw who had come, his entire body went taut. "Red Sun!" he exclaimed, his tone incredibly grave. "The leader of the Sun and Moon Organization…"

Yes, he was none other than Robin, the 9th-floor Contestant Kai and Petyr had fooled during their mission in the Pokemon World.

Contestant Red Sun, expressionless, watched the entire land with his black eyes. Only a few moments later did he look at the Shadow Lord and the Contestant hovering at the same height as him, hundreds of meters away.

"The Helmet of Fate…" Robin said, raising an eyebrow, eying the lustrous gold helmet. "… And the strength of the top-level 9th-floor. I know only one such Contestant. You must be Nexus from Order."

A world-shaking fight was about to begin, but for others, like the two 7th-floor Contestants, it was a chance as well.

A chance to fish on the troubled grounds!


Over at Fort Charles, a boom resounded, and Kai leaped out from the broken wall, carrying Jack Sparrow over his shoulder.

His face had a touch of flush because of the excessive drinking, but it wasn't something that could hold him back from using all his strength, either. Not when the blade of the crisis was hovering inches above his neck.

Murasame hovered around him, cutting through hundreds of Shadow Creatures lunging at them. In his left hand was Afro's Tachi, hacking at the tiny, flying Shadow Creatures, who looked like bats.

"It's over, mate," Jack Sparrow mumbled as if there was a life-threatening danger to be worried about. "Yeh don' know what it took last time to defeat him, eh? It's over…"

Kai couldn't have cared less. In his mind, there were only two words.

His Items!

Kai, too, had heard the words the Supreme-Protector had said magically. He, too, had felt the pressure of a 9th-floor Contestant. He, too, had sensed the coming of strong Contestants, and an even stronger presence that didn't lose to that of Contestant Nexus.

This wasn't a world anymore where he could vie for benefits, Kai knew.

But things had scarcely gone according to his wishes.