The Devourers! - Limitless and Supreme: Unsealling the Sword of Calamity

The two problems mentioned by the Sword Spirit weren't mere problems, but a kind of handicaps.

And, Kai knew, if the fortune mentioned by it couldn't outshine those handicaps, then they would only worsen.

-… This fortune is also divided into two parts,- the faceless being hissed. -First, if you can raise your Intelligence and Breath to around 30 Points, then I have the confidence to let you project a part of Reality Marble onto Reality. It can let you Release me for some time. You can imagine the hideousness of this power. You will be a walking fortress. Second… is my existence.

-You never possessed a Nichirin Sword or an Asauchi. So, it should have been impossible for you to go through the Spiritual Awakening according to the standard. But yours truly intervened, fusing the concepts of Mana and Breath, resulting in this Reality Marble. This didn't make you an existence like Ichigo from the Bleach World, but you can consider your circumstances to be no different from his as well.-

-What do you mean?- Kai hissed, narrowing his eyes.

The Sword Spirit cackled demonically and outstretched its hands. Its head lifted, and it seemed to eye the entire sky, the constellation, its gaze going beyond.

-Our nature is to Devour, Kai. Our essence is to Seal,- the yellow-haired being proclaimed. -There's a duality in us, polar and non-polar. Perhaps it is because of this you had practiced the art of dual swords in the past. Or, it is also possible that your dual swords birthed this duality. It doesn't matter. What truly matters is that because of this duality, I have gained two aspects in my form.

-My one aspect is Limitless. My other aspect is the Great Firmament or the Supreme. The Limitless restricts the Supreme, while the Supreme restricts the Limitless, birthing the Parselscript. It is this Script that seals everything in between my two aspects. I have my own thoughts, personality, and self. Yes. But I am also a reflection of you, Kai Stormborn. We are the Sealers. We are the Devourers. How could my Individuality differ from yours? How could the Imprint cast by my existence on the Vast Cosmos differ from yours?-

His expression didn't show it, but Kai's heart was racing wildly.

Individuality and the Imprint cast on the Vast Cosmos.

Both were the terms Chaos had used to describe Kai's Glitch, Blood Devour, the manifestation of his Individuality.

Kai was already shaking with excitement, his gaze expectant. -You mean…-

-Keke!- the Sword Spirit cackled, looking at Kai. -All Zanpakuto need base swords to release themselves. All, but I. I don't need them. All swords, dead or sentient, possess a will. I can seal this will between my two aspects, devouring their existence. This means… I can be Released using any two swords. Keke! As long as you possess two swords, whose wills don't contradict your Demonic Will, then you can use them to bring out my Initial Release.

-Not only you can use the powers of my Released form, then, but I can also devour a part of those swords' powers. I am a Zanpakuto whose Shikai changes with the swords used to Release me. I am… the Sealer of Swords! Get over here! Murasame!-

The Sword Spirit raised its long arm outward and commanded the sword to appear.


The silent world shook, and a pillar of blood exploded out of the blood ocean, its height reaching hundreds of meters.

From this blood pillar, a heaven-shaking presence of a sword emanated, making the hearts tremble.

A long Katana blurred out of this blood pillar, tearing through the space.


A loud, screeching whistle echoed everywhere, and the Katana's hilt landed on the Sword Spirit's left hand.

The moment those long, clawed fingers wrapped themselves around Murasame's hilt, a yellow stroke appeared on the blade, just under the hilt.

This yellow stroke was the same as on Kai's forehead. Yet, it was also different. If one were to even try to find out what exactly was different between these two strokes, then that person's mind would shatter, crippling his consciousness.

Such was the power hidden within the script that could seal anything.

Some mysteries… were better not be pried into.

-I couldn't save Afro's Tachi,- the Sword Spirit mumbled. -And the Named Swords' Quality can't be enhanced by any means, unlike the unnamed ones. So, to increase its Quality, I infused a part of our Spiritual Awakening, letting it drench in the Blood Ocean. From now on, Murasame's Released form will be called… Limitless Murasame!-

An ethereal boom rang out as the Sword Spirit called out the sword.

Kai could always feel a will inside the sword, a cursed presence. A will that wanted to curse everyone and everything. Yet, it had never become sentient.

Now, however, this will was waking up, its level of existence transcending under the might of the Sword Spirit.

It didn't gain true intelligence, Kai could tell. Even then, he could sense a hint of emotion within the sword.

Suddenly, in Kai's eyes and mind, an image appeared. This image… was that of a girl.

This girl was extremely pretty, with long black hair that reached down to her knees. She had red eyes and was wearing a black top over a black skirt. Her legs had black socks and black shoes, and her hands were gloves as well.

Yet, despite this apparent beauty, the girl's entire figure was covered in cursed black flames. Her very existence felt extremely evil as if no one was worthy to look at her and only she could show disdain toward all the living. [Image 1]

Kai recognized the girl. It was the exact image of Akame, the major-storyline character. The sword seemed to have birthed a will in her image.

-Keke! Stunningly beautiful, isn't it?- the Sword Spirit cackled, eying the Katana and its evil presence. -Time is running out… for both of us. You must use the swords to Release me before the Reality Marble crumbles. Your first use of Shikai will also open your Reiatsu Vents, letting you access both Reiryoku and Reiatsu. It's also possible that the System will recognize your transformation, awarding you those two Stats.-

Kai's breathing quickened. -The second sword…-

Afro's Tachi was already gone. So Kai needed another sword to act as the Supreme aspect of the Sword Spirit. Not to mention, this new sword's will must be in line with Murasame's will, which, in turn, was already in line with Kai's will.

Both Demonic, through-and-through.

-Keke!- the Sword Spirit cackled. -It's impossible for you to not have sensed its presence when its evil aura is already exciting my lust for it. I have only felt one presence eviler than this. And that presence belongs to you; to us.-

Kai's head slowly snapped toward his right, his eyes landing on a blue-haired figure. He indeed had sensed it. An evil presence so great that it could engulf the entire blood ocean. A strength so vast that not even the Shadow Lord had made Kai's heart tremble so.

That's why he hadn't thought about obtaining that sword.

Howsoever would he obtain such a heart-palpating weapon?

-It's powerful. Shockingly powerful,- the Sword Spirit hissed, its tone gaining a rare touch of graveness. -I had sensed it beheading the Supreme-Protector in one stroke, along with all life other than Jack Sparrow and William Turner on the ship.-

"What?!" bitter words exploded out from Kai's mouth in shock.

-There's a seal on the girl's heart, sealing the sword,- the Sword Spirit mumbled. -This will be the last test for you, Kai. I will use all the remaining power of your Spiritual Awakening, temporarily increasing your Intelligence and Breath to 50 Points. Obtain this sword and call out my name. Release me. And you will have the Power you have always so desired. Are you ready?-

The tips of Kai's decayed fingers and toes throbbed in excitement. Was he ready?

When had he not been ready?

The Sword Spirit didn't wait for an answer. It could feel Kai's heart, and the murderous intention hidden within it.

The yellow-haired being cackled, and then flicked its hand.

In the distance, Moraine the Elegant's hair was disheveled, her entire figure shaking under the might of pressure. If it wasn't for the evil, reddish-purple mist seeping out from her heart, she would have already burst apart into thousands of bloody pieces.

Yet, it was this mist itself that had brought the dreadful expression on her face, a sense of apocalypse in her heart.

It was then the pressure hammering at her heart suddenly vanished.

It was like a substantial amount of pressure was being generated by a flood, and then the dam's massive gates suddenly burst apart.


With a massive boom, the seal on her heart broke, and the mist exploded from her heart, becoming an evil, foggy pillar, reaching the dark sky.

"No!" Moraine screamed, her eyes red. "It will kill us all! Don't let it out! Not again!"

Kai's eyes widened as he looked at that reddish-purple pillar. He also heard the screams. -Save her,- he hissed.

The Sword Spirit instantly disappeared, and when it returned, it's one hand was on Moraine's shoulder.

"FREEDOM!" a colossal voice boomed through the Reality Marble. "I HAVE FINALLY ATTAINED FREEDOM!"

Under the gazes of Kai, Moraine, and the Sword Spirit, the entire Sky gained a purple hue, drowning all the stars into a purplish sea of fog. All but the pale yellow star in the hole in the sky.

"What have you done?!" Moraine mumbled, her head down, her entire body shaking under the despair caused by Dementor-Kai. "You have no idea. You…"

The Sword Spirit's grip over her shoulder tightened, making her gulp down the next words.

Kai ran his tongue over his lips, his hazel pupils burning, imagining what was to come. "What is it?" he asked.

"It's… It's an Artifact sealed inside my heart by the Temple because they couldn't control it," Moraine forced out the words. "An Artifact that is destined to become… a top-level Uncommon-grade Named Item. It's the Sword of Death. It's the Sword of Hell. It's…"

"… Sounga, the Sword of Calamity!"


AN: A Break Tomorrow.